Astrology and Horoscopes

Birth Chart Rectification

Birth time Rectification

birth-timeRectification is the art of taking an approximate time of birth, and through the use of astrology, refining it to the precise instant of birth. It is one of the most specialized areas of astrology, not to be taken lightly, that requires insight, experience, awareness and much care.

Most birth times are not recorded accurately. There are many reasons why all birth times should be regarded as approximate. For instance, the inaccuracy of timepieces, the carelessness of a busy doctor or nurse failing to note the precise time and later estimating the instant, a parent’s hazy recollection of an event long past or it may consist of a hypothetical determination of a birthtime wholly unknown to the native.

It would be misleading to calculate a chart for noon with an unknown birthtime. If you place the ascendant at 0 degree Aries for a natural house emphasis and fill in the planets for noon, and allow for a movable moon, you can observe the general pattern and aspects of the chart. The transits ( actual movement of the planets) to the planets may be helpful in assessing trends in the life, but one must understand that the findings can only be partial and generalized.

A popular method, Primary Directions one object is to determine the time of events (rectification by events) which is based on the daily rotation of Earth on its axis, This method was used by astrologers such as Zadkiel, Alan Leo, and Vivian Robson. Here directions were calculated exact to the date of a significant event, (the first accident or illness, the death of a parent, etc.), and exact aspects involving the houses were hoped for. This method ‘s mathematical complexity is tedious and includes a multiplicity of slightly different approaches, and without any consensus as to the opinion of which one is correct.

Another supposed method of rectification is the Pre-Natal Epoch (Tritune of Hermes). Thus, if you know the time the child was conceived, you know the precise moment of birth. The most condemning objection to its use is the birth of identical twins which presumably have the same pre-natal epoch, but are nevertheless are born at different times.

Planetary Hours in astrological tradition states that every hour of the day is said to be ruled by a particular planet. The names of the days determined by the opening ruler. Blatvasky gave an alternative method by dividing not into 24 hour arcs of time, but into four. The first semi-diurnal arc sequence beginning with Monday, the entire week running in the traditional order. Others such as Koenig’s method and Degree Symbols have all attracted a following in the past, but current experience finds all these methods unreliable.

Though Primaries are slow, the basic idea of using events to determine the correct time of birth is highly desirable. It is through the concept of progressions that it becomes practical. When a complete cycle of time is related to another complete cycle of time.

List of events

It is important when rectifying a chart that one comprises a list of events. So what is an event? Events are subjective, although many areas of life are common the quality of the event is different, The same event, a graduation, romance, marriage, will affect another quite differently.

For example a man who had to relocate his family to another state, due to his career, regarded it as a step up the ladder. He was motivated, excited, while his wife was resigned, but hopeful. The quality of events is shown through the symbolism of sign, planet, and aspect, the operative part is related to the house symbolism.

The questioning of this list is a very important part of rectification. There is no standard set of rules to questions. The strength of an event should be considered and weighed to the individuals experience of the event.

For example, the death of a parents may not involve the actual timing of the death itself, but perhaps on how the client reacted to the event. For instance, did the client react immediately to the news or was there a delayed reaction. As an example, there was a case where a sedated mother gave birth and just wasn’t sure of the precise time of birth. If a man then the time of the news is significant, and not the birth, however, do not throw caution to the wind. For example, a question was put to a male client as to how he reacted when he heard the news of a birth. Well it turned out that it wasn’t significant. He heard the news 3 months after the event.

Careful examination is necessary to determine what is significant and what is not. Sudden accidents are very useful because their nature is quite clear. Keep in mind, the strength of an event must comply with the strength of the astrological symbolism.

For instance, one would not use secondary progressed Pluto to relate to an upset stomach, but would use progressed Mercury for a journey. Mercury’s motion is fast enough to relate to the superficiality of the event, Pluto is like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut.

The inaccuracy of a birthtime is approximately 5 minutes. We are correcting the house cusps more than anything else The Moon may have moved 3, but the planets, including the Sun, may not have moved at all. The natal houses do move, with the Ascendant moving as much as 2 degrees, and the Midheaven over a degree.Thus, when we rectify a chart we look at the progressed positions in relation to the events. We are only concerned with the exact progressed positions involving the natal and progressed houses. The solar arc method is found to be reliable and setting the sidereal time on each progressed day is found to be unsound, both theoretically and practically.

When astrologers find an error of time to expand a few hours or are presented with an unknown time of birth, the best we can do is inspired guesswork. There is no technique to find reliably the correct time of birth from an unknown time. When we have made our guesses, the rules of rectification must be applied. In trying to find an unknown Ascendant it is important to work with the client to get a qualitive agreement with both the natal chart and the individual. When agreeing to a sign for the Ascendant, work with different degrees and see what kind of valid results are taking place, astrologers continue to refine these techniques.

Last updated on February 18, 2017 at 1:17 pm. Word Count: 1086