Chinese Zodiac
Libra Pig Personality
The Pig Libra possesses the unsavory habit of spending it as fast as it comes in the door, and not just in matters of money, either. Spoiled rotten, that’s what you are — waited on hand and foot by an army of admirers who will do anything to keep the Libra in you alive, happy and endlessly broadcasting. You will …
Read MoreLibra Dog Personality
Faultfinder, faultfinder, find me a fault! The Dog Libra‘s critical eye could spot a strand of hay in a stack of needles. Better learn to find a compromise with this grubby existence, or else get used to those frown lines. The right person could vindicate all of your high Libran expectations, if you can manage to recognize that individual when …
Read MoreLibra Rooster Personality
Unbridled passion is not the forte of the Rooster Libra; yours is a quieter brand of affection. You have been accused of being aloof and standoffish, but can you help it if you prefer not to associate with certain types of undesirables? You are unforgiving in your Libran requirements of order and beauty amid the chaos and ugliness of this …
Read MoreLibra Monkey Personality
The Monkey Libra should be sure to channel their industrious output of word-based art into something remunerative like advertising copywriting — it’s glib, it’s witty, it’s memorable, but that may not make it fine art. When it comes to you, be sure to write it down quickly, and always keep a pad and pencil near the bed for those midnight …
Read MoreLibra Sheep Personality
It’s hard for the Goat Libra to decide whether or not you’re good at making decisions, which, in a way, says it all right there about that particular aspect of your personality. Creative and superbly in tune with your intuition thanks to your Libran heritage, you’ll make a great artist if encouraged in that direction by a select coterie of …
Read MoreLibra Horse Personality
The Horse Libra has the great good fortune to be the most physically beautiful of all the DoubleSign combinations. Indeed, there isn’t a shop window that you can pass by without glancing into it in order to examine your own reflection. In an age without recognized courtesans, you are an ambulatory Versailles. It will be incumbent upon you to recognize …
Read MoreLibra Snake Personality
As a Snake Libra you need never raise your voice, and not because you’re an emotionless, unfeeling robot — as your detractors might see it — but because you’re fully in tune with yourself, evenly balanced as befits your Libran heritage, and, most importantly, impeccably mannered. But manners need an audience for their exercise, and you must make sure to …
Read MoreLibra Dragon Personality
The Dragon Libra has so much to give, and the style and wit of your acts of giving seem to mandate a career in show business. Not that you’re all surface and no substance — there’s a moody, pensive Libran soul deep down inside, if both you and everybody else could get past that glittering Dragon shield you habitually hide …
Read MoreLibra Rabbit Personality
The Rabbit Libra is a pampered, spoiled, surfeited brat — and everyone else envies you for this. You are lazy and live well off the proceeds. Even-tempered and true to your Libran namesake, you seek a balance between all parties concerned. You are not a person of action, but a person of communication, and you absolutely cannot tolerate raw emotions, …
Read MoreLibra Tiger Personality
The Tiger Libra is slavishly devoted to the ideal love — so much so, in fact, that you have a hard time coping with all of the real love out there, stemming as it does from real people who can often get on your nerves when they won’t adhere to your entirely arbitrary sense of aesthetic order. Having the milk …
Read MoreLibra Ox Personality
The Ox Libra is a seething storm of inner turmoil wrapped in a protective shell. You are utterly fascinated by the idea of perfect purity and order as per your Libra perspective, and constantly strive for it in all aspects of your life. Yet your internal contradictions keep tripping you up unconsciously: the wrong job, the wrong place to live, …
Read MoreLibra Rat Personality
Given a healthy dollop of genius by both its Oriental and Occidental pedigrees, the Rat Libra is one of the brightest, wittiest, and most scintillating personalities around. You are always broadcasting, which, if your friends and acquaintances can stand up to the constant barrage of me-isms, may often prove to be rewarding in both an emotional and a financial sense, …
Read MoreVirgo Pig Personality
The strictness of your Virgo antecedents can ameliorate your oriental Pig side’s tendency to overindulge in matters of the table, so you needn’t bother yourself with that gym membership just yet, although later in life the Pig (Boar) Virgo‘s gourmand’s ways will catch up to you in the form of an unwanted stomach. Beware the lure of alcohol — it …
Read MoreVirgo Dog Personality
The weight of the world rests on the Dog Virgo‘s shoulders, and to you it feels just fine. After all, if you don’t take care of everybody, who will? Be careful not to allow your tendency to focus on the abstract ideal (like a typical Virgo) of loving all of humanity sideline your more mundane and practical efforts to help …
Read MoreVirgo Rooster Personality
It’s easy to offend the Rooster Virgo, and you might want to consider the development of a protective layer of emotional callus to lessen such tendencies. If you can’t, then be sure to get it out in the open right away, instead of following your usual tried-and-true Virgo’s method, which entails letting all the little irks and slights build up …
Read MoreVirgo Monkey Personality
Whether mapping a printed circuit or tatting a doily, the Monkey Virgo prefers detail-oriented hands-on work when it comes to your choice of profession. The classic perfection of the Virgo half of your DoubleSign manifests itself in the Monkey’s endless love of time-consuming distraction, which serves for you as a source of both fun and profit. In the arena of …
Read MoreVirgo Sheep (Goat) Personality
Uh-oh –what we have here in the Goat Virgo is a species of the most exacting perfectionist the Double Sign zodiac has to offer. If it isn’t utterly flawless, it just won’t do for you. You cannot stand the slightest Goat (Sheep) induced mistake on your own part, and you are utterly merciless when it comes to the quirks and …
Read MoreVirgo Horse Personality
The most sensible Horse in the entire herd, you have far greater feelings of responsibility to those around you than the average nags in the big rodeo. This makes the Horse Virgo much sought after as a partner, friend or lover, and you would be wise to decline all but a handful of the most suitable invitations, as you would …
Read MoreVirgo Snake Personality
Others may accuse the Snake Virgo of having antifreeze in your veins, but you know that they’re just jealous of your superior mental characteristics. A product of two fairly cerebral signs, your entire life revolves around the exercise of logic, so much so sometimes that you have been known to furtively check the tips of your ears to see if …
Read MoreVirgo Dragon Personality
Whimsical and freewheeling the Dragon Virgo is not. A typical Virgo in your regimented preferences, you believe in a place for everything and everything in its place. Sadly, the Dragon in you is prone to categorize your fellow human beings as “things,” even the ones you care for very strongly. Don’t be afraid to let your sunnier side shine through, …
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