Astrology and Horoscopes

Astrology Book Reviews

Fore more astrology book reviews please browse the links on the left side.

Astrology, Your Place in the Sun by Evangeline Adams
Considered one of the leading figures of American astrology, Adams synthesizes the basic meaning of the 12 signs, the 12 houses and the planets. Of particular interest is a description of the physical attributes of the native when each of the Zodiac signs rise in the chart. May be somewhat fatalistic to humanistic astrologers. Dodd, Mead & Company. 343 pages.

Astrology for Everyone by Evangeline Adams
Always pragmatic, Adams delineates the influence of each sun sign, the 9 “planets” (Pluto had yet to be discovered), and 12 houses. She includes a chapter on what to expect from a husband or wife of each sun sign. Dodd, Mead & Company. 268 pages.

Psychology, Astrology & Western Magic by Luis Alvarado
This is a study in images and the archetypal languages of life. Anyone with a deep understanding of Jung and symbolic languages will enjoy the way Alvarado links archetypes to astrology, psychology and various Western esoteric traditions. An important well-researched work. Llewellyn Publications. 259 pages.

Astrology Karma & Transformation by Stephen Arroyo
Arroyo has a talent for conveying abstract concepts in concrete and useful terms. This book is another classic in the field of humanistic astrology and discusses the key planets and aspects of the natal chart that relate to spiritual growth and karma. There are also sections on relationships, progressions and transits. The chapter on the Edgar Cayce readings pertaining to astrology seems out of place but is interesting nonetheless. CRCS. 255 pages.

Chart Interpretation Handbook by Stephen Arroyo
This is a great book for beginners wanting to get a deeper understanding of the chart as a whole and its essentials. As usual, Arroyo focuses strongly on the importance of the elements. A CRCS Publication. 181 pages.

New Insights in Modern Astrology by Stephen Arroyo and Liz Greene
A series of essays on different topics each by one of the two renown authors. Among the topics covered are: the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction; chart comparisons in relationships; myth and the individual journey; relationship research; light and shadow; methods of chart synthesis; and key issues of astrology today. An excellent work. CRCS. 208 pages.

Astrology and Your Past Lives by Jeanne Avery
Using regression therapy, Jean Avery examines childhood experiences and past life memories and discusses how they connect with the position of Saturn in the birth chart of the client. Nine chapters examine the possible past life issues relating to Saturn’s aspect with each of the other planets and illustrate each case with a case study. An intriguing work. Fireside Books. 331 pages.

Stairways to the Stars by Anthony Aveni
A clearly written account of how the ancient Maya, Inca, Aztec and peoples of Great Britain viewed the sky. Aveni is a clear and witty writer with obvious mastery over the material. The importance of the Venus cult in Mesoamerican astrology and its association with warfare is particularly fascinating. Very helpful illustrations. John Wiley & Sons. 230 pages.

Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey
Alice Bailey was said to have channeled her astrological works and this one is an example of such. The treatise covers the influence of the “seven rays” upon man from an astrological and metaphysical perspective. Much of the work is theosophical in nature and the astrological premises are often difficult to reconcile with modern teachings. You may need a theosophical bent to resonate with this book. I personally did not find it very applicable. Lucis Publishing. 742 pages.

Money and the Markets by Graham Bates and Jane Chrzanowska Bowles
Admittedly, financial astrology is not my specialty; if I can understand this, so can anyone. The book begins with an historical overview of financial astrology and a much appreciated introduction to some of the pioneering names in the field. Astrological indicators for the US and UK economies, for the stock market, and tips for helping businesses are covered. Aquarian. 200 pages.

The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills
This is primarily a reference book for the astrological correspondences of various nouns. Listed both symbolically and alphabetically, it is a nice resource for horary or astro-dreamwork. The only draw-back is that Bills provides no rationale for his attributions; one has to take them at face value or not at all. 428 pages.

Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
Brady tackles the subject of fixed stars in her usually ambitious and comprehensive manner. Drawing on traditional sources and on the mythology of the stars, Brady updates the traditional interpretations for a more sophisticated modern audience. The result is superb, informative and practical. She does a great job of explaining parans, the traditional method of working with the fixed stars. Samuel Weiser. 460 pages.

Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady
A classic in the area of forecasting and a must have in any astrologer’s library. Brady’s transit grids are brilliant and give transit work a depth of meaning not considered before. Her chapter on progressions is the best I’ve ever encountered and her treatment of eclipses is non-rivaled. Brady is a meticulous researcher and writer and I cannot recommend this book enough. Samuel Weiser. 364 pages.

