Chinese Zodiac
Sagittarius Sheep Personality
Be prepared to intuit your way straight from rags to riches, if you happen to have the good luck to belong to the carefree Goat (Sheep) Sagittarius DoubleSign. Your trademark Sagittarian approach to both business and pleasure lies in a sort of dimly sensed yet eerily accurate instinct that tells you every move to make before you make it. Coupled …
Read MoreSagittarius Horse Personality
No one can shout you down — the Horse Sagittarius is the loudest voice in the choir. Assertive and independent, you take no prisoners and ask for no mercy in return. Your straightforward Horsy ways can appear boorish to those who have just met you. You live fast, and if you haven’t died young, then at least the recklessness and …
Read MoreSagittarius Snake Personality
The Snake side of your DoubleSign looks before the Sagittarius side leaps — a very prudent combination. The Snake Sagittarius has a perceptiveness that is uncanny, and you are very much a “people person” in that you can read everyone around you like a see-through comic book. Because of this enjoyable skill, you may wish to consider a career in …
Read MoreSagittarius Dragon Personality
People flock to gather around a Dragon Sagittarius, because you’re a total hedonist and bring the party with you wherever you go. You manage to be a Dragon-style leader by simply managing to have more fun than anybody else, anytime, anywhere. You’re so cheerful it’s sometimes nauseating to anyone other than a fellow Sagittarius. You have a heart big as …
Read MoreSagittarius Rabbit Personality
As a Rabbit Sagittarius, your supreme fluidity in social situations makes you a natural ambassador among the classes. Your Sagittarian manners always find their proper level given the tone of the company you keep, and you would be no more ostracized from a backwoods hootenanny than you would be from the toneyest boite in the biggest, baddest city. Compulsive traveler …
Read MoreSagittarius Tiger Personality
Before you get discouraged, keep in mind that against boredom even the gods content in vain. When the Tiger Sagittarius is alone at home you wish you were at the party, and when you make it to the party and find yourself surrounded by the same old, same old good times you wish you were at home alone again, where …
Read MoreSagittarius Ox Personality
Living your life in public, as one of the people born under this combination of signs you always seek to have an audience. This makes the Ox Sagittarius a born coupler; In fact, you are the sort of person who is always in a relationship — sometimes neglecting to end the old one before the new one begins. But it …
Read MoreSagittarius Rat Personality
Zodiac for Sagittarius born in Rat year: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 Always traveling and never getting to the destination — this sums up the adventuresome and picaresque Rat Sagittarius. With much of the candid nature of your occidental Sagittarius sign heritage, you are very much the cards-on-the-table sort of interpersonal negotiators. Too many hidden …
Read MoreScorpio Pig Personality
The Pig Scorpio is a throbbing python of love. Gifted with stratospheric sex appeal to coincide with your supremely rapacious Porcine libido, you change beds as easily as you change hats, and never fail to bring adequate protection. Emotionally speaking, however, you’re a cold fish, as all of your inner desires are bound up in your relentless Scorpion’s quest for …
Read MoreScorpio Dog Personality
The strong moral conviction of the Dog Scorpio as to what is right may bear some re-examination before too long. Pay more attention to the spirit of the law and less attention to its harsh lettering. You have a cruel and selfish Scorpio streak mixed in with your ministrations of Canine kindness — that’s why some of your beneficiaries don’t …
Read MoreScorpio Rooster Personality
The Rooster Scorpio‘s insatiable drive crushes all before it, friend and foe alike. You don’t have many of the former due to their incredibly high casualty rate, and you don’t have many of the latter because you mow them down like chaff at every chance you get. If you don’t ease up and cut some corners once in a while …
Read MoreScorpio Monkey Personality
Lying, cheating and stealing? Certainly not! The Monkey Scorpio prefers the words embellishing, streamlining and borrowing, but what’s in a word? Self-control is not your strong suit, but you’d better learn some fast or you may find yourself operating on the wrong side of the law before you know it. The Scorpio admixture tends to bring out the Monkey’s dishonest …
Read MoreScorpio Sheep Personality
Being one of these fascinating Goat Scorpios is a little like being one of those hologram cards that you tilt one way to see one design and tilt the other way to see a completely different design. On the outside, you appear to be Goatishly frail and in need of the greatest possible protective treatment. Inside, you’re a howling wind …
Read MoreScorpio Horse Personality
If it weren’t for the fact that your Horse aspect allows your Scorpio aspect to admit a touch of self-deprecatory humor now and then, you’d have vibrated yourself to death with suppressed rage long ago. As it stands, your lightness of demeanor will stand you in good stead, even if your drive and competitiveness are enough for others to label …
Read MoreScorpio Snake Personality
The Snake Scorpio is a veritable time bomb ticking. It does most people more harm than good to get too close to you, and the Snake part of you is aware of this, as you are a very private person who has difficulty opening up to just anyone. Possession is your watchword, along with “mine!” Once it’s yours, it’s yours …
Read MoreScorpio Dragon Personality
The Dragon Scorpio is a crazed, incalculable, gargantuan superstar in embryo. You’ll go all-out towards that impossible goal, and get there in no time or know the reason why. You’re the sort who loves nothing more than to find a brick wall and beat your head against it until it falls, as it always does for you in the end. …
Read MoreScorpio Rabbit Personality
Beneath the calm, cool and collected exterior of the Rabbit Scorpio lurks the soul of a confirmed character assassin. As a Scorpio you are proud and vengeful — your ideal career may very well be psychotherapy. You are a terminal disciplinarian both with your loved ones and your servants, and indeed it can be difficult sometimes for all concerned to …
Read MoreScorpio Tiger Personality
The Tiger Scorpio is one of those hopelessly active and accomplished signs that is always striving for more and greater kingdoms to conquer, preferably by application of overwhelming force in heavy doses. After all, what good is conquest if you can’t abuse the conquered populace? But watch out — the Scorpion in you has a tendency to apply these brutal …
Read MoreScorpio Ox Personality
If you’re one of these glittering sociopaths, you sweep across the land with a sound like thunder. Always right, always on top and always working for the next big triumph, the Ox Scorpio may seem like a bit of a shallow social climber. And let’s not be fooled — this is in fact the case. As an inheritor of the …
Read MoreScorpio Rat Personality
Manipulation, anyone? The Scorpio side of you is always out for number one, and the amazing quality of your self-aggrandizing tactics is that you so often get away with it by means of your Rat-induced radiant personal magnetism. Direct and forthright, you manage to defuse animosity by making no secret of what’s in the deal and for whom. Others can …
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