Ox – Spiritual Path
The Ox is a spiritually disciplined and God-fearing sign that is ruled by the element of Water in Chinese astrology. Although they are very practical people, Oxen rarely need convincing of the existence of a higher power. This somewhat superstitious sign usually believes that a soul is born in need of protection from negative influences. Whether they belong to a …
Read MorePisces Ox Personality
Calm and decorum reign in the respectable life of the Ox Pisces. You will have a taste for material goods, and on a grand scale. A perennial homebody thanks to the input of the Fishes, you have a tendency to over-decorate your elaborate nest — all in the interest of good taste, of course. You counterbalance your urge to be …
Read MoreAquarius Ox Personality
Moody and sulky, how could anyone tolerate the Ox Aquarius, a withdrawn child in adult clothing? Because of your truly enormous and gifted propensity for storytelling, that’s why, as inherited from your Aquarius side. You’ve got it refined down to an art form, and your ballistic sense of humor will have every anecdote lavishly peppered with witticisms, enough to keep …
Read MoreCapricorn Ox Personality
The Ox Capricorn is the sort of person who will dissect the goose in order to find out why it keeps giving you the golden eggs. The Ox in you will never give up on a project; instead, you attempt to take it to its ultimate conclusion, with the result that you quite often manage to pervert its initial mission …
Read MoreSagittarius Ox Personality
Living your life in public, as one of the people born under this combination of signs you always seek to have an audience. This makes the Ox Sagittarius a born coupler; In fact, you are the sort of person who is always in a relationship — sometimes neglecting to end the old one before the new one begins. But it …
Read MoreScorpio Ox Personality
If you’re one of these glittering sociopaths, you sweep across the land with a sound like thunder. Always right, always on top and always working for the next big triumph, the Ox Scorpio may seem like a bit of a shallow social climber. And let’s not be fooled — this is in fact the case. As an inheritor of the …
Read MoreLibra Ox Personality
The Ox Libra is a seething storm of inner turmoil wrapped in a protective shell. You are utterly fascinated by the idea of perfect purity and order as per your Libra perspective, and constantly strive for it in all aspects of your life. Yet your internal contradictions keep tripping you up unconsciously: the wrong job, the wrong place to live, …
Read MoreVirgo Ox Personality
Conservatism runs deep in the OxVirgo‘s veins, as your Ox heritage concomitantly makes you a drudging workhorse. Reliable and efficient as only a Virgo can be, you are living proof that a person can still toil their way to the top. The problem is that for you the toiling part can take twenty years of slow, patient arrangement, which may …
Read MoreLeo Ox Personality
Humility? Your fire-drenched Leo heart has never heard of the word. It would be an affront to your dignity, and every mistake, no matter how small, has got to be covered up and made to disappear. A profound personal silence, intended to insure the Ox Leo‘s sense of personal gravity, may make you, orderly neat-freak that you are, appear harshly …
Read MoreCancer Ox Personality
A charmed sign, as an inhabitant of the Ox Cancer combination you are emotion in motion personified. You are purposeful (although your detractors might say “stubborn”) as the Ox, and supersensitive (although your detractors might say “hypersensitive”) as the Crab — you know how to achieve that which you feel to be right, without wasting too much time and effort …
Read MoreGemini Ox Personality
The most stable of the flighty Gemini brood, the Ox – Gemini breed are notorious for your split personality approach to your inevitable romantic antics. On the one hand, your Ox component wishes to establish a nice, comfy home arrangement, complete with loving partner. On the other hand, your Gemini component needs a separate expressly sexual lover on the side. …
Read MoreTaurus Ox Personality
Offspring of the Ox and Bull, you are a very concentrated individual. Patient, big, undeniably slow, you endure through the ages like granite. You don’t talk much about what you do, but what you do, you do meticulously, and correctly the first time. So what if you took the time it would take for someone else to do fifteen other …
Read MoreAries Ox Personality
Horoscope for Aries Zodiac Sign born in Ox year: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 Aries – Ox Personality Pretension crumbles before the pragmatic presence of the Ox – Aries – you are the epitome of the stable achiever. Wide-eyed and ambitious in your go-getting youth like a good Aries, you can slug it out toe-to-toe …
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