Astrology and Horoscopes

Chinese Horoscope 2019 – Chinese New Year 2019 Of The Pig

Chinese Horoscope 2019 Predictions For All Zodiac Signs


I have great faith
The unknown does not frighten me
Fate is my destiny
I am intrepid and confident
Assured of divine protection
As I give what I have freely
I need no accolades as proof
I am one with all
What I offer is without prejudice
I am pure of heart and trust in myself

Happy New Year!

Table Of Contents:
Chinese New Year 2019
Chinese Horoscope 2019 Predictions
Chinese Year of the Pig 2019 Predictions
Feng Shui 2019

Welcome to the Chinese Horoscope 2019! The Chinese New Year 2019 of the Brown Earth Pig will start on February 5, 2019 – the second New Moon after the Solstice.

The 2018 Dog Year had been full of tough challenges and in particular many Goats should better pray now with the much more friendly Pig taking over the vibes and all the cosmic energies.

The fat, happy Pig is the ‘laughing Buddha’ of the Chinese Zodiac signs; naturally pleased, whatever he does. He likes his creature comforts; is sensual in all endeavours. Tolerant, compassionate, generous, – he has difficulty controlling his passions but hides neither faults, mistakes, nor his self-indulgence. Egocentric, chaotic, destructive at times, one of Pig’s essential drives is his love for freedom and beauty. The eternal optimist, his attitude is, “Don’t worry, be happy”.

Here is the first 2019 outlook for all symbols and now the individual 2019 clues for Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox, Tiger and Rabbit.

Best Wishes, The Astrology Club Team.

chinese horoscope 2019

Chinese New Year 2019

The Chinese Calendar is cyclical and is based on the lunar cycle. The Chinese New Year or the New Lunar Year as the Chinese like to call it, starts at a new moon phase and may fall between the last days of January and the middle of February. The Chinese New Year 2019 will start at the 5th of February, at the first day of the first new moon phase of the classic western calendar year.

Chinese Horoscope 2019 Predictions: Is It a Good Year For You?

With Chinese New Year 2019 approaching it’s again time to know the Chinese Zodiac 2019 Predictions.

The Pig is associated with excess, an over the top attitude. As the Pig is the last of the animals in the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is also a year of endings and a time to be brining things to completion, rather than new beginnings.

As this is a earth year, those born under a earth year can expect a little luck on their side, with those born under the animals that are friends of the Pig gaining the greater share. The Pig itself is considered to be of the water element, so water is also favoured in 2019. Earth and water in combination do create armony during the year.

What does the Chinese Year of the Boar (Pig) mean for you in 2019? Please choose your animal sign and click to read the chinese horoscope 2019.

2019 Chinese Zodiac Sign By Sign

  • Rat Chinese Horoscope 2019
    2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912.
    Chinese Astrology 2019 for the Rat shows that…
  • Ox Chinese Horoscope 2019
    2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925, 1913.
    Ox chinese zodiac in 2019 will have a mixed year…
  • Monkey Horoscope 2019
    2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920.
    2019 for Monkey animal sign will be a complex year…
  • Rooster Horoscope 2019
    2019, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933, 1921.
    The Pig 2019 forecasts shows that this year…
  • Dog Horoscope 2019
    2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910.
    2019 is a year of  opportunities for Dog zodiac sign…
  • Pig Horoscope 2019
    2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911.
    The chinese astrology of 2019 for the Pig animal sign…
2019 Chinese Zodiac Summary:

Best Year for: Tigers.

Amazing Year for Goats, Rabbits, Dragons.

Good Year for Roosters, Rats, Horses, Dogs, Oxen.

Mixed Year forOxen, Pigs.

Difficult Year for: Snakes.

Chinese Fortune cookies for the year ahead:

Find your year below and read your fortune cookie for 2019.

As this year is a 60 year repeat cycle if your year is not listed add or subtract 60.
1930= 1990 etc.

1992 February 04 Water Monkey – Challenging authority is only useful if you know how to play the rules in the first place.

1991 February 15 Metal – Sheep/Goat –Education brings reward, set your course for the future. A year of inward reflection.

1990 January 27 Metal Horse – A year of making friends and associates who serve you well but only for a short time.

1989 February 6 Earth Snake – A year of accomplishment if you listen to the mentors who surround you. Relationships thrive.

