Astrology and Horoscopes

Sagittarius Zodiac

Sagittarius & Goal Setting - Destination Unknown

Sagittarius & Goal Setting – Destination Unknown

Along the way you may be distracted by islands, mountains, little roads that send you into a village that doesn’t exist on any map you have previously seen, but was so worth the side trip. All of this means that goals- when you can be bothered to make them- become moving targets with a scope that varies widely. This is …

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Best Travel Destinations for Sagittarius

Best Travel Destinations for Sagittarius

Some of the best travel destinations for Sagittarians would include, YellowStone National Park and the Grand Canyon, as it encapsulates their love of nature. Curiosity, about the people and the culture will draw the Archer to visit the Philippines. This country is blessed with talented people that make magnificent hand-made structures, and the environment is just spectacular. The beaches are …

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Sagittarius Women Marriage

Sagittarius Women Marriage

You see, the fellow Sagittarius gals typically are always on the move. They are always finding something meaningful and productive to do, whether that could mean working, college, volunteering, you name it and they are probably doing it. Therefore, a marriage style that would suit them well would be something simple and right to the point. They do not want …

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The Best College Majors For a Sagittarius

The Best College Majors For a Sagittarius

Natives of the sign of Sagitarius are positive and generous, and choosing a major is a means to underline their generosity towards other people. They will always do things for to help other people. You may notice natives of this sign always smiling and interacting with other students. They have many goals in mind, which are not limited to their …

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Things That Every Sagittarius Man Wants

3 Things That Every Sagittarius Man Wants

Sagittarius men have a way with making everyone around them feel happy and at ease. This happy sign is usually lots of fun in parties or social gatherings. They love to have a good time with their family, friends, or even strangers! Sagittarius are kind, thoughtful, exciting, and interesting. They live life according to their own standards. So, if you …

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Sagittarius Spiritual Meaning

Sagittarius Spiritual Meaning

Sagittarius, being true to yourself means nourishing your need to explore and discover the vast wonders of the world through your mind and soul, to seeking your spiritual truths and walking in them. Your purpose is to teach us what the future holds, to open our minds to new possibilities, to leading us towards our faiths and beliefs, to sharing …

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sagittarius woman

3 Things That Every Sagittarius Woman Wants

In addition, the Sagittarius women are always here to keep people strong. They are like the fairy god mother, always on call for their friends and loved ones. At the end of the day, the Sagittarius women are known to represent the Archer, one that is strong, powerful, forceful when needed, and confident when put in that position to be …

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Fashion For Sagittarius: An Astrological Guide to Style

Fashion For Sagittarius: An Astrological Guide to Style

Fashion Tips for Sagittarius What if your fashion style was influenced by your Zodiac sign? Would that explain how you dress, and your eye for a certain type of fashion? If your Zodiac sign can explain your personality, why can’t it explain your fashion sense? Think about your choice of clothing, patterns and styles over the years. Now, look at …

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Sagittarius Manipulation Potential

Sagittarius Manipulation Potential

Sagittarius require their sense of personal space, so if you want to ever manipulate these people’s potentials in life, be sure to limit their freedom; they would hate you for that. These guys and gals look at the world as a giant playground. They explore all areas of the environment, looking beyond the norm. They are able to learn and …

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Sagittarius Tattoo Designs Ideas

Sagittarius Tattoo Designs Ideas

Sagittarius Tattoos Immortalize your Aspirations The Greek tale associated to Sagittarius can be traced back from the story of Cheroin, the Centaur’s king. In the middle of a battle, Hercules wounded Cheroin through the use of a poisonous arrow that wounded him but failed to bring him to death because he was an immortal. Though alive, Cheroin received different harm …

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How to make a Sagittarius Man Fall in Love

How to Make a Sagittarius Man Fall in Love

How to Win the Heart of a Sagittarius Man If you want to get a typical Sagittarius Man to fall in love with you, you should keep them on a rather long leash. This leash you hold on them has to be so long that they may need to be alone for long periods of time to rebut and refresh. …

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Hairstyles For Sagittarius Women

Sagittarius Girl Hairstyles

Hairstyles For Sagittarius Women The Sagittarius women are known for their confidence and overall self esteem factor. Nothing gets them down and they know how to call the shots. They do not take any crap from people and they speak their minds as clear as they see it in their minds. The Sagittarius female is a girl who essentially lives …

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Sagittarius Jealousy

Sagittarius Jealousy

Sagittarius attitude toward jealousy You’re being dazzled by a Sagittarius. What to do about it? Have fun and enjoy it. Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, also known as the Archer, is the third fire sign of the zodiac. Sags born on the cusp of Scorpio can be more intense and less outgoing, and Sags born on the cusp of Capricorn may be more …

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Sagittarius Astrological Goddess Power

Sagittarius Astrological Goddess Power

The Sagittarius woman is a charming optimist. You are the adventurer of the Zodiac and define pure unrestrained freedom. Your Many Fabulous Qualities Sagittarius dear, you are so honest that you bring the shock value to a new level. Men love that you refuse to play the coy game and secretly wonder how to capture you. You would do anything …

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Flirting With Sagittarius

Flirting With Sagittarius

Fire signs are powerful, illuminating and dynamic. Don’t be shy or introverted when flirting with an Fire guy. And don’t sit on your laurels and observe. Fires are action oriented and want a woman that is part of the adventure. Want a Fire guy? Just go right out and get him if you are really his type of girl. How …

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The Sagittarius Myth- The Myth Of Percival

Percival’s myth and the search for the Grail In respect of the sign of Sagittarius it is not possible to avoid dwelling on the theme of the journey and searching. This sign instils a spirit of profound adventure in its natives that expresses often itself in a desire to discover new things, in never being satisfied by what it is …

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The Sagittarius Man

The word of order for natives of this sign is: it “conquers”. It is a question of winni gover a woman, a reason, an idea or a place, the path of conquest is strongly impressed in their psyche and it shows through a great enthusiasm that remains alive and intense until they arrive at their destination, after which, all interest …

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The Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius is a Fire sign and the woman of this sign has passion that characterises this type of energy, passion that must be expressed physically, psychologically and emotionally, almost an “internal and external thunderbolt”. The Sagittarius woman is touched by a kind of divine inspiration inside and who tries to realise outside what inside seems not to give her peace …

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Sagittarius Cartoon Character

Pepe Le Pew of Looney Toons fame is, without a doubt, a world-class Sagittarius person. He has a constantly happy demeanor and bounces from flower to flower with a sincere and unruffled optimism regarding the future. Like the typical Sagittarius, Pepe is always looking forward to whatever is around the next corner. This strong sense of the pure fun of …

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Sagittarius Decans

Sagittarius – Sagittarius November 23-December 2 – 1st Sagittarius Decan Ruler & Subruler: Jupiter-Jupiter Jupiter, planet of wisdom, is both ruler and Subruler, which accentuate lofty ideals and a love of knowledge. Sagittarius-Sagittarius is the enthusiasts of the world, high-spirited, spontaneous, flashy, flamboyant, and just plain fun. The “Cheerleaders of the Zodiac.” Highly competitive, they don’t like to lose, but …

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