Astrology and Horoscopes

Astrology Of Now


What Jupiter in Leo Means For You 2014-2015

The King of the Gods Jupiter, is about to enter the sign of Leo on July 16 2014, and it’s staying there till August 2015! It would be quite handy for you to understand which house in your chart is it falling in so you can use the energy wisely. This article helps you understand the energy of Jupiter in Leo …

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fate and free will

Uranus in Aries 2011-2018

As Uranus does every seven years or so, he changed signs this month. He moved from Pisces to Aries. People are abuzz now, talking about what to expect when Uranus transits through particular parts of their birth charts. Some people have a fair amount of concern (in some cases, outright dread even) about Uranus moving through their 2nd house of …

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Uranus in Aries

Uranus in Aries 2011-2018 Transiting the 12 Houses

Uranus in Aries will charge ahead very certainly, causing various upsets, but bringing with it plenty of spunk and the potential for some quite effective action in your life. Uranus in Aries has so much energy and so much action potential that various other planets will get alarmed at various points during its transit of the sign and attempt to …

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Galactic Center Spitzer

The Galactic Center in your Astrology chart by House

What is the Galactic Center and how does it relate to us on Earth? The Galactic Center, which sits at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, is the source of energetic particles that bathe the Earth. With the recent years of the Sun being fairly quiet and Earth’s magnetic field weakening a bit, these energetic particles (infrared and gamma …

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The Pluto - Uranus Cycle

Revolution in the Self – Uranus In Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius

I recently read something similar to this: “Pluto in Sagittarius sextiling Uranus in Aquarius will bring some of the worst calamities to the face of the earth since Man first started to scribble on clay tablets.” Pretty bleak. Well, this could be true. Both Pluto and Uranus rule earthquakes, disasters and a lot of other unpleasant things. Aquarius does tend …

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Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde 2014

In 2014, Mercury will be retrograde during: February 6–28 June 7–July 2 October 4–25 Mercury appears retrograde 3 times a year for approximately 3 weeks at a time. I attach a 3 week shadow (from the degree it will go direct at, to the degree it retrogrades from) making it a 9 week period altogether!! This will explain why you …

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The Moon – Fundamental Planet of Love

The 1999 Eclipses

The Lunar Eclipse On July 28th there’ll be a partial lunar eclipse (full moon) in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. The themes of these opposing signs include, among other things, personal interests vs. humanitarian interests. the ruling class vs. “the people”, a personal, heartfelt approach vs. a detached scientific objectivity, and your children vs. other people’s children Lunar eclipses …

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Dreamland By Cassiopeiaart D48ezia

Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999

Much has been written in the past few months about the August 11, 1999 solar eclipse at 18 degrees 21 minutes Leo. It forms one corner of a Grand Square, a.k.a. Grand Cross, in Fixed signs. The Sun-Moon conjunction (eclipse) is in opposition (aspect of projection, as in “blame somebody else for the problem”) to Uranus in Aquarius. This opposition …

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