Discovering Your Soul Mission by Linda Brady and Evan St. Lifer
This book is an amalgam of divergent ways of supposedly discovering one’s soul mission. While there are some useful tips in it, I find the astrological indicators to possible past life scenarios to be simplistically delineated. There is a section on dream symbolism that is skimpy and is not well integrated with the rest of the material. If you are new to all metaphysical work, this book may be an intriguing introduction. But you’d be wise to take the astrological conclusions with a grain of salt. Three Rivers Press. 266 pages.

Astrology for Yourself by Douglas Bloch and Demetra George
Bloch and George have put together the perfect workbook for the new student. Using one’s own chart, the student works a complete natal interpretation in a step-by-step process. A very comprehensive work covering all the basic points in the chart as well as the major asteroids. The delineations are well-written and the practical exercises are extremely instructional. A popular tool recommended by a lot of teachers.

Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart by Kevin Burk
Burk’s book is a comprehensive guide to classical interpretation written in a clear, accessible manner and recommended for all beginning students. Burk has a whole chapter on the important topic of essential dignities and debilities and all the other basics are covered. The book is devised to prepare students for Level I of the NCGR astrological certification exam. Lewellyn Publications. 351 pages.

Charting Your Career by Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D.
Stephanie considers the following as vocational indicators in the chart: the 5th house, Saturn and Mars, the 10th house; aspcets and transits to the Midheaven; the 6th house; the 2nd house. She provides helpful examples from her own client base and considers the significance of heliocentric charts. Having had a vocational reading from Stephanie myself, I can vouch that she knows her stuff. Llewellyn. 250 pages.

The Power of the Midheaven by Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D.
Stephanie does for the Midheaven what other authors have done for the Ascendant. Each chapter considers and discusses a separate sign on the MC, its issues, a transition between two signs on the cusp, and includes an example chart. Stephanie’s delienations are often unique, but psychologically and spiritually interesting. Llewellyn. 210 pages.

Chiron by Barbara Hand Clow
There are still few good sources on Chiron and Clow’s book is one of the more comprehensive ones out there. In it she covers Chrion in all the signs and houses and in aspect to the planets and nodes. While parts of her book seem a little speculative and unsupported to me, there are others that I did find intriguing. Worth reading and judging for yourself. Llewellyn. 242 pages.

The Astrologer’s Forecasting Workbook by Lloyd Cope
(still under review)

Planets in Locality by Steve Cozzi
(still under review)

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Franz Cumont
Originally published in 1912, this is an academic work on the historical origins and development of astrology. This is not light reading and Cumont can be very opinionated at times. Nonetheless, I found this series of lectures to be very enlightening. Kessinger Publishing. 208 pages.

The Consulting Astrologer’s Guidebook by Donna Cunningham
This should be a required text of any program in counseling astrology. Cunningham addresses the most important ethical and practical issues likely to be encountered by the practicing astrologer. Among these are: conducting an effective chart reading session; the use of language; counseling clients in crisis; referring clients and providing resources; vocational sessions; relationship counseling; counseling teens and children; building a practice. Samuel Weiser. 236 pages.

A Confusion of Prophets by Patrick Curry
This book chronicles the revival of astrology at the turn of the 18th century in England by tracing some of the important astrological figures of the time. Among these: John Varley; Raphael; Zadkiel; A. J. Pearce; Richard Garnett and Alan Leo. Curry is one of the most accessible writers on historical astrology. Collins & Brown. 192 pages.

Modern Horary Astrology by Doris Chase Doane
Doane covers the basic elements in horary astrology using modern questions as illustrations. Each chapter pertains to a house and examines cases for several questions signified by that house. There are several pages of useful rulerships. AFA. 254 pages.

The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin
While this is a classic in the study of cosmobiology and midpoints, it has become very popular because it is one of the few astrology reference books to delineate three points at the same time. It covers planets in houses, includes Ascendant, Midheaven and North Node, as well as any 3 point combination. A must in any student’s library. A.F.A. 256 pages.

The Tenacious Mars Effect by Suitbert Ertel & Kenneth Irving
(still under review)

The Astral Tramp by Kim Farnell
One of the most popular and today unknown astrologers of the 19th century was Walter Gorn Old, who wrote under the pseudonym Sepharial. Walter is best known for his pioneering use of the earth’s dark satellite Lilith in his work. Farnell’s biography of his life is very readable and interesting. Ascella. 202 pages.

The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest
Forrest is so poetic and such a good story-teller, you cannot help to learn from his writing. This is one of the better introductory books on natal chart interpretation. It is a fun read and yet does not lack for a coherent organization. ACS Publications. 303 pages.

