What does the horoscope 2017 hold in store for you? How will be the year 2017? Will you get a raise? What a good horoscope can do is enlighten you.
So, this horoscope is about your potential for the year. As you live and have experiences, you engage in the cycles of life, which is what astrology is all about.
The insights gained through our 2017 horoscope predictions can put you increasingly in touch with the knowledge and guidance that is within.
Following are astrology predictions for the each Sun Sign for the New Year.
2017 Horoscopes:
2017 Zodiac Predictions
Yearly Horoscope Overview
Yearly Love Horoscope
Yearly Career Horoscope
Yearly Financial Horoscope
2017 Zodiac Predictions Sign By Sign
- 2017 Aries Horoscope
March 21 to April 19 - 2017 Taurus Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
- 2017 Gemini Horoscope
May 21 – June 21 - 2017 Cancer Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
- 2017 Leo Horoscope
July 23 -August 22 - 2017 Virgo Horoscope
August 23 – September 22
- 2017 Libra Horoscope
September 23 – October 22 - 2017 Scorpio Horoscope
October 23 – November 21
- 2017 Sagittarius Horoscope
November 22 – December 21 - 2017 Capricorn Horoscope
December 22 – January 19
- 2017 Aquarius Horoscope
January 20 – February 18 - 2017 Pisces Horoscope
February 19- March 20
Let’s see a summary of what the year 2017 has in store for all of us. If you are interested in what astrology can do, take a look at our zodiac predictions summary.
2017 Zodiac Predictions Summary:
- Aries:
Astrology for the Aries zodiac sign predicts that your mind is more alert and active and your energies are more grounded. Prepare for career success by taking new classes and workshops this year. You will get out and see more of the world.
Tip: Organization matters. Stay on top of details and paperwork. - Taurus:
Taurus sign in 2017 will have more intimacy and feel the joy of merging with another person. You will enjoy career success and speak with authority. Be disciplined with debt and borrow money only if you need it.
Tip: Diplomacy counts. Be considerate of peers and employees. Focus on teamwork. - Gemini:
The 2017 horoscope for Gemini warn you to take back your power in a certain relationship. Remember the only person who has authority over you, is you. If single, you will find your life partner this year. You will be in the public eye more than ever!
Tip: Get obsessive about routines. Knowing why you’re doing something adds to motivation. - Cancer:
The Cancer yearly horoscope shows that you will find employment and enjoy a better work schedule. Your health improves. This is the year when you will figure out what your true calling really is. Your pet will give you much comfort!
Tip: Be adventurous. Stay open to new ideas and possibilities. - Leo:
Tip: Nothing beats structure and hard work. Stick to deadlines and keep promises. - Virgo:
This year Virgo is building a more solid foundation on the emotional, financial and physical level. Pay attention to your inner life. You could become a homeowner or a parent this year.
Tip: Think outside the box. Innovation and an inventive attitude help you succeed. - Libra:
The zodiac shows that this is a good year for Libra. Jupiter in your sign continues to protect you and bring you blessings through the autumn of 2017. It is a fantastic time to get a creative business venture off the ground. Your love life improves. You will excel in writing, blogging and teaching this year. In fact, you will be seen as an authority on a particular subject. There may be some drama with siblings. You may purchase electronics and perhaps a new vehicle.
Tip: Get creative. Use music, meditation and mindfulness to help you get inspired. - Scorpio:
The yearly horoscope for the Scorpio sign indicates that a burden has been lifted and you are transported into a brand new life. Your finances will improve and you will make a major purchase this year. Just make sure that you are getting paid what you are worth.
Tip: Action is key. When in doubt, do something. Keep the momentum going. - Sagittarius:
The 2017 astrology for Sagittarius shows that you are embarking on a total life reinvention. You will say good bye to outmoded situations and some withering friendships. There will be new responsibilities but you will shoulder them with grace.
Tip: Enjoy each moment. Slow down to do things well. - Capricorn:
The Capricorn forecast suggest that you are going through a reflective phase in your life. You will seek more solitude and the past will be healed. You may have to cut off some energy vampires. Make sure you don’t play the codependency game and end up as an enabler.
Tip: Be curious. Ask questions, listen and stay connected to likeminded colleagues. - Aquarius:
In 2017, you will be more involved in group activity and networking, Aquarius. Using the best technology will enhance your earnings. A platonic friendship could bloom into a romance.
