The Libra horoscope 2017 shows that you enter a ‘no limits’ year when anything is possible! Have confidence in your decisions and know thyself in 2017.
As a Libra, you look for balance, harmony and justice in the world around you. You’re known for having a tough time making up your mind because of your ability to see all sides of an argument.
Libra 2017 Overview |
Libra Love Horoscope 2017 |
Libra Money 2017 |
Libra Career 2017 |
Libra Health 2017 |
Libra Monthly Horoscope 2017 |
Best Dates For Libra in 2017 |
Libra 2017 Horoscope: Overview
The 2017 Libra horoscope shows that transiting Jupiter through your solar 1st house, hopefully, was pleasant for you. It began around September, 2016 and will leave the sign of Libra around October 10, 2017 . That was almost a full year with Santa Claus visiting you. This transit only happens about every 12 years, so maybe you were able to enjoy yourself for a while, traveling, visiting and just bumming around with friends and doing all the favorite things you like to do.
The 2017 forecast for Libra also points out that relationships may take an unexpected turn this year for you, Libra. If you’re an attached Libra, you may find that you come to the end of a relationship only to move on to a bigger and better one. If your relationship doesn’t reach an end, you’ll find that the relationship undergoes a process of growth and improvement. Unexpected people may walk into your life this year, and their influence may affect not only love, but careers as well.
Libra Love Horoscope 2017
Is it selfish to start 2017 focussed on the Wonderful World of You? The Libra love horoscope for 2017 says: absolutely not…so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There’s a very good reason for the sign at the entrance to the Oracle of Delphi which read: Know Thyself. People who know who they are lead better relationships, make better choices and are happier. This is serious soul work so don’t be afraid to delve deep and re-define yourself and your needs if necessary as the more self-knowledge you acquire, you’ll be in a much better position to take advantage of the many opportunities this year has to offer you. This process will take you deep and insights into yourself, your motivations and especially around relationships with others.
Libra, you’re well mannered, well groomed, courteous to strangers and cooperative. Ruled by the sign of partnership, you feel best when you’re surrounded by other people. You’re happy to be part of a team and thrive when involved in relationships. It’s because you’re ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love. As such, romance is usually at the forefront of your sociable and flirtatious mind. Inclined to spend money without rhyme or reason, you prefer to live in a world of beauty and harmony rather than get yourself enmeshed in the less pleasant side.
At the beginning of the new year 2017, you’re energetic and romance thrives. Expect the unexpected — Cupid’s arrow could strike you at any moment, Libra. If you’re a Libra born during November, you could easily fall for someone whose qualities might be falsely inflated. A few check-ins with your closest friends will help keep you straight and keep your glasses from getting all fogged up and obstructing your vision. Give yourself plenty of time when considering commitment with someone you have just met. Before the end of the year, old relationships may end or change significantly. You can look forward to something more substantial no matter what your relationship standing at the start of the year.
The 2017 forecast for Libra also shows that transiting Uranus in your solar 7th house may have brought unexpected public office or more of a public life into your daily life. You never know what to expect with Uranus, especially with your mate, spouse or significant other. Some of your new significant other(s) are likely to stir excitement in your life as they bring with them some very unusual circumstances and even some drama. As these Uranian types of people pass through your life expect them to light up your world with their unusual and unexpected lifestyle, especially the way they talk, dress, eat, etc. Their stay may be fun at least for a while.
Whatever the circumstances, the new people you encounter are sure to create some excitement or drama in your life. But don’t expect Uranus to bring long lasting or stable relationships or a stable daily lifestyle. These year will not prove boring or stable in marriage, partnership or with a significant other. Uranian energies are so unpredictable and the new people it is likely to bring into your life may be on either side of the spectrum of genius to crazy. Uranus types of people are so independent and never want to be tied down or committed in anyway, but because Aries energy is connected to this 7-year transit with Uranus transiting through the sign of Aries, it is ever more unpredictable, and hard to pin down.
You won’t know you are married till you wake up from a fog, like Britney Spears. Or you won’t know your partner left you till some time has passed. Or you won’t realize your marriage is in trouble till it is too late. Or for some Libras, their mates could have some serious problems with their health or begin to forget a lot or begin to drink heavy. With transiting Uranus in your 7th house of partners, spouses and significant others, expected the unexpected. They may be striking out for their own independence in some very strange or bazaar ways and it may really confuse you. On the positive side, they could become brilliantly creative and produce some wonderful works of art in music, painting, writing or poetry. They could dazzle you with their unpredictable words, thoughts, ideas or behavior.
This process works whether you are single or in a relationship because of course, your relationship status has nothing to do with this per se, as you always remain the common denominator single or taken! Questions such as why you seek out a specific type of partner, encounter certain issues, behave in a certain way when emotional buttons get pushed demand you answer them and the more you uncover, the more you understand yourself – and others in the process.
By the time we come to March 28 when the New Moon in your relationship sector brings the Sun in your 7th also opposes Jupiter in your 1st, you should have arrived at a point of better understanding – and as a result feel more sure of yourself and comfortable in your own skin. The more you know who you are, the more comfortable you become in existing relationships or know what you need in future ones.