The Changing Sky by Steven Forrest
I love the way Steven Forrests’ mind works. He not only explains in the most simple terms possible the intricacies of forecasting techniques like secondary progressions and transits, but he also creates a handy system of “nets” for capturing the most crucial information for any given time-frame. Well-organized and beautifully written. Highly recommended. ACS. 308 pages.

Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley
(still under review)

The Hermetica by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy
Gandy and Freke present selected passages from a collection of writings attributed to Hermes Tresmigistus: the Corpus Hermeticum books, the Asclepius, the Stobaeus, assembled fragments and texts from the Nag Hammadi Library. This is not an astrological text per se, but there are some interesting passages regarding the Zodiac and astrology in general. Penguin Putnum. 159 pages.

Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior by Dr. Michel Gauquelin
This book contains the famous vocation study that brought Michel fame and headaches throughout his life. Those results have stood the test of time and extensive scrutiny by skeptics and believers alike. In addition, his work on planetary genetics is included. Gauquelin’s writing is clear and logical. You do not need any knowledge of statistical methods to follow this work. A must have. Aurora Press. 319 pages.

Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George with Douglas Bloch
The psychology, mythology, and astrology of the 4 major goddesses is discussed thoroughly and their positions delineated by sign, house and aspect to the planets. The minor asteroids are briefly examined and an ephemeris to 2002 is provided for 16 asteroids. Comprehensive and very informative. ACS. 383 pages.

The New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator by Llewellyn George
A classic introductory source, George covers all the basics of natal chart interpretation as well as the more advanced forecasting techniques of secondary progressions and transits. Although the interpretations are somewhat fatalistic, procedurally it is very informative. There is also an easy to follow mathematical section on how to erect a chart. Llewellyn. 592 pages.

Signs of Mental Illness by Mitchell E. Gibson, M.D.
Dr. Gibson’s scientific analysis of the astrological markers for specific clinical disorders is groundbreaking. Drawing on client case studies, Gibson isolated astrological markers and compared groups diagnosed with particular disorders with a control group of 24 average healthy individuals. Of key interest is the use of declination as a predictor. Llewellyn. 193 pages.

The Mythic Journey by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke
This is a beautifully illustrated book in which Greene has compiled a collection of myths from all over the world which reflect some of the basic human challenges encountered by man on his journey of development. It is not an astrology book per se, but one which can easily add insight to the process of human growth and the various universal archetypes displayed within the birthchart. Fireside. 288 pages.

Dynamics of the Unconscious by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas
Part of a wonderful series of lectures on psychological astrology that Greene and Sasportas transcribed, this is volume 2. This volume is the most interesting, covering issues such as: aggression, depression, the quest for the sublime, and alchemical symbolism. The question and answer format at the end is very readable. Samuel Reiser. 367 pages.

The Inner Planets by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas
Volume 4 of her transcribed lecture series covers the inner planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. All the planets are discussed astrologically, mythologically and psychologically with case studies providing concrete examples. Samuel Weiser. 332 pages.

The Luminaries by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas
An in-depth look at the solar and lunar psychologies and their mythological connections as well as symbolic representation of the parents in the birthchart. Another wonderful work in this volume #3 of this highly recommended series. Samuel Weiser. 240 pages.

Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet by Liz Greene
An in-depth analysis of the chart from the perspective of relationship formation. Greene examines the animus/anima images, parental influences and the sexual needs of each individual as gleaned from a birthchart. She also examines Saturn and Uranus as inner timers and the influence of the progressed chart. Samuel Weiser. 294 pages.

The Astrology of Fate by Liz Greene
It is interesting that as astrologers, we hardly ever publicly address the question of fate in our work. In this masterful work, Greene tackles the issue, often sounding very much like a modern day Stoic. Interweaving Greek myth into her analysis, she brings a new understanding to the process of creation and living and its relationship to astrological symbolism. Samuel Weiser. 370 pages.

Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil by Liz Greene
One of Greene’s earlier works which nonetheless already exhibits Greene’s exceptional mythological and astrological insight. She begins by examining Saturn’s possible influence in the elements and its aspects in the birthchart. She ends with a chapter on Saturn’s influence in synastry work. One of the better works on Saturn. Samuel Weiser. 196 pages.

Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green
Although his writing is a little abstract and his sentences tend to be run-on, it’s still the best work on Pluto that has yet been published. Green does a great job of dissecting this little planet and its connections to the psyche and how that relates to the process of evolution. Anyone interested in karma and personal evolution should read it. Llewellyn. 352 pages.