1988 February 17 Earth Dragon – You move amongst groups people cultivating new and fruitful associations.

1987 January 29 Fire Rabbit/Cat – You’re ready for a leap of faith into the future. Trust the winds of fate, they blow your way.

1986 February 9 Fire Tiger – A year of defining your individuality by doing your own thing. Write your own script and play the leading role.

1985 February 20 Wood Ox – A bird leaving the nest becomes a parent to itself. Home is where you lay your head.

1984 February 02 Wood Rat – The bamboo that diplomatically bends in the wind survives the toughest hurricane.

1983 February 13 Water Pig – A new learning curve on your journey trail will take you to the peak.

1982 January 25 Water Dog – Inward reflection will show you the way. It’s what you feel that counts.

1981 February 05 Metal Rooster – An auspicious year for financial gain or loss dependent upon you desire.

1980 February 16 Metal Monkey – A vital year for forming family or moving into a new home. Career gains possible

1979 January 28 Earth Sheep/Goat – Laying foundations, long term plans, reaching mature decisions. A promotion is likely for the deserving.

1978 February 7 Earth Horse – A karmic year that can turn your fate around, think long-term, carrying the load will eventually build your strength, not weaken it.

1977 February 18 Fire Snake – For you the choice of reward for accountability, or loss for not taking control. Great for relationships

1976 January 31 Fire Dragon – Sometimes you have to take a step back to go forward, or throw off a load to climb a mountain.

1975 February 11 Wood Rabbit/Cat – Consolidate what you have, a year of practical thinking and financial gain ahead.

1974 January 23 Wood Tiger – A year of achievement, get dressed for success. Public accountability and peak performance count for everything.

1973 February 03 Water Ox – You’re between two worlds, one not yet done with, and the other yet unborn. Have faith in the transition.

1972 February 15 Water Rat – Building, renovation or moving home may be important now. Your money chart looks positive.

1971 – January 27 Metal Pig – A turning point in your life, new teachers appear, and you must be willing to take the knowledge and move on.

1970 – February 06 Metal Dog – Only challenge authority of you’re willing to take the reins yourself.

1969 February 17 Earth Rooster – The year that doesn’t stand out in memory is often the calmest one. Time to chill and sleep tight tonight.

1968 January 30 Earth Monkey – New associations beckon and you may be elected to be on a committee or take charge of a group. Good for career.

1967 February 09 Fire Sheep – Unsatisfied needs are like a stone in your shoe and you’d rather walk barefoot…with strong desire.

1966 January 21 Fire Horse – A year of changing values. You’re breaking out of a rut, discovering your inner child. The year of youth.

1965 February 2 Wood Snake – The key to breaking out of jail, is in your mind. But then so is the jail. A fine relationship year ahead.

1964 February 13 Wood Dragon – A year of rewriting the rulebook and testing your boundaries. But watch the speed limit.

1963 January 25 Water Rabbit/Cat – You must accept the challenge first, before you find whether or not it was worth it. But certainly you are!

1962 February 5 Water Tiger – A year of recognition. But celebrating your talents and addressing your faults are all wrapped in one.

1961 February 15 Metal Ox – Positive friendships and helpful associations propel you to greater heights.

1960 January 28 Metal Rat – A year of changing associations, the revolving door of humanity has just been installed.

1959 February 08 Earth Pig – An important year of improvement on your previous conditions, gained by taking chances.

1958 February 18 Earth Dog – Your pride can be your undoing. Only by recognising others talents will you benefit yourself.

1957 January 31 Fire Rooster – If you enjoy your work you never have to work a day in your life. Start worrying and do something about it, or start smiling?

1956 February 12 Fire Monkey – A year of different wavelengths. You find unique solutions to age-old problems. People turn to you for good advice. Your career prospers

1955 January 24 Wood Sheep – New courses, workshops or study groups can fascinate you across the year ahead. A mixing of the minds.

1954 February 03 Wood Horse – Refinement of the mind come from natural surrounds…there’s silence in the pathless woods, and solace in the distant shore.

1953 February 14 Water Snake – Emotional commitment to someone or something that you love. A good year for love and money.

1952 January 27 Water Dragon – A year of domestic change, renovation or changing your living space.

1951 February 06 Metal Rabbit/Cat – Travel may feature as you look toward the stimulation of different surrounds.

1950 February 17 Metal Tiger – A year of realised hopes and dreams. By sharing your dreams they come true, whereas hiding intentions stifles your performance.

