Capricorn Rooster Personality
The Rooster Capricorn is a living portrait of grace under pressure. The word “unflappable” springs to mind when people look at you, and you prefer to be known by it — it connotes strength of character, a quality by which you as a Capricorn swear.
Sure, you’ll never be the life of the party, but who needs that? While everyone else is out wasting their time, you’re busy clawing your way to the top of the heap, or indeed several heaps simultaneously.
Power is a necessary corollary to your Rooster-born leadership skills, and you may live long enough to have the distinct satisfaction of pronouncing sentence upon those who in the past once mocked you for your unerring work ethic.
Somewhere in your town sits a street just waiting to be named after you, and after all your civic boosterism, it’ll be a reward well merited.
Last updated on November 18, 2014 at 8:45 pm. Word Count: 146