About Astrologers And The Practice of Astrology

The Top Seven Reasons You Should Have Your Birth Chart Interpreted
So, what is it that makes Astrology relevant to each of us as individuals? And what can Astrology do for us beyond providing a few moments of diversionary entertainment? Astrology is a living process that leads to a transformation of self-understanding. It reveals our unique niche in the world by comparing and contrasting us with others. It shows us where …
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Hiring an Astrologer
GIVING ADVICE Astrologers do not give advice. They give you possibilities of what you may feel or events that may occur. They can show you problem areas in your life and can suggest ways to change the problems into solutions. Astrology can help you to understand the events of your past and future. It is up to you to do …
Read MoreBiography of Jim Lewis, Astrologer
Jim Lewis’s obituary by Robert Currey Reprinted from the Astrological Journal [May/June 1995] At Washington D.C. in 1992, to the applause of his fellow astrologers, Jim Lewis marched up to the rostrum to receive astrology’s nearest equivalent to the Oscars. Voted by his colleagues, he was awarded the Regulus Prize for astrological research and innovation. This was the final confirmation …
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Some Famous People Who Have Consulted Astrologers
Hippocrates, the “father of medicine” said, “The man who is ignorant of the science of astrology deserves the name of fool rather than that of physician.” Napier, the inventor of the Napierian Logarithms for which all mathematicians are eternally grateful was a famous astrologer, born in Scotland. Sir Isaac Newtown was a great researcher in the field of astrology and …
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How Do I Reconcile A Skeptical Attitude With A Belief In Astrology?
For once, I can almost adequately sum up the answer in a few words–I don’t. I don’t really reconcile my “scientific” mind’s conception of astrology as something that simply cannot possibly work, and my “practical” mind’s empirically based realization that “but damn it it does work!” But I’m prepared to offer my explanations even though they do not result in …
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Projection and Interpretation
It is almost certain that when we try to explain anything about another person, we tend to project our own intentions, motives or emotions. May be that is the reason psychologists avoid saying anything meaningful during a “session”. It seems that they have been taught, that even a man of their special skill will easily make this mistake. Studying deeply …
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Effective Consultations: Leaving The Astrology In Your Head
In the classic Lerner and Loewes play, Brigadoon, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas are two American hikers exploring the Scottish highlands. Unexpectedly, they encounter something that is not on their map — the lost, enchanted village of Brigadoon. This magical Scottish village comes to life for only one day each century. Albright falls in love with one of the women …
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A Chironic View of Astrological Counseling
As astrologers we are privileged to behold some of the many turns of the cosmic kalidescope which horoscopes represent. Each chart, each person, is an opportunity to witness another form of Spirit. Each encounter is a mirror reflecting another part of ourselves. Looking deeply into our own charts, and into those of our clients, we gain valuable insight, which enriches …
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Written Astrology Readings
Typed astrology readings. As an astrologer, you don’t rely on instant feedback from your clients whether you are on the right path, and you aren’t distracted by a client’s anxiety or distracted energy. You can totally rely on your knowledge and intuition. Astrologers — regardless of whether they do in-person, phone, typed or recorded readings — need to have that …
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How To Prepare For Each Potential Client
Preparation is everything. That’s how one gets to Carnegie Hall. Preparation is a process needed for success; it’s why people study a subject; it’s the foundation of what we do well in life. Once we have made all those preparations that have brought us to the point of someone getting in contact with us to either inquire or contract for …
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False Prophets?
On November 5, 1996 the US electorate went to the polls to elect their new President. No doubt, the psychics were gazing into their crystal balls and the astrologers were assessing their astrological charts to find out who was going to win. It was a two horse race and it would have been a fairly safe bet to predict that …
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Elements Involved in a Good Astrological Reading
What constitutes a good astrological reading? What elements are involved? To be able to read effectively for others, one must first be able to read effectively for oneself. But more is involved in the process of reading for another, especially someone that one has never met before. Therefore; an arranged appointment. Having made this statement, some readers may think that this …
Read MoreWhen Bad Readings Happen to Good Astrologers
Despite your best efforts, sincerity, and careful preparation, some astrology readings suck anyway. It’s true. There are days when your most sincere efforts at astrobrilliance fall flat– when, despite your good vibes about your client and your careful preparation, the thing just does not gel. There are a number of reactions an astrologer may have to this phenomenon, from neurotic …
Read MoreAdvice To Astrologers About Keeping Secrets
This article is quoted from The New York Times. If you’re considering a career as an astrologer or intuitive counselor/healer, these words could come from your own mouth after your first few years. A Young Doctor’s Hardest Lesson: Keep Your Mouth Shut by Kent Sepkowitz, M.D. An unspoken but ever-present issue in the life of any doctor is an immodest, …
Read MoreFamous Astrologers
LIZ GREENE, Ph.D. A Jungian analyst and astrologer practicing in London, teaching at her school, The Centre For Transpersonal Astrology, and a renowned published writer. You’ll be moved by her penetrating understanding of the inner world of the psyche and illuminated through her ability to blend depth psychology, myth, dreams and astrological symbolism into the world of individual experience. RICHARD …
Read More30 Tips For The Professional Astrologer
1. Charge a fair fee for your services- for yourself & your clients 2. If consulting by phone you should receive payment prior to reading 3. If consulting 1 on 1 receive payment at the end of your sessions 4. I do not recommend consulting clients 1 on 1 out of your home 5. Never give your clients your home …
Read MoreA Prediction Routine
Hi all who are interested in this, Ok, go get a cup of coffee, and let’s go through this. A couple of points first. This is not a hard and fast routine. It’s what I use to keep myself focused (something I have to practice, doesn’t come naturally) and that I teach and is obviously adaptable. I am also open to …
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Astrological Suggestions ~ Intimidation or Encouragement ? ~
The person who seeks advice from an astrologer comes with a certain readiness to believe the horoscope. This predisposition leads to an autosuggestion to order his life according to the horoscope, and thus contribute to its fulfillment. – Kurt Koch Astrology can be both a knife that cuts and a knife that heals. Any suggestive astrological interpretation is a two-edged …
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Astrology and Privacy
I am opposed to writing about the private lives of living authors and psychoanalyzing them while they are alive. Criticism is getting all mixed up with a combination of the Junior F.B.I.-men, discards from Freud and Jung and a sort of Columnist peep-hole and missing laundry list school…. – Ernest Hemingway Famous people are perhaps to some extent public property. …
Read MoreThe Astrologer’s Planet
Uranus is traditionally the astrological planet … At the same time prominent astrologers have not always had this planet pronouncedly strong in their nativities, and the excessive conservatism and love of traditional authority that has characterized almost all astrological students up to very recent times – and many even now – hardly point to Uranian rulership. Even at the present …
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