Dragon – Spiritual Path
Dragons are dramatic and intelligent individuals that are ruled by the Wood element in Chinese astrology. Practical dragons tend to perceive their spiritual path as a series of actions followed by consequences. They often believe in reincarnation as well as in the concept of karma. Many don’t like to talk about their spiritual path and believe there is power in silence. …
Read MorePisces Dragon Personality
Watch out for reality — it has a tendency to bite you back, and hard, when you enter into it with exalted expectations. The Dragon Pisces has a head that is in the clouds twenty-four seven, and you prefer it that way, if only you could figure out how to pay the bills in the meantime. Romance is everything for …
Read MoreAquarius Dragon Personality
A Dragon Aquarius is the consummate neophiliac. You crave sensation, and you live for the spectacle of a dimly imagined future becoming a reality right in front of your nose. This is your era; you were definitely born at the right time. Your Aquarian sense of innovation is not limited to technology — changes in social mores also appeal to …
Read MoreCapricorn Dragon Personality
What’s more important than romance in a Dragon Capricorn‘s life? As it stands, just about everything. Your career especially — the Dragon in you is so gung-ho for that big promotion and the next rung of the ladder to conquer that you can scarcely spare a moment for that hottie in the next cubicle who’s been giving you the eye …
Read MoreSagittarius Dragon Personality
People flock to gather around a Dragon Sagittarius, because you’re a total hedonist and bring the party with you wherever you go. You manage to be a Dragon-style leader by simply managing to have more fun than anybody else, anytime, anywhere. You’re so cheerful it’s sometimes nauseating to anyone other than a fellow Sagittarius. You have a heart big as …
Read MoreScorpio Dragon Personality
The Dragon Scorpio is a crazed, incalculable, gargantuan superstar in embryo. You’ll go all-out towards that impossible goal, and get there in no time or know the reason why. You’re the sort who loves nothing more than to find a brick wall and beat your head against it until it falls, as it always does for you in the end. …
Read MoreLibra Dragon Personality
The Dragon Libra has so much to give, and the style and wit of your acts of giving seem to mandate a career in show business. Not that you’re all surface and no substance — there’s a moody, pensive Libran soul deep down inside, if both you and everybody else could get past that glittering Dragon shield you habitually hide …
Read MoreVirgo Dragon Personality
Whimsical and freewheeling the Dragon Virgo is not. A typical Virgo in your regimented preferences, you believe in a place for everything and everything in its place. Sadly, the Dragon in you is prone to categorize your fellow human beings as “things,” even the ones you care for very strongly. Don’t be afraid to let your sunnier side shine through, …
Read MoreLeo Dragon Personality
Don’t give in to your tendency to go too far! If the Dragon Leo stretches its claw out to seize what you consider to be rightfully yours, you may very well draw back a bloody stump, unless you put in some reconnaissance effort first. You are the consummate Dragon king, but don’t let everyone else know this in so many …
Read MoreCancer Dragon Personality
Not only does the Dragon Cancer possess the exquisite sensibility of the artist, your Dragon sign heritage gives you the work ethic to actually produce art on a regular basis! Quality stuff, too — once your drive for success kicks in, you should tower head and shoulders over your more, let’s face it, pedestrian contemporaries. A Crablike introspection is your …
Read MoreGemini Dragon Personality
The Dragon – Gemini would be much better company if you weren’t so completely aware of what good company you are. Eminently charismatic (thank your Dragon side for this gift) and a silver-tongued flatterer born and bred, you are irresistible to your many potential love interests — not to mention polite enough to give equal time to all of them, …
Read MoreTaurus Dragon Personality
The Dragon – Taurus isn’t out to win any popularity contests, which is for the best since you are out to win just about everything else. The placid Bull is energized by the zest of the Dragon into putting his work ethic into full-steam-ahead mode. This means twice as much, twice as fast — but watch you don’t burn out …
Read MoreAries Dragon Personality
Horoscope for Aries Zodiac Sign born in Dragon year: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 Don’t hesitate to bet the bank on your luck; it’s good for it and so are you. Being the leader of the pack comes naturally to you as the Dragon- Aries. After all, you reason to yourself, someon”s got to be …
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