1949 January 29 Earth Ox – Bringing something to conclusions and moving on from there, property or residence may be involved here.

1948 February 10 Earth Rat – Authority counts, whether you have it or seek it. A power year for you.

1947 January 22 Fire Pig – It can be a time of being at the top of the tree, but where do you go from there? Savour it while it lasts.

1946 February 2 Fire Dog – Travel may be in the wind. A change of scenery will work wonders.

1945 February 13 Wood Rooster – Making other people’s dreams come true can make your own materialise too. It’s the value of teamwork.

1944 January 25 Wood Monkey You may be leaving a scene of great success but the memories carry you forever.

1943 February 05 Water Sheep/Goat – The wisdom of hindsight comes to the fore. A good year for money and resources.

1942 February 15 Water Horse – A year of reinventing yourself. One door closes but another opens for you.

1941 January 27 Metal Snake – Education and travel prove you’re never too old to learn. A good relating period.

1940 February 08 Metal Dragon – Fortune favours the brave and your soul will be satisfied when you exhibit this courage.

1939 February 19 Earth Rabbit/Cat – Time to rekindle the child within, a year for fun and frivolity.

1938 January 31 Earth Tiger – Putting thoughts onto paper helps make dreams a reality.

1937 February 11 Fire Ox – A penny saved is of no use but to the tax man. A penny shared benefits many.

1936 January 24 Fire Rat – Seeing the true value of oneself also shines the light of truth into the world.

1935 February 04 Wood Pig – Fortunate is he who knows the value of a true heart.

1934 February 14 Wood Dog – The mind holds many secrets, now is time to bring some into the open.

1933 January 26 Water Rooster – Allowing the creative self to breathe, also freshens the broader outlook.

1932 February 6 Water Monkey – Challenging authority is only useful if you know how to play the rules in the first place.

For more deail of your year according to your 2019 chinese horoscope click your animal link.

2019 Chinese Horoscope – Brief excerpts:

What to Expect in the Year of the Fire Pig:

A busy year; many changes. Opportunites & innovations; Personal adjustments are necessary for success. Keep track of possessions.

A busier year than usual. Doing things together with a pig-born person can be helpful. Travel is likely – if so, watch your possessions.

Lots of laughter, happy occasions. A new partner possible in business, love, or both. In business, ensure a good action plan – things happen fast!

A great year: lots of support & friendship. Finish any ‘strange stuff’ from the past so you’re ready for the future. Hook up with pig-folk.

Good for socialising; Not for ground-breaking new projects. Exercise patience! Avoid stress-outs. You’ll need to fit in with the plans of others.

If you feel out of synch, remember it’s a good time for resource consolidation, for research & getting up to date. Going incognito leads to discoveries.

The Horse will appreciate the social aspects of the year. Opportunities can arrive by strange means: – Keep an open mind.

The year’s flow is in harmony with your energies. Significant projects & opportunities. Keep highest integrity in romance: your reputation is at stake.

You may be run off your feet; Don’t trust hunches until you’ve done the research: facts, figures, stats. Look behind the scenes. Take time out.

Public recognition, but more important things need attention. Learn how you’re contributing to any chaos. Re-evaluate what’s important to you.

You may have to go on rescue missions. Don’t fret if the ‘dog’s bone’ goes to others. Be aware, keep focus, avoid get-rich-quick schemes.

A happy, optimistic, comfortable year. Avoid excess, indulgence, being carried away in the moment, & making promises you can’t keep.

Year Of The Pig 2019 Predictions

The Pig’s Personality

The Great Year of the Chinese zodiac consists of one year for each of the 12 signs. 2019 is the year of the Pig, the last in the sequence of the Chinese zodiac. While the Pig may represent the end of the cycle, it also looks forward to new birth, similar to the balsamic moon phase for Dane Rudyhar (The Lunation Cycle). And as with the western sign of Pisces, the year of the Pig brings peace and contentment.

The year of the Pig also brings mental reflection. Inborn intelligence rises through the Pig’s goodness, often expressed in loving acts of kindness for others. In fact, the Pig often will give generously to those around him, while denying things for himself.

