Birth Chart Interpretations
Moon – Saturn Aspects – The Call of the Hungry Soul
People ask me: Why do you write about food, and eating and drinking? Why don’t you write about the struggle for power and security, and about love, the way other’s do? M. F. K. Fisher, The Art of Eating Life begins with a food fest: a cry, a breast, and chorus of celebratory hormones. A good meal is a nutritive …
Read MoreMars – Pluto Aspects
Mars and Pluto: A very powerful combination of planetary forces which gives rise to many tests involving the expression of the desire nature and the direction of will power. When these two are in hard aspect (especially when functioning from the personality level), there is the tendency to use the will (the First Ray of Pluto) in order to subjugate …
Read MoreMars – Neptune Aspects
Mars and Neptune: This is a very powerful expression of the Sixth Ray upon which both of these planets are found. The message is clear: a strong connection has to be made between the energies of the solar plexus and those of the indwelling Christ Principle (the Crown Chakra and its relationship to the pineal gland). This is an incarnation …
Read MoreMars – Uranus Aspects
Mars and Uranus: This can be a very positive influence when activated from the level of the Soul. It is then that Uranus as the governing force of the sacral (sexual) center * inspires the generation of those forms and activities that advance the Path and the Plan. Thus one’s desires become the desires of the Soul! When these planets …
Read MoreMars – Saturn Aspects
Mars and Saturn: This is not the easiest of combinations from the level of the personality, especially when in conjunction, or in any of the hard aspects. Saturn and Mars produce complexities in their blending, producing mental blocks and patterns that inhibit the flow of intuition. Very often there is the urge to focus the desires with such strength that …
Read MoreMars – Jupiter Aspects
Mars and Jupiter: In most cases this is a very positive combination of energies and indicates the spiritual warrior doing battle in the name of Wisdom. In the positive aspects (including the conjunction to a large extent), courage blends with idealism in order to harmonize duality and increase the presence of consciousness and higher knowledge in the world. The hard …
Read MoreVenus – Mars Aspects
Mars and Venus: The harmonious blending of these two planets results in a “celestial marriage” of the most beautiful sort. It is here that the union of sexuality and love bring about the evolution of personal consciousness. There is the stimulation of a positive relationship between the solar plexus chakra and the Third Eye. This brings our sub-conscious instinctual patterns …
Read MoreMercury – Mars Aspects
Mars and Mercury: A friendly combination as the mind serves to bring logic and order to the direction of the necessary transformations we need to undergo upon the Path. The positive Mars – Mercury aspects help to birth those ideas which support our personal evolution and our urge to serve. The conjunction of Mercury and Mars intensifies the need to …
Read MoreMoon – Mars Aspects
Mars and the Moon: This is not the easiest of unions as there is often a stimulation of the instinctive nature making it more difficult to be consciously aware of one’s emotional life patterns. There is an urge to break free from the past while at the same time a fear of release into a set of new life circumstances. …
Read MoreSun – Mars Aspects
Mars and the Sun: Aspects between these two bodies stimulates the solar plexus and strongly activate the desire nature and a consequent challenge in terms of its purification and control. This is especially the case when Mars and the Sun are conjoined (and even more so if the conjunction takes place in water or fire). Yet there is much inherent …
Read MoreJupiter Opposition Saturn
The purpose of an opposition between two planets is to enable the individual with this situation to gain a greater awareness of the two forces in his or her life that create conflict. This tension in itself is the teacher yet without the developed consciousness to perceive the lesson, the individual continues to suffer. Jupiter in opposition to Saturn, indicates …
Read MoreVenus Trine Pluto
A comfortable sexuality and a soft-sell visceral charm is the hallmark of the Venus-Pluto trines. There’s more of a “boy-next-door” sex appeal – Michael Jordan, Michael J. Fox, and skater Kurt Browning. These folks aren’t in your face with it, they’re not as compulsive about love as the hard aspects are, but the magnetism is there all the same. Many …
Read MoreVenus Opposition Pluto
We see some very powerful men in this group – Robert Kennedy, Howard Hughes, U.S. Treasurer Donald Regan, and Nazi General Rommel. What is common with the opposition, as contrasted with the conjunction or square, is the tendency to project Plutonian motives outward, i.e., that others wish to control or use one. Hughes, once well known for his liaisons with …
Read MoreVenus Square Pluto
Folks with the square can push their maleness or femaleness too hard – Englebert Humperdinck, Bruce Lee, Lana Turner, Jayne Mansfield, and Stephanie Powers are among these. There can even be a certain sardonic humor about the masculine or feminine personas of folks with the square, like the bad-boy image of Jack Nicholson. Goldie Hawn, Lucille Ball, and Sandra Bernhard …
Read MoreVenus Conjunct Pluto
Venus – Pluto Conjunction Except where other important aspects are present, people with the conjunction have no picture of relationship other than a Plutonian one – they can’t conceive of love without intensity, without power being an issue, without passion, without finances and resources entering into the match, perhaps without a battle for control, and, on the positive side, without …
Read MoreVenus-Pluto Aspects
With this aspect, Venus, the carrier of sensuality, pleasure, sociability, and artistic tastes meets Pluto, the great seat of evolutionary power and passion. Venus – Pluto and Western Culture In Western cultures, with its puritanical emphasis on thrift, hard work, and moral abstemiousness, the combination of Venus–the pleasure principle–and Pluto–the passionate, chthonic, darker side of nature–is often considered taboo and …
Read MoreVenus – Saturn Aspects
Although not the most puzzling or contradictory of planetary combinations, the Venus-Saturn combination may be one of the most ennobling and challenging of astrological pairs. If Venus is the planet of pleasure, love, and enjoyment, it is arguably the least likely planet to want to the gravity, seriousness, and responsibility of Saturn. As the Saturn-Venus combination may give rise to …
Read MoreAries On Twelfth House Cusp
Aries in 12th house – Aries on the cusp of the twelfth house. Your actions are compassionate and sensitive to the survival of the world and its creatures. Your intuition and empathy are on high alert pretty much all of the time, and your actions are very relfective of what you are feeling within you and/or around you. Be aware that …
Read MoreAries On Eleventh House Cusp
Aries in 11th house – Aries on the cusp of the eleventh house. Your actions are probably inspired or (strongly) influenced by your social circle(s) and/or by the collective needs of society or humanity. Be careful that you don’t fall into the idea that you are a leader just because you do something first. You may find that you may be …
Read MoreAries On Tenth House Cusp
Aries in 10th house – Aries on the cusp of the tenth house. Your actions are usually taken for public or professional identification or gain. Your self-image is rooted in your public and professional role(s) and the actions you take in that (or those) roles. It is likely that others will measure your professional credentials or your public credibility by your …
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