Aquarius Monkey Personality
The Monkey Aquarius is always picking things apart to find out their root cause, primary drive, or single smallest component, and this characteristic may make some of your less inquisitive acquaintances uncomfortable, especially when it applies to impolite social topics (your Aquarius side loves to shock).
This is not to say that you should curtail your investigative Monkey-style activities, just cloak them in a mantle of silence until all is in readiness.
You may want to spare some though as to what to do with the answers once you’ve found them — after all, that’s a great deal of time and effort to waste if there’s no return!
The entertainment possibilities of acquired knowledge are not lost on you — if anything, you may be lost within them if your taste for intellectual self-indulgence at last manages to get the better of you.
Last updated on November 21, 2014 at 9:07 pm. Word Count: 143