While social activities bring pleasure, a Pig often wishes to retreat to the quiet confines of his/her home and family. In more meditative modes, a Pig can feel a hopeless sense of overwhelming sadness. It is important to have a family structure in place – such as dinner together each evening – for a Pig to feel secure with those closest to him. These simple get-togethers are a cherished part of the Pig’s personal life, and allow him to reflect on the pleasures that life can bring. It allows him to ponder his past and look forward to greater happiness in the future. And for the Pig late evening is the best time to ponder, especially between 9:00 and 11:00 at night.

While the Pig’s nature is inclined towards quiet, peaceful living, if provoked a Pig will fight for what is Right. A Pig is willing to sacrifice all if openly attacked. He will look for every means to avoid a confrontation, but if necessary can be heroic in his response. And if so engaged, a Pig will only be defeated by death. While Pigs may often exhibit a strong appearance, they can be physically very sensitive. When in distress they may suffer from stomach or skin ailments.

The last appearance of the Mutable Earth Pig was in 1959. In 1995 and 1935 we met the Strong Wood Pig. In 1983 and 1923 we had years of the Quiet Water Pig. In 1971 and 1911 we had the Caring Metal Pig. And in 1947 we had the year of the Illuminated Fire Pig.


Read the 2019 chinese horoscope for your zodiac sign

General Predictions For The Year Of The Pig 2019

February 5, 2019 to January 24, 2020 is marked in the lunar calendar as the Year of the Earth Pig, a period when the fiery temperament of the Pig is expected to

While February the 18th is the 49th day of the traditional western calendar, it is actually the first day of the year for the Chinese and other eastern cultures. The 2007 Chinese New Year is affected by the sign of the Pig. The attributes of this Chinese sign are (for the year 2007) combined with the element of fire, and here’s what that means.

The Pig is the last Chinese sign of the Chinese zodiac cycle and it is generally ruled by the element of Water. But it is also the universal element of Earth who is the major ruler for this year. So it is Earth over Water for 2019. It is a great time to finish anything you have started the previous year or the past years. It is not a good time to start a new major and important project. The Pig and the element of Earth instructs you to go back and see what you’ve got, make any necessary changes, improve your goals and your strategy, finalize situations and get rid of what is bothering you whether it is emotions, feelings, friends, lovers or whatever.

The 2019 Chinese Year of the Pig is also an ideal time to think about the next year and prepare for some major changes that are very likely to happen during the new animal cycle that will begin with the year of the Rat in 2020. So try to carefully visualize your future goals and plans. Don’t go into action yet. This is not a year for new beginnings. Just think of the future and visualize what you want to happen next year. Always keep that in mind and be careful not to be overwhelmed by the Pig’s sensual or sexual temptations. You may be fooled.

The Chinese horoscope 2019 shows that this is also an excellent year for legitimate business and ventures. The Pig is quite aggressive and cynical when it comes to frauds, stolen properties/money or other illegal activities. You will be probably punished severely if you don’t play by the rules this year. And it will be a final and strict punishment since the Pig is awaiting its turn in the zodiac cycle to punish bad people. Remember it is the last animal of the Chinese Horoscope and it must make sure everything is in place for the new animal cycle to begin.

It is highly likely that you will presented with a plethora of dilemmas this year. Maybe you will have to make important decisions, maybe choose between sides, you know black pill and blue pill stuff. The Pig favors you to open your mind and soul and start expressing yourself and talk sincerely to others about your feelings, thoughts or plans. Take a stand and act on what you want. It is not a good time to hide and go through shortcuts. Instead you have to select that what fits you the most without any hesitation or fear. If you act smart you will be rewarded afterwards. All your paths will be cleared and justified.

The Pig year can motivate the travel industry.

As this past year of the Dog built structure and a symbolic “home” it is now time for the Pig to “furnish” said castle making it a comfortable, cozy place of safety and security. Occupying the life palace of home & family life with the Dog, the Pig proceeds to complete what the Dog has laid foundations for. Finishing touches, tying up loose ends, last stands, curtain calls and closures will be the urging of the year. So, prepare to finish projects, complete goals and even say some goodbyes. Put your ducks in a row, cross your T’s and dot your I’s in 2019 and the proper Pig will be gracious to you.

All things that occur this year can be looked on as closing or final conclusions in some way. An auspicious year to complete projects, bring projects to fruition or arrive safely after completing a long life journey.

