Astrology and Horoscopes

Birth Chart Interpretations

Aries On Ninth House Cusp

Aries in 9th house – Aries on the cusp of the ninth house. You are drawn to activities which inspire you to take actions in alignment with philosophical and/or spiritual beliefs. Be careful that good intentions to share or teach your beliefs do not become dogmatic pressures on others to believe what you believe. You may find that communicating the wisdom of …

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Aries On Eight House Cusp

Aries in 8th house – Aries on the cusp of the eighth house. Your sense of self is likely affected by or in response to the actions of others. You may be benefitting from the actions of others rather than on your own merits, garnering wealth and abundance from or through them (and you may be seen as truly blessed or …

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Aries On Seventh House Cusp

Aries in 7th house – Aries on the cusp of the seventh house. You likely seek partners or engage in partnerships with people who are very active on your behalf or who are very responsive (or reactive) to your actions. On the flip side, you may not be willing to take action for yourself and things are that important to you …

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Aries On Sixth House Cusp

Aries in 6th house – Aries on the cusp of the sixth house. You are very active in attending to your everyday activities (work, service). It’s likely that you do a LOT in your day, and most of it is done attending to the practical day-to-day details of your life. You may find you have great dificulty in leaving the actvities …

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Aries On Fifth House Cusp

Aries in 5th house – Aries on the cusp of the fifth house. You find great pleasure in doing things that bring you joy and pleasure, especially with loved ones. You are apt to be assertive, and you like to take the lead in planning activities or dates. Even if you don’t actually get to make the plans, once the plans …

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Aries On Fourth House Cusp

Aries in 4th house – Aries on the cusp of the fourth house. The foundation of your personal or private persona and life built upon your ability to take action in your family and/or home environments. You may feel most ‘at home’ doing things around the house, or being in action for your family or closest loved ones. You may find …

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Aries On Third House Cusp

Aries in 3rd house – Aries on the cusp of the third house. You communicate through your actions. You are the epitome of the idea that “actions speak louder than words”. In fact, your actions (or the lack thereof) will be more true of what you really think and feel than anything that comes out of your mouth…unless you’ve learned that …

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Aries On Second House Cusp

Aries in 2nd house – Aries on the cusp of the second house. You meet your basic survival and/or comfort needs through your ability to get things started and/or to do things to generate the material, financial or physical resources you need to manifest and support your lifestyle. In some cases, your ability to generate your personal resourcefulness and wealth is …

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Aries On First House Cusp

Aries on the cusp of the first house. The sign of Aries offers to the individual good training for a higher and more spiritual life. Through the “I AM” concept of Aries, the individual has the ability of survival and the ability of expression. Here are two energies of different polarities acting on a single center. The energy of Aries …

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Pluto In Cancer

Pluto in Cancer Four years, 19 1 2- 1916, both Neptune and Pluto transited Cancer disrupting the home and traditional values of all kinds. Pluto remained in Cancer until 1938. The Cancerian United States went through one world war and prepared for the second. Many of those born during this period suffered broken homes. The society as a whole had …

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Neptune In Leo

Neptune in Leo We tend to think of these slow moving planets as not being personal to individuals, but rather to generations. Such is not the case. They only influence a more easily identifiable group of people who still use this influence in the context of the rest of the chart. This is true of all planetary positions. Neptune in …

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Uranus In Pisces

Uranus in Pisces This can be a blending of the mystical and intangible with ingenious mental ability. You will tend to care about everyone without becoming overly involved. Platonic friendship is an important element in everything you do. You tend to refuse to follow any set pattern or rules of any kind. You refuse to be limited or tied down. …

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Jupiter In Sagittarius

Jupiter in Sagittarius With this position, there is a need to organize and to deal with organizations of all sizes. The assignment for this sign and its ruler is to make everything within the walls of Saturn meaningful. A place for everything and everything in its place. You believe in the abundance of the universe and wish to make use …

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Mars In Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn Mars In Capricorn position demands constant readjustment. It is considered a good position to channel the energy of Mars into constructive activities. You will find yourself constantly dealing with obstacles which need adjustment. You will spend much time working with divergent points of view. You are, nevertheless, in a position to make decisions and chart your own …

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Venus In Gemini

Venus in Gemini This position of Venus indicates a surface vivaciousness in your personality and actions. You are able to put on a good show, thereby attracting and fooling your audience into thinking there is more depth to your feelings than actually is there. You cover a lot of territory, displaying your vast experience to advantage. However, when you fool …

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Mercury In Taurus

Mercury in Taurus Mercury here gives a mind slow to be convinced but very stubborn once a stand is taken. You have a good memory for what you have been able to understand. You learn best by doing rather than just having someone explain something to you verbally. You will have a practical mind which deals particularly well with basic …

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Moon In Virgo

The Moon in Virgo This position of the Moon is not easy because it compounds the tendency of Virgo to be a slave. You tend to be instinctively occupied with details with an emphasis on the health of the body. You are more shy and desirous of staying behind the scenes as well as taking longer to recognize your slave …

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Sun In Aries

The Sun in Aries When the Sun is in Aries in a person’s chart they consider themselves important in so far as they take direct immediate decisive action. The sign of Aries makes the Sun want immediate feedback and it thinks of its own intentions strongly, this Sun position is a natural leader albeit egotistical and self-focused. Having the Sun …

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Pluto In Libra

Pluto in Libra Virgo and Libra are the last two signs to have a ruler of their own. Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio became more acceptable as humanity evolved to the point where their true nature became comprehensible. Discovery of these rulers coincided with this evolvement. Perhaps with the discovery of the Asteroids we are seeing more of the nature of …

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Neptune In Sagittarius

Neptune in Sagittarius This position for this generation will be productive of very rigid patterns of religion. You will find that whatever you believe will act as a powerful painkiller and panacea for your problems. This may be very helpful to some and very destructive to others. In some cases, this will give you a faith which frees you to …

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