Pluto vol. II: The Soul’s Evolution Through Relationships by Jeff Green
Green continues his work with Pluto by examining how it connects two charts together. Synastric connections between Pluto and the Nodes he argues, are clues to evolutionary links between people and describe painful work that must be faced in order for souls to resolve the karma that binds them. Green’s work with Pluto has been highly corroborated. Llewellyn. 399 pages.

Mythic Astrology by Ariel Guttman & Kenneth Johnson
One of the better works on mythological astrology in print. Each chapter covers the mythological history of one of the planets, the 4 major asteroids, and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. There is also a worksheet after each sign chapter to assess the influence of that archetype in one’s own astrological chart. A must for those who use myth in their astrological repertoire. Llewellyn. 384 pages.

Planets in Transit by Robert Hand
A classic reference work on transits that still manages to have tremendous psychological insight. Hand covers all planetary transits to each other, to the Ascendant and Midheaven and through the 12 houses. A requirement for students and professionals. Whitford Press. 528 pages.

Planets in Composite by Robert Hand
Another classic by Hand who has single-handedly helped to popularize the little-known German technique of combining two charts in relationship work. The book is a reference text with superb delineations of the composite planets in the houses and of the composite aspects in the chart. Highly recommended. Whitford Press. 362 pages.

Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand
Another brilliant work by Hand on astrological fundamentals. Houses are usually the most poorly understood factors in chart work, but Hand’s descriptions are the best I’ve read — exploring as he does the primary vs. the secondary motions of the planets and their influence on the house meanings. He also includes an informative chapter on the use of midpoints. A must have. Schiffer Publishing. 362 pages.

Hymns to the Ancient Gods by Michael Harding
We often hear about Jung’s theories as a basis for psychological astrology, but Harding argues in this work that Freud’s early concepts of cycles and archaic memory are actually precursor’s to Jung’s theories and very relevant for a model of astrology. Particularly stimulating are Harding’s ideas about historical imprinting and language. Thoroughly provocative. Arkana. 365 pages.

Simplified Scientific Astrology by Max Heindel
The first half of this 1928 work covers all of the technical and mathematical information needed to understand chart basics and the way one is constructed. The 2nd half is a reprint of the Rosicrucian “Philosophic Encyclopedia of Astrology”, which is a small dictionary of astrological terms. A clear source for a chart construction method. Melvin Powers. 198 pages.

A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James Herschel Holden M.A., F.A.F.A.
Holden has written one of the most comprehensive astrological histories in print. It starts with a brief introduction to Babylonian astrology continues with the birth of horoscopes during the Hellenistic period and on up to the present time. Very comprehensive and thoroughly researched. Hats off to Holden for a much needed history. AFA. 359 pages.

The Houses: Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding
Rob Hand’s introduction to this book says it best: “What is needed is a discussion of the issues of house interpretation along with a good summary of the evolution of their significations through time. This has not been available up until now. This book fills that need. Here we have an excellent critique of the tendencies of moderns to improvise upon and alter the tradition without paying enough heed to what the tradition actually says; and the bulk of the book deals with the history of the significations of each of the pairs of houses with the variant significations laid out for all to see.” An important book. Ascella Publications. 134 pages.

Astrology & the Third Reich by Ellic Howe
This is almost two books in one. The first part covers the history of astrology from its revival in 18th century Britain to its involvement in Hitler’s Third Reich. The second part is a biographical account of Karl Krafft, the Swiss astrologer who became involved with Goebbels’ propaganda machine. Howe’s book sets the record straight on how the Third Reich made use of astrology. Aquarian Press. 253 pages.

Moon-Node Astrology by Bruno and Louise Huber
The premise of this book is that one can create a mirror image of the birthchart by beginning at the lunar north node and reconstructing it in a clockwise manner. This presumably depicts the buried contents of the unconscious mind and therefore an accumulation of residue from past life experiences. An interesting concept but not well supported in this work. Samuel Weiser. 237 pages.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones
Jones’ is the classical work compiling all 360 Sabian symbols and their explanations. In the first part of the book he explains the origin of the symbols, their use in natal, horary, mundane astrology and in chart rectification. I would also add that they can be exceptionally useful in return chart work. The explanations are somewhat abstract, but the images alone are worth pondering for meaning. Aurora Press. 437 pages.

The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones
In an attempt to see the whole view of a chart, Jones came up with his 7 planetary chart patterns, often written about in other astrological works. These include patterns such as the splay, the locomotive, the bowl, the bucket etc. While the patterns are clear, I find Jones’ sample delineations muddled and vague. A classic nonetheless. Quest Books. 195 pages.

Beyond the Blue Horizon by Dr. E. C. Krupp
A wonderfully researched cross-cultural collection of stories, myths and legends concerning man’s understanding of the sky, the zodiac, the planets and our notion of time. Not an astrology book per se, but recommended to any astrologer wishing to understand the historical and cultural development of their subject. Oxford Paperbacks. 387 pages.

