Astrology and Horoscopes

Caesarian-sections: Can I choose the personality of my child?

Wish your child could be more confident, more successful, more attractive than you? You wouldn’t be the first person to wonder how to achieve this!

Sadly however, there is an alarming growing trend in many countries of parents choosing to give birth by Caesarian Section simply because they want to have control over the personality and future fate of their child. They reason that if the birth chart reveals our personalities, then by altering the time of birth (and thereby altering the birth chart), they should be able to alter the personality of the child.

I use the word “alarming” because the consequence of this trend is that many babies are being born earlier than their due date. This puts the baby at risk of a huge multitude of health problems, some of them lifelong, and in some cases, can prove fatal.

Take, for example, a story I was shocked to read just recently. Admittedly, it is an extreme example but I think it highlights the pitfalls of this path very well. It was a very tragic story about a man in India who was obsessed with having a child born at the most auspicious time possible. He forced his wife to abort two pregnancies because the time of conception was not one he felt was good astrologically. She then eventually fell pregnant a third time and he ordered the hospital to give her a Caesarian section at 7 months (which shockingly the hospital agreed to). Tragically, the baby died from being born too young and the guilt he felt from doing this to his child eventually drove the man to commit suicide.

What makes this story even more sad is that there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to support the view that a child born by elective caesarian section has any better chance in life than one born at the time fate decides. Indeed, there are some astrologers who will argue that rather than aid the child, elective caesarian sections may hinder it slightly because the child is not able to fully express the personality it was created to live. (Please note, I am not refering to emergency C-sections which are performed at the time a natural birth would have occurred anyway).

This is a topic of hot debate in astrological circles and to date doesn’t seem to be one that is going away any time soon. For my part, I believe very strongly that your chart does not reveal what is or isn’t going to happen to you; rather it shows how you potentially could be. Ultimately, it is upto the individual to make the most of that potential and if he or she decides he doesn’t want to be a certain way, no amount of pushing or prodding by the parents is going to change that. Lastly, I am also very conscious of the fact that most human traits have a positive and a negative expression. The skill of manipulation for example can be highly destructive to close personal relationships but often highly advantageous in the field of business.

Nothing in life occurs without balance needing to be restored at some point and it would seem to me, that for the parents who “program” the destiny of their child, life will have not only the last laugh, but also the last surprise.

Last updated on February 18, 2017 at 4:26 am. Word Count: 553