Health And Diseases in Medical Astrology
Astrology of Depression and Anxiety
Astrology of Depression In a natal chart, depression is signified through strong Earth or Water influences. Significant earth emphasis can be seen through Capricorn, Saturn, Virgo, Mercury, Taurus, and sometimes as the ruling planet of Taurus, Venus. When you explore these signs and planets more closely it is not surprising the impact they might have on an individual. Capricorn and …
Read MoreAstrology—What Transits Trigger Major Illness?
When we find major illness usually it is years following either a major trauma (it takes that long for the organs to run down and become diseased) or from a life of poor dietary and lifestyle factors. We can see in the natal chart what constitutes a weak organ system by looking at the most conflicted planets, signs and houses, …
Read MoreBeat Diabetes With Astrology
Insulin or other drugs may control the symptoms of this sweet-tooth disease but will not halt the progression of damage to the overall system. Under the surface many metabolic disturbances can continue to flourish even when the blood sugar levels are controlled with drugs. As an astrologer I see it in charts as a condition related to Jupiter functions, and …
Read MoreStressed Venus/Libra in the Health Profile – A Focus on the Adrenals
Sometimes an unexplainable phenomenon presents a statistically unexpected emphasis on a particular type of client during a relatively short time period. This article recounts a recent experience that you may find helpful. Typically, when Venus or Libra is stressed in the Natal Chart, I mention that potentially vulnerable health areas include the kidneys and lower back. Recently, however, numerous charts …
Read MoreAt The Heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated more than 5,000 years ago and has been in continuous use and development during this incredible span of time. Authentic traditional Chinese medicine was born out of a deep understanding of the universe and its intrinsic nature. All of the many forms of TCM treatment stem directly from this essential knowledge. The goal of all …
Read MoreThe Astrology Of Food Disorders And Allergies
Here’s a real case study: My 2 1/2 years old daughter. She has an unusual food disorder. Since a baby, she has been allergic to fish and sea food. Her body would just not take it and she would throw it up continuously hours later. THE ASTROLOGY OF FOOD DISORDERS AND ALLERGIES My little girl has always been very fussy …
Read MoreMedical Astrology And Cancer
Normally I do not discern male from female gender concerning medical astrology. Cancer, however, has to be dealt with specifically. My idea is influenced by the fact that women’s role in society and partnership is still too different from men’s. I have done some research and found that African psychologists have always been convinced of social disbalances causing diseases. I …
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