The Universal Pattern
1) Young, Arthur M., The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness, Robert Briggs Associates, 1976 2) The Holy Bible, National Publishing Company, 1978 3) McClain, Ernest G., The Myth of Invariance: The Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the Rg Veda to Plato, Nicolas-Hays, Inc, 1976 4) Campion, Nicholas, The Great Year: Astrology, Millenarianism and History in the …
Read MoreThe “Great Freedom” within the Predictability
The need for a proof for the assertions I have made for the “predictability” of Turning Points is obvious. I could simply refer to my own and others observations over the years as to the validity of the 7 year lifecycle with it’s 7 month phases and Turning Points. Yet using my own or the observations of others would hold …
Read MoreThe Seven Day Week: A Chronobiological Perspective
To the present day, our time is structured in a fundamental way by the seven day week. Is the seven day week simply arbitrary? It is certainly ancient, having already been established in early Mesopotamia around 3000BC or earlier, and pervasive around the world in many different cultures with distinct historical development. It is my contention that the 7 day …
Read MoreMusical Math: 7 and 12 in Ancient Science and Cosmology
In his book The Myth of Invariance Ernest McClain uses a musical analysis of the imagery in Indias oldest sacred text, the Rig Veda. Mr. McClain shows clearly the very ancient origin and mutual dependence “of science, of our calendar, of musical theory, and of our civilization.” From the earliest origins of science in prehistory, the relationships between number and …
Read MoreThe Universal Pattern and It’s Correlation to Musical Harmony
For some 25 years I have observed the accuracy of this pattern. For me, the question of why it works has been a burning one. My search for an answer has carried me in a lot of different directions. One of the most fruitful has been in seeing the analogy between the “rules” of this pattern and mathematical rules governing …
Read MoreThe Structure Of Turning Points
Turning Points vary in the intensity of the crises or reorientation that may occur. They also vary in the length of time they are active. If you examine a Turning Point period closely you will notice a series of graph spikes with three day periods of elevated intensity followed by several days of greatly reduced intensity. There are also a …
Read MoreThe Four Turning Points Of A Phase And The Forecasting Graph
We have all experienced significant Turning Points in our lives, when our orientation changed irrevocably, when ‘things would never be the same again’. In the section above we were introduced to the idea that there is a universal pattern of growth and change that exists for every human being, and that this pattern consists of a 7 year cycle of …
Read MoreThe 12 Phases Of The Seven Year Cycle
Beginning at birth you go through 7 month phases of growth and change throughout your life. After 12 such phases, you have completed a 7 year cycle and you will start over again. Each of these twelve phases have a describable character or theme. I have found these themes to be related to the 12 character types of the Astrological …
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