January 7 Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn
If you are born on January 7 your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn.
Birthday Meanings of People Born On January 7
- Your zodiac sign is Capricorn
- Your element is Earth
- Your rulers are Saturn, Mars and Venus
This birth date of January 7 carries with it a deep awareness and understanding of what is right, proper, correct and acceptable in relation to the terms of what is expected by society.
As a January 7 zodiac sign Capricorn you may have the feeling at times that your personal desires have to be restricted in favour of those that are expected of you.
If you find that you are experiencing such feelings then now is the time to incorporate into your life the joy and pleasure of doing that which makes you the happiest. Set out to discover what it is you really love and then work to creating a space within your life for it.
Capricorn, you will discover that you will feel far less restricted once you have created your own boundaries and, that you have opened yourself to the recognition that you have agreed, whether it be either consciously or unconsciously, to the situations in your life.
You should agree to the exploration of your own inner wealth of resources and, to open yourself to new experiences. In other words go and climb your own mountain in life.
The birthday of 7 January identifies one who is interested in the unravelling of what is essential from that which is trivial.
This does not infer that you should continually show a serious face because your own funniness, humour and intelligence can always see the humour of humanity’s motivation.
Your birth date astrology shows that under the influence of Venus your personal style is that of the understated and classic and, you are one who enjoys being in a well-appointed environment that doesn’t feel overcrowded.
As a January 7 birthday you will place great value on your privacy. In addition sounds are a quality in life that hold importance for you. As example, consider a collection of nature music sounds as a soothing relaxation medium.
Aim to be a participant rather than an observer. Delve deep and draw from the well of experience. Utilize your hands to create; try gardening, carpentry, needlework or pottery for example.
Objects of particular pleasure for the January 7 Capricorn you may include; carved ivory, archaeological pieces and classical style sculptures.
On the outdoor scene, your January 7 birth date derives particular comfort from gardening, nature and trees. Both the Cypress and Pine tree hold a strong association with those of your birth date.
Since those of your birth date like to get back to the basic in life you should look to the wonders of nature. Wandering along a secluded lake front or the sea shore for example.
Immerse yourself in life, sit quietly, watch and enjoy the ebb and flow of the ocean tide or, you might even like to indulge in an adventures moonlight skinny dip.
January 7 horoscope shows that your special numbers are 8 and 7
The numerology of January 7 birthday shows that the seventh day of the first month reduces to eight and, the number eight signifies the ups-and-downs in the cycles of life.
The seventh day of the year reduces to seven, and the number seven supports your path by imposing upon you periods of rest between creations.
Understand that nothing is fixed or finite. Whether you relate to the annual cycles of agriculture, from seed planting to the harvesting of crops, or, the production cycle of a manufactured product, know that nothing is fixed.
Last updated on August 23, 2017 at 10:35 pm. Word Count: 601