Chinese Zodiac
Pisces Pig (Boar) Personality
Dinner party, anyone? The Pig Pisces is the consummate arranger, and you will never lack for guests at one of your legendary soirees. You’re not much for attending other people’s parties, though — you like to be in control, and have raised the entire process to a well-themed art form. Your dwelling place is both an abiding sense of strength …
Read MorePisces Dog Personality
The least little thing will set the Dog Pisces‘ alarm bells ringing, but that’s because your immediate environment is meticulously organized (as befits a true Pisces) and you can unerringly tell when the order has been disturbed. You pride yourself upon your Doglike devotion to your family, and point to the secure existence that you have brought into being, unaware …
Read MorePisces Rooster Personality
The Rooster Pisces has a curiously unimaginative flair for the truly romantic, sprung from the Fishes and compounded of what you’ve read in books: long walks on the beach, dozens of roses, candle-lit midnight dinners, etc., etc. It has landed you your share of conquests, to be sure, but try a little variation along with the tenderness and see where …
Read MorePisces Monkey Personality
The innate sensitivity of the Fishes combined with the clever Monkey’s penchant for fabrication can result in some of the most beautiful lies ever crafted by humans — in other words, novels. The Monkey Pisces may wish to consider a career in literature. But don’t wait too long, as indecision is you abiding vice and you have a tendency to …
Read MorePisces Goat (Sheep) Personality
The Goat Pisces is a delight to be around; you are the honey to which the hummingbirds fly in order to gorge themselves. Sweet and ethereal, your entire soul oozes beauty, truth, and other mainstays of the poetic Piscean tradition. You aren’t what one might call a ball of fire, but then again, you don’t need to be — your …
Read MorePisces Horse Personality
What to do to keep yourself from being taken advantage of by others? For that is the Horse Pisces‘ major weak spot, and it will take much tempering by time to lessen this vulnerability of yours. For you are adrift in a sea of romance (courtesy of your Piscean side), and tend to view everyone’s motives through the same lens …
Read MorePisces Snake Personality
Your soft and often sensuous Snake personality demands kid glove treatment from any who might wish to get next to you. The Snake Pisces impresses easily, which is why strong, brash lovers may maul you unintentionally unless they take steps to handle you with care, as any rare work of art deserves. Try not to become disillusioned when the elaborate …
Read MorePisces Dragon Personality
Watch out for reality — it has a tendency to bite you back, and hard, when you enter into it with exalted expectations. The Dragon Pisces has a head that is in the clouds twenty-four seven, and you prefer it that way, if only you could figure out how to pay the bills in the meantime. Romance is everything for …
Read MorePisces Rabbit Personality
The Rabbit Pisces has the ability to handle large amounts of people with skill and ease, in series or en masse, but this you do not particularly enjoy, being at heart a solitary creature. Your Rabbit-triggered desire to bring life to your concepts and emotions will bleed over into your professional life if you do provide yourself with an artistic …
Read MorePisces Tiger Personality
You learn by doing, and doing it wrong the first time. The sensitive soul of the Tiger Pisces may fall in love at the drop of a glove at first, but after the first dozen or so sophomore crushes, you’ll be a bit charier about whom you give your heart to for Christmas. At least one can’t deride you for …
Read MorePisces Ox Personality
Calm and decorum reign in the respectable life of the Ox Pisces. You will have a taste for material goods, and on a grand scale. A perennial homebody thanks to the input of the Fishes, you have a tendency to over-decorate your elaborate nest — all in the interest of good taste, of course. You counterbalance your urge to be …
Read MorePisces Rat Personality
The Rat Pisces is half of the whole picture. As a member of this sign, you prefer to function as one of a two-person team. In the best case scenario the other person is the permanent love interest (marriage is very much in favor with you nesting homebodies). In every other case the second person will be found outside of …
Read MoreAquarius Boar (Pig) Personality
It’s better for you, as Pig Aquarius, to try and concentrate, rather than flit about as you do from project to project. After all, without a dash of constancy, how will you ever achieve the income necessary to fulfill your fondest Porcine dreams of luxury? Watch out for excess avarice — some people may start to cut you from their …
Read MoreAquarius Dog Personality
The Dog Aquarius has the enviable ability to extract the maximum amount of effect from the minimum amount of raw material. You could craft a gourmet meal out of bulgur wheat, unflavored gelatin and leftover tuna casserole, thanks to your native Aquarian resourcefulness. You could fly to the moon on a single tank of unleaded gasoline. But just because you …
Read MoreAquarius Rooster Personality
The Rooster Aquarius needs a lover that will drive you crazy trying to decode the inner workings of their cryptogram of a soul. You’re like that — curiosity wrapped in the swaddling clothes of popular mysticism, a la Aquarius. You may be inclined to dabble in the paranormal, and if you can earn a living by it, why not? You …
Read MoreAquarius Monkey Personality
The Monkey Aquarius is always picking things apart to find out their root cause, primary drive, or single smallest component, and this characteristic may make some of your less inquisitive acquaintances uncomfortable, especially when it applies to impolite social topics (your Aquarius side loves to shock). This is not to say that you should curtail your investigative Monkey-style activities, just …
Read MoreAquarius Goat (Sheep) Personality
The Goat Aquarius lives in the eternal “now,” and that can be both a blessing and a curse for those who know you. You’re a tough act to follow, and you seem to change your attitudes towards life as easily as your clothes. The Goat in you is nearly impossible to pin down. A social kaleidoscope, you associate with the …
Read MoreAquarius Horse Personality
At worst, the Horse Aquarius is an irritable crank, but you’re rarely at your worst, so don’t worry too much about those tendencies. Instead, concentrate on the positive, which is that at your best, you are a dazzling, extravagant eccentric with one ear cocked for what the future has to tell you. Bold leaps of intuition that transcend mere logic …
Read MoreAquarius Snake Personality
The Snake Aquarius is a big bundle of contradicting emotions and desires. People have been known to grow frustrated in their attempts to puzzle out the convoluted and self-negating messages that you’re constantly sending. You are the sort of lover who is constantly demanding their own freedom, while simultaneously holding their opposite number to a double standard of absolute Snake-style …
Read MoreAquarius Dragon Personality
A Dragon Aquarius is the consummate neophiliac. You crave sensation, and you live for the spectacle of a dimly imagined future becoming a reality right in front of your nose. This is your era; you were definitely born at the right time. Your Aquarian sense of innovation is not limited to technology — changes in social mores also appeal to …
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