Chinese Zodiac
Cancer Goat (Sheep) Personality
Some people are actually good with children, and the Goat Cancer is at the top of the list for this socially useful talent. Nor is working with them day in and day out good enough to suit you — you’ve got to go and fill your house with them! Definitely the marrying kind, you are a kind, frail, loving person …
Read MoreHorse Cancer Personality
The Horse Cancer may find itself spending a great deal of time in social situations, browsing through the crowd in search of you know not what, but it’ll come to you when you find it. This can lead to a great deal of wasted effort; a little forethought can make the Horse’s search a bit more streamlined. You have a …
Read MoreCancer Snake Personality
Sure, the Snake Cancer is a homebody — but what a homebody! Your home isn’t just a castle to you, it’s a palace, and no matter what the circumstances, your innate love of luxury items and your magnificent sense of aesthetics will have the inside of your dwelling place looking like the Taj Mahal in no time at all. Naturally, …
Read MoreCancer Dragon Personality
Not only does the Dragon Cancer possess the exquisite sensibility of the artist, your Dragon sign heritage gives you the work ethic to actually produce art on a regular basis! Quality stuff, too — once your drive for success kicks in, you should tower head and shoulders over your more, let’s face it, pedestrian contemporaries. A Crablike introspection is your …
Read MoreCancer Rabbit Personaility
The key phrase for the Rabbit Cancer is “family style.” Since both Cancer and the Rabbit have strong nesting instincts, is it any wonder that you are the happy homemaker par excellence? You maintain close connections with your parents throughout your adult life, and work best in a large extended family setting. Children, when they arrive on the scene, are …
Read MoreCancer Tiger Personality
The calm lake seldom betrays its roiled depths. The Tiger Cancer type is a person of vast unrest. Your seething torment is completely internalized, however, as befits your Crab half. The ego-tripping of the Tiger can, in a Cancerous environment of isolation and self-obsessed withdrawal, be brought to almost pathological levels if not tempered now and then with a dose …
Read MoreCancer Ox Personality
A charmed sign, as an inhabitant of the Ox Cancer combination you are emotion in motion personified. You are purposeful (although your detractors might say “stubborn”) as the Ox, and supersensitive (although your detractors might say “hypersensitive”) as the Crab — you know how to achieve that which you feel to be right, without wasting too much time and effort …
Read MoreCancer Rat Personality
The product of two intensely cerebral signs, a Rat Cancer‘s personality is a private one. Nothing is more attractive for you than to curl up in a safe haven and navel-gaze for prolonged periods. Intellectual and emotional, you are a superb creator and make an ideal storyteller, whether professional or otherwise, thanks to your Cancer inheritance. In love you can …
Read MoreGemini Pig Personality
The Pig – Gemini is quite the freewheeling mesomorph, but beware! Your Porcine love of fine food and expensive beverages will result in the inevitable spare tire unless you make a point of doing a few sit-ups at the gym before it’s too late. Remember how hard it is to lose it once you’ve gained it — and this goes …
Read MoreGemini Dog Personality
The Dog – Gemini‘s wanderings are modulated and conform to a pattern that is predictable to the knowing eye — the avoidance of the unpleasant. It’s really as simple as that. You don’t like being couch-bound; a regular exercise regimen is recommended, and indeed preferred by that Gemini athlete in you. That indescribable quantity that you’re searching for can never …
Read MoreGemini Rooster Personality
Mutual respect can be a tricky balance to achieve in any relationship, but for the Rooster – Gemini it’s more difficult than for most. While you despise weakness in your lovers and absolutely cannot tolerate any clinging dishrags, you also can’t stand being ordered around like a galley slave — your Gemini’s reasoning being that if you wanted things that …
Read MoreGemini Monkey Personality
If it weren’t for the difficulty the Monkey – Gemini’s audience faces in keeping up with the thousand-miles-a-second pace you set, you’d never stay in one place long enough for anyone to get close to you, and that would be a tragedy — you’re at your Gemini sleekest with at least one confidant to tell you how good you look …
Read MoreGemini Goat (Sheep) Personality
The Goat – Gemini will talk a good game about “needing your space,” but in reality you need people around you at all times, and not just any people, the right people — that is, people who will provide input for your rapacious sense of ego. You need to feel connected, and any medium of communication will serve to dispel …
Read MoreGemini Horse Personality
Zodiac for Gemini born in the Horse year: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 You’ve discovered the secret of eternal youth, which to the Horse – Gemini is a ceaseless parade of new thrills, new options, new people and new places. You have a wide range of interests as befits a true scion of the house of …
Read MoreGemini Snake Personality
The Snake – Gemini is a real charmer — just wait until someone succeeds in charming you! Lucky for the Snake in you that you’re a bit on the self-indulgent and even lazy side, or else you might have the urge to use your powers for evil intentions. As it is, you could be best described as romantically careless in …
Read MoreGemini Dragon Personality
The Dragon – Gemini would be much better company if you weren’t so completely aware of what good company you are. Eminently charismatic (thank your Dragon side for this gift) and a silver-tongued flatterer born and bred, you are irresistible to your many potential love interests — not to mention polite enough to give equal time to all of them, …
Read MoreGemini Rabbit Personality
The Rabbit – Gemini is, for lack of a better word, jumpy, and no one can predict which way you’ll jump next. Too much is not enough for you — the Gemini within you is constantly bored and crave round-the-clock stimulation from those you see as your entertainers, up to and including your significant other. Once the show that is …
Read MoreGemini Tiger Personality
You’re really something, you know that? Of course you do, being a Gemini born in a Tiger year. You’re irresistible to any prospective mate, with your hefty one-two punch of charisma and intellect — enough for two people. This stands the Tiger – Gemini in good stead throughout your swinger’s career of taking hearts and breaking them in succession, as …
Read MoreGemini Ox Personality
The most stable of the flighty Gemini brood, the Ox – Gemini breed are notorious for your split personality approach to your inevitable romantic antics. On the one hand, your Ox component wishes to establish a nice, comfy home arrangement, complete with loving partner. On the other hand, your Gemini component needs a separate expressly sexual lover on the side. …
Read MoreGemini Rat Personality
Others had better keep an eye on you for your Rat-induced tendency to become that which they fear most — a terminally self-obsessed egomaniac! A social hummingbird with zest to spare, you’re an erratic lothario (courtesy of your Gemini heritage) who is only in it for the cheap thrills. Long-term relationships are anathema to you — Rat – Geminis suffer …
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