Tip: Care for yourself in 2017. Nurture your direct reports — but protect the people that matter, especially yourself! - Pisces:
The astrology for the Pisces sign shows that you are moving up the ladder of success and don’t let any fears or doubts hold you back. Your father or a significant male could figure prominent in your life. You may receive an award of achievement in your career!
Tip: Leadership matters. Take charge to get things started, and focus on follow through.
New Year’s Resolutions 2017 For Every Zodiac Sign:
Many of us start the New Year 2017 with great gusto and vow to change everything “bad” about ourselves. While that is a good intention, astrology would say “not so fast.”
It would be wise to assess your horoscope for your ability and need for such resolutions. Then use that knowledge, along with knowledge of the transiting planets in relation to your birth chart, to decide:
- What is my likelihood of sticking with my resolution?
- How can I pick a resolution that will really fulfill me as a person—not a resolution that is based on other people’s expectations of me?
Let’s look at each of the zodiac signs, one by one:
Earth Signs
If you are a person with many planets in earth signs you have a greater chance of sticking to any long-term commitment to a New Year’s resolution.
- Capricorn will stick with a new year resolution in 2017 because they absolutely hate to fail and to lose face. If you are a Capricorn tell everyone you can about your resolution so that you have something to live up to.
- Taurus will stick to a resolution so long as it is not too demanding. According to the horoscope for 2017 it is important that a Taurus Sun or Moon generously reward themselves as they move toward completion of their resolution.
- Virgo can be quite focused and can be very good at making and keeping resolutions in 2017. Their downfall comes when they perceive that they have not been perfect. The thought of that imperfection can so upset them that they abandon their resolution altogether. Virgos must build a small cheat factor into their resolutions–that is, “even though I wasn’t perfect, I can still complete the resolution.
Water Signs
- Scorpio (and those with many planets in Scorpio or a strong Pluto), out of all the signs, has the best chance of sticking with a resolution in 2017. For absolute will power no one can compete with a Scorpio. They will stick to something that is important to them against all odds. The key is for them to completely commit. Once they have done so, get out of the way, because chances are they will complete their resolution with flying colors.
- Cancer as a Cardinal water sign has the ability to be very strong in starting something. According to the sun sign predictions it is important for Cancer to implement a resolution when they feel emotionally centered. The biggest obstacle to a Cancer in completing their resolution lies in their emotional ups and downs. A key strategy for Cancers is to track the movement of the transiting Moon around the zodiac. When the Moon is closely aspecting a natal planet (especially natal Moon), they need to be careful not to abandon their resolution.
- Pisces will often find it hard to stick to a resolution in 2017. They would do best to see the resolution in broad, universal terms and to frame their resolution as working toward the ideal rather than as a hard, pinpoint target. They do much better when the resolution is framed in that manner.
Air Signs
- Gemini can be easily distracted from their goals. Always curious, and always seeking new information, it is not easy for a Gemini to stay focused. Geminis do best in keeping a resolution when they pick short term goals. That is, instead of saying I will lose 20 pounds this year, it would be better for a Gemini to set a goal of one pound in two weeks. When the two weeks are up they can set a new goal (and possibly a new diet).
- Libra can be somewhat wishy washy when deciding between two options. They are also the sign most likely to let others influence them. However, according to the yearly astrology predictions once they set there minds on a goal and are fully committed to it, they are often very good at accomplishing their goals.
- Aquarius as a fixed air sign is usually very good at following through to reach their goals. Aquarians do especially well if they work with a friend or in a group that has a common goal connected to their resolution.
Fire Signs
- Leo as a fixed fire sign can really become enthusiastic about their goals. However, according to the 2017 zodiac predictions, to keep their resolution over a long time span, they need to keep a spirit of play, fun and creativity within their goals. It would also be very helpful if they had a cheering section to applaud their every move.
- Sagittarius do best in meeting their goals by following their intuition and higher mind on what goals to set and how to achieve them. When they can attach a higher meaning to a goal, it serves to give them the push to reach whatever goal they set for themselves.
- Aries as a cardinal fire sign is very goal oriented and has no trouble enthusiastically taking up a new cause or goal. According to astrology, the trouble lies in being able to sustain the enthusiasm over time. Aries are the best in the zodiac when it comes to starting things. However, when things get boring or routine, they would really much rather go marching off to the next challenge.