The Ultimate Asteroid Book by Dr. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
(still under review)

The Book of Rulerships by Dr. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
Unlike Bills’ book on rulerships, this one is research-based. Lehman examines and compares 9 sources (Except for Ptolemy, most are Medieval), for various keyword rulerships. In addition, she attempts to derive a rationale upon which the attributions are based from the sources examined. There is an alphabetical and symbolic listing. Modern keywords and the outer planets are not included. Whitford Press. 351 pages.

Essential Dignities by Dr. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
Lehman’s best book uncovers the traditional approach to planetary rulerships, essential dignities and debilities. Whereas modern astrology assigns only a vague positive and negative value to rulerships, exaltations, fall and detriment, Lehman explains these terms in detail as well as the other dignities assigned by face and triplicity. She also provides the historical basis of all her work. A must for any serious astrologer. Whitford Press. 256 pages.

Classical Astrology for Modern Living by Dr. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
Lehman is an extremely clear and practical author and astrologer. Her work sheds much needed light on traditional techniques, explaining their rationale and their practical applicability and asking all the right questions along the way. Among the traditional techniques covered in this book are essential dignities, accidental dignities, the Part of Fortune, the nodal cycle, profections and a systematic way of approaching the houses in delineation. Whitford Press. 350 pages.

Esoteric Astrology by Alan Leo
This book is illustrative of Leo’s pioneering style at a time when most astrologers were still making fatalistic judgments for their clients. The esoteric teachings are largely based on the philosophy of The Theosophical Society of which Leo was a member. Astrological factors are examined from the perspective of karma, reincarnation and spiritual growth. His style is clear and logical. A valuable addition to any library. Destiny Books. 293 pages.

Beneath a Vedic Sky by William R. Levacy
(still under review)

Compendium of Astrology by Rose Lineman and Jan Popella
Another solid, comprehensive and practical volume containing the basics of astrology. Contains useful appendices on planetary nodes, solstice points, fixed stars, and the Arabian Parts. Delineations are provided for signs on cusps, planets in houses and all major aspects. There is a helpful glossary at the end. Para Research. 304 pages.

Tools of Astrology – Houses by Dona Marie Lorenz
This is one of the few excellent technical works on the astrological houses. Covering the differences between 7 systems of house division, Lorenz provides clear illustrations, definitions, and handy tables for calculating the various methods. 126 pages.

Horary Astrology Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis
Louis is a clear writer and this treatment does a good job of covering all of the medieval considerations in interpreting horary questions. Where relevant, Louis refers to his sources for divergent opinions and lets you decide for yourself. His examples are easy to follow and the book is well-organized. There are several handy rulership lists. Llewellyn. 259 pages.

Transits: The Time of Your Life by Betty Lundsted
A very well-delineated reference book on transiting planetary cycles. Beginning with hard transits from Mars to each of the planets, it continues with descriptions of how each of the next planets will feel as they make natal contacts. Except for Mars, individual aspects are not distinguished. Transits to the 4 major angles are also covered. Samuel Weiser. 171 pages.

Life Time Astrology by A. T. Mann
Mann’s pioneering premise is that the timing of events in the birthchart begins prenatally and is organized logarithmically. Thus, conception is depicted at the 9th house cusp, birth at the Ascendant, and death at the end of the 8th house cusp. With a logarithmic timescale superimposed upon the birthchart, one can determine the exact timing for events. Raises some questions though, if all your planets are in quadrant 4. Theoretically intriguing and nicely written. Worth a critical detailed analysis. Element. 273 pages.

The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Basic Principles Vol. I by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
This whole series is designed for the new student who wishes to learn the basics of astrological work in a clearly organized and explained format. All the books are extremely user-friendly, although I find some of the interpretations a little weak. Nonetheless I recommend the series as a learning tool rather than a delineation reference source. ACS. 301 pages.

The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Math and Interpretation Tehniques Vol. II by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
One of the easier chart construction procedures around in the literature. The second part of the book contains: an explanation of standouts in the chart; retrograde planets; intercepted signs and planets; mutual receptions and final dispositors; Jones’ chart Patterns; decanates and dwads; the lunar nodes; and the signs on the cups. ACS. 252 pages.

The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Horoscope Analysis Vol. III by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
This volume contains: interpretations for the rulers of each house; 4 case studies of famous people; and delineating charts for specific purposes such as vocation and health. ACS. 254 pages.

