Cancer Through The Houses
Cancer On Twelfth House Cusp
Cancer in 12th house – Cancer on the cusp of the twelfth house Compassionate and sensitive to the emotions of other people and creatures, you can easily give up your own emotional needs for those of others. But unless you are truly and genuinely inspired in giving to others, you may eventually be worn down by others’ inability to care for …
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Cancer in the 11th house – Cancer on the cusp of the eleventh house You look to your social circles – friends and acquaintances – for emotional nurturing, support and protection. You are sensitive to the emotions of others, and team/group/collaborative efforts may help you feel protected and nurtured through a sense that you each and all take care of each …
Read MoreCancer On Tenth House Cusp (the Midheaven)
Cancer in 10th house – Cancer on the cusp of the tenth house Your public identity is rooted in your ability to maintain or sustain your sense that you are emotional cared for and protected. Whether you are conscious of it or not, your childhood or childhood activities and associations likely define you in the public and professional arena of your …
Read MoreCancer On Ninth House Cusp
Cancer in the 9th house – Cancer on the cusp of the ninth house With Cancer On Ninth House Cusp you likely find emotional nurturing and protection in or through your philosophical and/or spiritual beliefs. This is an interesting position for Cancer, as you may take on roles that have you acting as both teacher and parent. You may find others …
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Cancer in 8th house – Cancer on the cusp of the eighth house You likely seek power and/or influence through your ability to nurture and protect yourself and/or others emotionally. You likely strive to be supportive and nurturing to others emotionally as a point of power or dominance over them. People with strong 8th house elements usually need to be cautious …
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Cancer in 7th house – Cancer on the cusp of the seventh house You, more than any other placement, seek out partners who remind you of your mother or of strong maternal-feminine influences in your early life…or you seek out partnerships with similar dynamics to the relationship(s) you had with your mother or the early female role models in your life. …
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Cancer in 6th house – Cancer on the cusp of the sixth house With Cancer On Sixth House Cusp your everyday activities (work, service) focus on emotional nostalgia. You may find yourself constantly striving to sustain or reclaim your youth through various health and wellness practices. Your day-to-day life may be very reminiscent of the environment or patterns and practices of …
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Cancer in 5th house – Cancer on the cusp of the fifth house With Cancer On Fifth House Cusp you find the most pleasure and joy in your recreational pursuits when you are in the company of people or engaging in activities that are from or reminiscent of your childhood. You seek to feel emotionally nurtured, cared for, and/or protected by …
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Cancer in 4th house – Cancer on the cusp of the fourth house With Cancer On Fourth House Cusp the foundation of your personal-private persona and your life is your family and loved ones. They are everything to you emotionally, and you thrive on the nurturing and protection they provide you and that you can provide for them. In fact, for …
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Cancer in 3rd house – Cancer on the cusp of the third house You tend to intellectualize or rationalize your emotions, making it difficult for you to express yourself in a purely or traditionally emotional way. Your emotions and your feelings about yourself often appear through the choices you make, especially in regard to educating yourself and in communicating with others. …
Read MoreCancer On Second House Cusp
Cancer in 2nd house – Cancer on the cusp of the second house Your emotions play a significant role in your obtaining or generating the financial-material-physical resources to meet your basic survival needs. Your family or your childhood surroundings may have a major influence in your feelings about money and material possessions. The lifestyle you strive to create for yourself is …
Read MoreCancer In The 1st House
Cancer in the 1st house – Cancer on the cusp of the first house With Cancer in the 1st house you identify yourself through your emotions. Your self-identity is rooted either in nurturing and protecting yourself emotionally, or in your ability to care for those you consider to be your emotional cornerstones – the people you care about most (who are …
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