Astrology and Horoscopes

Gemini at Work– The Gemini Employee

Once upon a time Ms Gemini went to work at LargeCorp. Open-minded, social and totally charming she stimulated the whole office with her quick wit, sharp tongue and her life of the party attitude.

Her boss loved her ability to quickly grasp concepts, manage crises and sell coal to Newcastle. In her head was every little piece of information she had ever learned- all tiny seemingly non-connected bits of data that she could access as she needed.

He also liked that she was relatively low maintenance- as long as she was kept busy Ms Gemini rarely complained. It was only when she was bored or constrained that she became restless- then her love for information turned to gossip and her charm became just a tad manipulative.

No one really cared that she seemed to spend a lot of time getting coffee, and socialising. Nor was it noticed that her attention span was, to say the least, sporadic. She got the job done so no one ever really knew nor cared how.

One day her boss moved on to another role. Her new Manager was a stickler for process and time-keeping. He saw how long it took her to get a coffee and how much time she would spend on the phone or social networks. It never occurred to him that this was one of the ways in which she managed to obtain all that information that so helped her with achieving those sales targets.

He also noticed how Gemini rarely committed herself to anything longer term and didn’t seem to have the stamina to be involved with longer term projects. Whilst she achieved her targets seemingly without effort, she seemed reluctant to stretch herself.

So he transferred her to a processing department- where she had a desk in a pod doing the same thing every day. Her daily output was measured, her internet time was monitored. She quickly grew discontented, restless and resigned within a month.

Her new boss didn’t understand why Ms Gemini wasn’t like many other employees at LargeCorp. The usual motivations of titles and ladder climbing didn’t do it for her. So, what does motivate Gemini?

In short, it is mental stimulation- she needs to keep her brain active- every minute of every day.

Geminis’ raison d’être is to communicate- to facilitate the sending and receiving of messages, of information. She has an enviable list of contacts that she is able to seamlessly move between. This helps keep things fresh, light and interesting. When boredom sets in, she surrounds herself with new more interesting contacts.

She is curious about everything. loves a good debate, is generally open-minded and will play devils advocate just to prompt an exchange of views. Gemini has a dislike of fixed opinions and will actively facilitate open and frank discussion.

Last updated on September 5, 2015 at 8:09 pm. Word Count: 472