The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow: Current Patterns, Progressions, Directions, Solar and Lunar Returns, Transits Vol. IV by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
Volume IV is dedicated to various forecasting techniques: secondary progressions; solar arc directions; transits; lunations and eclipses; planetary cycles; solar and lunar returns; and the mathematics of all these techniques. ACS. 261 pages.

The Only Way to Learn About Relationships: Synastry Techniques Vol. V by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
Volume V covers synastry techniques. Part I begins with a discussion of what the various relationship houses represent and speaks briefly of derivative houses. Part II moves into the intricacies of chart comparisons, interaspects and configurations between charts. Part III covers composite charts and Part IV goes over a relationship case study. ACS. 213 pages.

The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology: Vol. VI by Marion D. March & Joan McEvers
Volume VI covers horary and electional astrological techniques. Part I goes over the various strictures and rules in horary as well as how to locate the question in a chart. It ends with several examples of frequently asked questions. Part II covers the definition of electional astrology, the rules for selecting charts and the various types of electional cases that come up – such as marriage and conception and fertility. ACS. 222 pages.

The Art of Chart Interpretation by Tracy Marks
In an attempt to systematize the art of chart synthesis, Marks devises a synthesis worksheet that is designed to highlight the primary factors of a natal chart. While her book may help a beginner identify significant elements of a chart, I feel the worksheet is unnecessary and may actually interfere with the student’s learning to see the chart wholistically. Most students with some practice will eventually be able to visually pick out the important parts of a chart without the cumbersome listing and circling process. Let’s not “Virgofy” Pisces too much, Tracy! CRCS. 176 pages.

The Astrology of Self-Discovery by Tracy Marks
Using her training in counseling and psychotherapy, Marks provides an in-depth exploration of the principles of depth astrology and how they aid in self-development. The focus is on the Moon, its Nodes, Pluto and Neptune, and the outer transits. A CRCS Publication. 278 pages.

A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer by Michael R. Meyer
(still under review)

Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey
Munkasey takes the work done by Ebertin, updates it and elaborates on the principles represented by each combination. The result is an ambitious treatise, replacing the harsh interpretations of Ebertin with more humanistically oriented content. There is also a comprehensive explanation of midpoint theory, planetary pictures, triads, Arabic parts, how to use dials, and his midpoint weighting system. Highly recommended. ACS Publications. 399 pages.

Planets in Synastry by E. W. Neville
An original book on relationship astrology including delineations for both synastric combinations and composite aspects. Neville arranges the planets into three groups in terms of their importance and function in relationships giving least importance to Neptune and Pluto. His explanation of projected and captured planets is very insightful. Whitford Press. 280 pages.

Rulers of the Horoscope by Alan Oken
Oken’s book takes the chart and focuses entirely on rulerships and dispositorships and how they connect the various planets and houses together in is a comprehensive weaving of meaning throughout the horoscope. The delineations are practical and Oken’s writing is clear and logical. The chapter on the Ascendant dispositor and its aspects is particularly instructive and insightful. The Crossing Press. 293 pages.

Planets in Aspect by Robert Pelletier
This reference source lists delineations for all the planets in each of the Ptolemaic aspects (including the quincunx). Each chapter lists all possible combinations for one particular aspect — with a whole page dedicated to a delineation. Pelletier tries to pack more information than he can get from two planets into each interpretation and it throws him off. Whitford Press. 339 pages.

Planets in Houses by Robert Pelletier
There is an interesting and very effective organization to this reference book on the houses. Pelletier delineates (rather well) each planet in all the houses and additionally interprets that same planet in relation to the other houses from a derivative house perspective. The house relationship between the sun and moon is also discussed. A handy reference tool. Whitford Press. 366 pages.

Unveiling Your Future: Progressions Made Easy by Maritha Pottenger and Zipporah Dobyns
The major value of this reference work is the fact that it contains delineations for progressions to the 4 major natal asteroids: Pallas, Juno, Ceres and Vesta and for changes in their progressed cycles. Interestingly, progressed conjunctions are also interpreted by rulership in chapter 5. The delineations are not bad, but the organization of the book is a little confusing. ACS. 310 pages.

The Astrological Houses by Dane Rudhyar
Always philosophical, Rudhyard examines the deeper meaning of each of the 12 houses as well as each of the sign pairs on the 4 major angles. Each planet is briefly treated in all 12 houses in the last chapter. CRCS Publications. 208 pages.

The Lunation Cycle by Dane Rudhyar
This is one of Rudhyar’s more practical works. He discusses how personality is related to the lunation cycle in the birth chart; the Part of Fortune and the Part of Spirit; the application of lunation phases to other synodic cycles; and the progressed lunation cycle. An extremely insightful and practical book. Shambala Publications. 138 pages.

