How To Balance Your Budget Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Some signs splurge and spend, while others save; each one has their areas of extravagance and discipline. Know yours and you can ease off in both directions to find a better balance in both your budget and your behavior.
Taurus adores food, drink and comfort, so it’s no surprise that their money goes toward personal indulgence. But they can be also be spendy when it comes to high-tech items for themselves and, generously, gifts for others.
Leo knows they were born to live like monarchs. They enjoy attracting attention, so their money often goes toward impressing others. However, they’ll scrimp on things that few others see -– towels, practical home items, even underwear!
Libra likes to look elegant, so these folks will spend madly on clothes. They love to entertain and live in beautiful surroundings, so money will rollick out on wardrobe, decor and keeping guests happy. Like Leo, they’re less concerned with the mundane trivia of life.
While Capricorn likes to look understated, they still insist on top quality in cars, household equipment and food. Rarely flamboyant, they can still go through sizable amounts of money in no time. They dislike buying ephemeral frivolities, instead preferring purchases that last over time.
Cancer likes to entertain, so they must have a house large and elegant enough to keep a steady supply of friends rolling through. They’ll spend lavishly on house decor, kitchen equipment and food.
Virgois usually fairly balanced when it comes to spending, but they can also occasionally succumb to chaotic thinking. Because of this, money sometimes disappears through scattered spending sprees.
Aries and Sagittarius go for adventure every time, so their travel and entertainment bills can run high. What depresses these brazen folks most is spending money on everyday necessities.
When they go on a spending binge, Pisces will go for music, DVDs, photography equipment and items to enhance their home entertainment center.
Aquarius and Gemini crave books, travel and computer equipment of every variety; the day-to-day items of life bore them and make them feel weighed down.
Finally, Scorpio is highly discreet about their spending — and unsurprisingly, sexy underwear is high on their must-have list. These folks also have unique taste in home decor, so they often have to pay more for less common designs. Generally, however, they’re good with cash and always manage to keep a surplus set aside.
Last updated on April 20, 2017 at 7:36 pm. Word Count: 398