Behaviorally, we may see the choosing of sides and the emergence of the ‘white hats and the black hats’ – as the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ square off, so to speak. Basically, in 2019, the good become superior and the bad become worse. The enlightened continue on their path to understanding and contentment, while the spiritually bankrupt slip farther away from their true selves. Take a stand, speak your mind and feel the closure of this Pig year.

Pig years are known for their respite from strife, patience and passivity, but also for indulgence, sensuality and fleshly delights. As the last sign of the zodiac, the Pig represents “resignation” accepting human nature as it is – content to live and let live. The greatest risk will be naiveté, so by all means avoid confidence schemes and being fooled or duped throughout 2007.

2019 is also a yin year, so in 2019 there is a need to take care of the health of the heart and mental well-being. People born on a yin earth day in particular need to learn to relax more and pay more attention to a healthy low fat diet.

Economically, it is likely that the stock exchange will rise in the first half of the year, again with the excess of the pig. It may not be building on reality though, just speculation and this can see a readjustment in the 2nd half. It is not likely to be the extremes of a boom and bust year though. NASDAQ itself was born in a Pig year, although this was not that surprising given the nature of the stock market.

The Pig also tends to coincide with extremes of weather, but don’t be fooled by the Earth component as there will be extremes of cold as well as heat. The year of the Fire Pig, 1947, saw much of Canada buried under snow during a ferocious blizzard, it was also the beginning of the ‘Cold war” between the USA and USSR. It was also the year that U.S. President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act into United States law creating the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council.

The Pig is a Chinese sign that is also associated with good luck and prosperity and if you follow the rules described above, the magnificent Pig will bring you harmony during the year and unexpected lucky events by the end of 2019. New opportunities may arise as the Pig year ends and depending on the job you’ve done with yourself during the year, these beneficial opportunities will actually be embedded in your life in a way that you cannot miss them or disregard them. Then it is up to you to make decisions and accept or reject new ideas or changes for the coming New Year.

The most important thing to remember about this Chinese Year 2019 is that the Pig is the last Chinese Horoscope sign. A cycle ends and a new one is about to begin. Don’t forget that the Pig is also empowered by the universal element of Earth. The influence of Earth will be severe and powerful. Earth is here to help the Pig do some maintenance and clear/destroy what must go and disappear.

So, another cycle that started 11 years ago is about to finish and a new one will soon begin. Chinese strongly believe that the new Chinese horoscope cycle that will start in 2020, will be the most important for the human race as a whole. Chinese prophets and a lot of Chinese Astrologers (including me) agree that the new Chinese Zodiac cycle and the next few years will have a tremendous impact to humanity. We should expect a lot of pleasant and unpleasant surprises, but in the end all this will lead people to a new magical era. So say the analysts.

Within the Pig year we have a succession of lunar months, each lunar month beginning with the New Moon. Thus for 2019 we have the following:

1st Lunar Month
Success comes through consistent hard work and sincere and serious attention to your efforts, not through luck.

2nd Lunar Month
When good things come your way you need to refrain from becoming overly confident and lapsing into laziness.

3rd Lunar Month
This is a very mental month filled with new and exciting ideas. You will need to prioritize your goals, as you can’t achieve everything!

4th Lunar Month
Enjoy your life as much as possible. Problems can be set aside to deal with later.

5th Lunar Month
While you may instinctively be suspicious, you need to learn to trust others.

6th Lunar Month
A few little “white lies” may not really be bad. After all, once you have made a decision, there is no going back.

7th Lunar Month
This is a month of activity and action – strive to do your best!

8th Lunar Month
While this is usually a “happy” month, look for tensions to arise. You will need to decide if you wish to take on a challenge, or retreat to await more peaceful times.

9th Lunar Month
This may be a month with too much information! Eliminate the trivial and concentrate on what is important, or you may become forgetful. If you let yourself get bogged down with worry, you may not accomplish anything.

10th Lunar Month
Your concern for others will be all important this month. In fact, your own problems will seem less significant in this light. Look for positive results!

11th Lunar Month
This month you may feel as if you can achieve anything, but you will need to make some choices about what is important. Trying to “do it all” may become exhausting!

12th Lunar Month
While you may be elated at your own cleverness, you may become careless and create problems. Share your wonderful ideas with others.

See the 2019 chinese zodiac predictions for your animal sign.

Feng Shui 2019 Guidelines For The Year Of the Pig 2019

Last updated on May 7, 2017 at 6:09 pm. Word Count: 4397