The Astrology of Transformation by Dane Rudhyar
One of my favorite Rudhyard work, this book is a wonderful introduction to humanistic astrology. Rudhyar discusses the various levels in which the astrological symbolism may be read and walks us through the natal chart from the biological, to the sociological, to the individual, to the transpersonal levels of interpretation. A transformational approach to transits and progressions is included. Quest Books. 205 pages.

Person Centered Astrology by Dane Rudhyar
A collection of essays by the father of humanistic astrology. This is not an easy book to read, but an extremely important collection of his astrological and philosophical thinking in practical application. Aurora Press. 384 pages.

Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern of Growth by Alexander Ruperti
A classic in the study of planetary cycles written from a humanistic perspective. Of particular interest is the discussion on the lunar nodal and eclipse cycles. Ruperti is one of the rare astrologers who distinguishes between north and south node eclipses. Important bi-planetary cycles are considered and helpful to anyone interested in planetary phase work. Highly recommended. CRCS. 271 pages.

The Astrology File by Gunter Sachs
Gunter Sachs has compiled the results of an ambitious statistical study which correlated particular attitudes and behaviors with specific Sun signs based upon responses to surveys that were administered to participants and other data acquired through public authorities, publishing houses and insurance companies. The results were often unexpected. Orion. 335 pages.

The Astrologer’s Handbook by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker
This introductory source contains delineations for all of the basics: signs, planets, houses and planetary aspects. There is a decent section on how to erect a chart and what sources you will need for this. There is also a small glossary at the end which is helpful for students. Harper Perennial. 461 pages.

Astrological Patterns by Frances Sakoian and Betty Caulfield
A solid introduction to astrological fundamentals. The section on planetary patterns is particularly good as it considers not only the principles represented by each, but also their strength and different functions in the birthchart. There are two chapters that deal with Marc Edmund Jones’ work on how to read the Dynamic Focus of the Personality and the Mental Chemistry of the native. Harper & Row. 315 pages.

The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas
There is a nice introduction to the general concept of time and space, as it translates into the major angles of the chart. Sasportas clearly delineates the major archetypes as well as the moon’s nodes and Chiron through the houses. The appendix on different houses systems is a nice introduction to the subject. Comprehensive and well-written. 400 pages.

Karmic Astrology: Retrogrades and Reincarnation by Martin Schulman
Schulman’s Karmic Astrology series seems to tackle those often neglected parts of the horoscope that are only briefly talked about in larger texts. This work is interesting and offers helpful perspectives for delineating retrograde planets in the various signs and houses of a chart, but I would have liked to have seen some example charts for greater empirical support. The Karmic Astrology label seems a little commercially contrived. A good reference book for students struggling with retrogrades. Samuel Weiser. 204 pages.

Karmic Astrology: Joy and the Part of Fortune by Martin Schulman
Schulman handles the delineation of the Part of Fortune in the various houses and signs with competency. Again I have a problem with placing the Part of Fortune under the Karmic Astrology banner. However, it is a sound modern treatment of a little understood but important planetary picture. Samuel Weiser. 115 pages.

Karmic Relationships by Martin Schulman
These synastry delineations are targeted at female/male dyads, providing separate interpretations for each planetary pair by sex. Therefore, a man’s Saturn conjunct a woman’s Moon will read differently if the woman’s Saturn is conjunct the man’s Moon. There is a strong Freudian influence to these interpretations. O.K. as a general reference. Samuel Weiser. 147 pages.

Business Astrology 101 by Georgia Anna Stathis
Drawing on her background in business and mythology, Georgia creates an imaginative and completely practical guide for counseling business clients, those needing vocational advice and for reading business charts. The planetary symbolism is treated as vocational and business indicators; synodic, lunation and Jupiter/Saturn cycles are considered; corporations are delineated; and real estate transactions considered. The focus is wide, but the information is useful. Starcycles Publishing. 391 pages.

Predicting Events with Astrology by Celeste Teal
Although event-oriented, Teal’s books are completely workable and practical. With an attention to what works and what is superfluous, Teal examines a variety of forecasting techniques while working them through with actual client examples. It is refreshing not to see celebrity charts examined in retrospect. There are some technical mistakes in this book, however. Llewellyn. 273 pages.

Identifying Planetary Triggers by Celeste Teal
In her second volume on forecasting, Teal continues with an in-depth look at the details involved in working with secondary progressions, returns and transits. Teal’s style is worthwhile because she anticipates common questions that can come up while actually working these techniques. This is also one of the few works covering all planetary returns through Saturn. Llewellyn. 364 pages.