Yearly Horoscope Overview
If you know your Ascendant or Rising Sign read that horoscope along with your sun sign 2017 forecast. This will give you added forecast information. If you don’t know your zodiac sign you can have a computer generated natal chart wheel done for you by going to the astrology reports page. Here you will find a long list of chart and written report services. Find the free Birth Chart report and click on it. Then plug in all your birth data information and you will get a birth chart that tells you where all your astrology planets are, including your Ascendant or Rising Sign.
The horoscope 2017 doesn’t bring significant changes. Jupiter began the year in Libra and ends the year in Scorpio, Saturn remains in Sagittarius, (until December 19, 2017), Uranus will remain in Aries during 2017, Neptune continue its stay in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.
The yearly horoscope predictions for 2017 center on the major planetary influences. It also depends on the big cosmic shifts and the movements which has a general impact on the year 2017. In the horoscope for year 2017 we use transiting Jupiter, Saturn and the outer transcendental planets in which to base our yearly forecasts. Because the outer planets are slower moving, their energies and influence last longer.
Planetary movements just like life are cyclic in nature. The yearly zodiac is a blueprint of astrological movements and their influence on your life in 2017. It will not only help you to understand what is in store for you in the coming year, but will also aid you to recognize the strengths and weaknesses, the positives and the negatives that you would face in the coming year. The 2017 astrology guide will inform you about the planets that would support your career, health, relationships and the time periods when would they be supportive. All this information will enable you to decide your future course of action with confidence.
The information revealed by our zodiac for 2017 can be used in many ways: to enhance personal and spiritual growth work, to help you align with your purpose, to shed light on patterns and challenges, and to find meaning and resolution in current events.
The horoscope for 2017 opens doorways to new perspectives and awareness – but perhaps its most valuable gifts are greater self-acceptance and self-appreciation. The understanding of oneself gained through horoscope can be an important step into self-love, which is the opening through which all growth, joy, and fulfillment enter.
Astrology can be used to predict the future, and it’s very human to want to know “what’s next.” But forecasting specific outcomes can also limit us, narrowing our perspective and distracting us from the inner impulses that are meant to lead us forward.
For this reason, the best use of the annual horoscopes – or any metaphysical tool – is to encourage personal and spiritual insights. The increased self-knowledge and higher perspective gained assist us in directing our intentions toward the positive outcomes so deeply desired.
When we focus on the purpose underlying current and future events, we emphasize our ability to make the best use of evolving circumstances. Prediction of this nature honors and acknowledges that each person’s inner guidance and true power lies within.
The astrology offers us the assurance that our lives are intentional, and that we are – and always have been – active partners in defining and creating our experience. The magic of astrology predictions is the reminder that we have the constant assistance of a loving and benevolent Universe as we travel our journey.
What does 2017 hold in store for your zodiac sign? Read our FREE yearly 2017 Zodiac Predictions to find out!
2017 Love Horoscope
Find out your potential for love with our free Love Horoscope for 2017! This horoscope offers insight into your strengths and weaknesses in 2017 when it comes to falling in love and being loved in return.
Looking toward the future? Find out the best days in the next year for meeting someone new, and possibly falling in love.
Have you found your soul mate? Find out just how compatible you two in are this year with our love predictions.
2017 Career Horoscope
Explore Your Career Prospects with our Career Horoscope for 2017.
What will your career graph look like this year? Will you get a promotion? Should you opt for a career change?
These and many such questions related to your professional life must be an important concern for you.
The career horoscope provides insight on this, as well as astrological advice.
2017 Financial Horoscope
Do your stars favor an unexpected windfall or a slow, steady gain in 2017?
Find out about your relationship to money and get a better understanding of yourself. What is your earning potential this year?
The money horoscope guide will help you gain a better understanding of your talents, your challenges, how to manage your money and boost your earning potential.
Overall, our yearly horoscope is intended to be your astrological guide to self-improvement. The horoscope 2017 can be a tool to help you gain a more enjoyable, satisfying and fulfilling life this year.
More 2017 Horoscopes
- 2017 Chinese Horoscope for the 12 Chinese astrology signs.
- 2017 Numerology Horoscope
- 2017 Wedding Horoscope
- Breakup Horoscope 2017
- Monthly Horoscope 2017
- 2017 Zodiac Predictions for your zodiac sign.
Last updated on May 7, 2017 at 5:26 pm. Word Count: 2718