A History of Western Astrology by Jim Tester
A solid, comprehensive history of astrology — although I’m not always in agreement with some of Tester’s positions — from its Babylonian known origins to the Enlightenment. Although oftentimes more thorough than Holden, it is not as current. If you want a good general history of astrology, Holden or Tester are it. Boydell and Brewer. 256 pages.

Twelve Faces of Saturn by Bil Tierney
Tierney’s book is well-organized, clearly written and insightful. Thankfully, he does not take the customary short-cut of equating a planet’s position in a house with its corresponding sign. Instead he provides themes for Saturn in all of the signs, in all of the houses, in aspect to the sign’s natural ruler, and by transit to that ruler. Llewellyn. 332 pages.

Alive and Well with Pluto by Bil Tierney
The book begins with an introduction to the myths and themes associated with Pluto. I especially liked Tierney’s look at the other planets from the perspective of Pluto; it allows a preview into what might happen when the two meet by transit — which he also covers thematically in the rest of the book. The book is organized much like the Saturn book. Llewellyn. 293 pages.

Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins
An in-depth treatment of natal aspects by a faculty member of one of Britain’s most prestigious astrology schools. All planet with planet connections as well as planet with angles are covered in detail. The meanings of all the major and some minor aspects are explained. Element Books. 283 pages.

Communicating the Horoscope edited by Noel Tyl
A collection of nine essays on astrological technique and practice by some of the world’s leading astrologers. Articles by Donna Cunningham, Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Jeff Jawer among others. I recommend this book alone for the essay by the fabulous Diana Stone who is so difficult to find in print. Llewellyn. 244 pages.

Integrated Transits Vol. VII by Noel Tyl
(still under review)

Analysis and Prediction Vol. VIII by Noel Tyl
(still under review)

How to Personalize the Outer Planets edited by Noel Tyl
New students will appreciate this topic for another compilation of essays by serious astrologers. Although some of the writers do a better job than others in making these outer planets personally meaningful, the book is worth having. Of particular interest is Joanne Wickenburg’s essay on realizing personal drive’s into realization; Mary Shea’s essay on transits of the outer planets; and Tyl’s essay on outer planet solar arcs. Llewellyn. 257 pages.

Prediction in Astrology: A Master Volume of Technique and Practice by Noel Tyl
This volume written in 1991 illustrates the usefulness of predictive techniques with specific emphasis on solar arc theory. The first part of the book is a retrospective analysis of some famous predictions in history and the rest of the work illustrates the use of solar arcs and transits when applied to both mundane events and individual charts. Of retrospective interest is Tyl’s predictions for the turn of the century for the United States. Llewellyn. 335 pages.

Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology by Noel Tyl
Only Tyl can write an 873 page treatise and make it seem substantially sparse! There is very little counseling technique in this volume and much more about second-guessing and presuming the client’s needs. There are some valuable insights in the chart synthesis section and Tyl’s delineations are sound. But the work is unfocused and self-indulgent. Llewellyn. 873 pages.

Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl
Solar Arcs ARE Noel Tyl’s “thing”. He has been perfecting the use of solar directions for years and this volume is a synthesis of that experience. The work is targeted at practicing astrologers who wish to work with arcs in a systematic and practical way. His chapter on Time Maps is very useful as is the one on rectifying a birth-time with arcs. Llewellyn. 460 pages.

Astro-Mythology: The Celestial Union of Astrology and Myth by Valerie Vaughan
One the best ways to understand astrological symbolism is to reach back into history and discover its mythological roots. Vaughn does this in a well-researched work that examines some of the Zodiac and planets within a mythological/historical framework. One Reed Publications. 171 pages.

The Case for Astrology by John Anthony West
In this classic, West presents the most objective and well-researched case for astrology that has ever been written. Beginning with astrology’s known historical origins, West assembles a body of evidence that takes into account and addresses all of the standard objections often put forth against the subject. A highly recommended and great debating resource. Arkana. 526 pages.

A Complete Dictionary of Astrology by James Wilson
This is a bound reproduction of Wilson’s 1819 work. It is a good reference resource for new students- – especially those investigating traditional methods and terminology. The entry on horary is quite extensive. The delineations are traditional, therefore somewhat fatalistic. Available through Ballantrae Reprints. 410 pages.

The Arabic Parts in Astrology by Robert Zoller
This is one the best keys on the Arabic Parts around. Zoller examines the metaphysical basis of the Parts and clearly illustrates their practical use in natal, horary and mundane work. There is also a translation of Bonatti’s treatise, which covers 97 basic parts in order of the house cusp which is used in its extraction. Inner Traditions International. 242 pages.

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