The Libra 2017 astrology forecast says to use the time between these Moons to explore your inner landscape. Read uplifting and insightful books especially to do with psychology and personal development. Chances are if you go into a bookshop or explore Amazon, the right titles will jump right out at you! When we know ourselves we have no need to control or change others. We like ourselves and a person who has reached this point in their soul path is pretty well content to allow others to be themselves too. The energy you give out shifts and so if you are single and seeking, you are more likely to attract a partner who also knows who they are – and so is happy to let you be who you are too! Now, when you look at it like that, this kind of work doesn’t seem selfish or narcissistic at all, does it? In fact all it results in is a win/win all round!
For those Libra coupled up, you could see benefits arrive via a partner or partnership during this period. Jupiter in your 1st makes you thirsty for more inner knowledge and to explore who you really are and what you are capable of. He remains in your sign until Octobre 10, don’t forget. So expect your ideas – especially around YOU, to continue to shift as you acquire more inner knowledge and you also continue to place increased emphasis on your health and appearance.
Do you feel you have been in a similar situation before? As with all Jupiter transits think back 12 years to what was going on then and what you said ‘Yes’ to and what you let slide. What would you do different today? Act based on what you learned from the choices you made back then and above all, vow to have no regrets when you look back at this period 12 years in the future.
The 2017 zodiac predictions for Libra also suggest that there could be changes in your family situation this year. The family home may move to another location or the family dynamic may be different in some way or another.
Libra Horoscope 2017 For Finance
The 2017 money horoscope for Libra points out that the biggest transit for all signs is Jupiter‘s shift on October 10th when he leaves your sign and heads off into your 2nd house. It’s now all about the money and your self-esteem. Now, working on knowing yourself means your self-esteem should already be at an all-time high.
Of course, Jupiter in here can bring an increased appreciation of your talents and skills and you are not likely to undersell these now. Neither should you under-sell yourself in personal relationships as by now you should know beyond a shadow of a doubt how you deserve to be treated and if others are not capable of this, it is likely you will choose to sever the connection rather than continue to be taken for granted or disappreciated. Your money and your savings should reflect this increased sense of worth with more coming in, so please try not to let it go out just as quickly.
The Libra 2017 horoscope predicts that this is the year to increase your assets and that includes savings and investments as well as the money you have on call on a daily basis. You should be in line for a pay increase, a better paying position or else a new source of income will open up for you.
But remember, Libra, this is not a house of windfalls or lottery wins – this is the house of the money we make ourselves and as with all Jupiter transits, we can’t just sit back and wait for that cash to bank, we have to make the effort and invest in ourselves and our skills. As the 2nd rules our assets, this house also rules our partner as the 2nd is ruled by Venus planet of love.
Another benefit of Jupiter in here is that if you are single, you can attract the kind of relationship you can ‘bank on’ – a partner who will be a real asset to you emotionally so if you are still waiting for that special someone to appear, this could well be the year which delivers them.
Libra Horoscope 2017 For Career
You couldn’t ask for a better start to the new year, Libra! According to the Libra 2017 career forecast, Jupiter, the Planet of Luck and Good Fortune is in the right place for your professional life. You should feel confident to speak your mind and ask the boss for a raise. You know what you are worth; make sure others know as well. The career outlook is especially good if you are a Libra born in the middle of this zodiac sign.
Between now and October, travel is highlighted – of the long distance kind, and if you have been yearning to take that big trip, the likelihood you will be packing those bags and heading to the airport remains high. If you do head overseas, expect the trip to also educate you on some level even if it is just for pleasure. You will return with an enhanced understanding of the world or even embrace a different philosophy or set of beliefs as a result!
As far as your work goes, Jupiter is pushing you to take a chance now – a calculated risk but a risk nonetheless. This could be around setting up your own business and taking a punt on your own talents or else having the courage and the confidence to aim for that job that may not just be one step up the ladder but several rungs above where you currently stand. Until you do, you will never know what you can achieve. If working overseas is on your mind, Jupiter in your 1st can really assist you in taking that big step towards larger possibilities.
The horoscope 2017 for Libra warn that Neptune is transiting your solar 6th house so make sure anyone you hire to do work for you is honest and trustworthy, like mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc. It might be best to get a referral from someone you know who can be objective before you look in the yellow pages for a repair person.
2017 Health Horoscope For Libra
The Libra 2017 horoscope for health also warn that Neptune transiting your solar 6th house may bring some very strange illnesses, allergies, strange experiences that affect your health or some hard to diagnose ailments not easily detected by the doctors or tests. What Neptune here might be trying to teach you is to check out alternative or holistic types of healing methods and treatments.
Actually the only way to really work successfully with Neptune is through prayer, meditation, yoga and any type of and spiritual endeavor, like spiritual retreats, prayer groups, etc.
Neptune dissolves and tends to disguise things therefore regular doctors may not be able to diagnose any ailment you might have. All this confusion with Neptune will take place in the beginning of its residency in your 6th house, because its mission is to get you to change your current way of looking at the art of healing and health and to change your health practices. It also might force you to change negative or bag habits or behaviors that are detrimental to your health.
On the other hand, it may not be your health that you need to pay attention to. It could be your mate’s health or your significant other. Your spouse or significant other in your life needs to be careful with their health. Their health may be a bit more delicate then usual and you may need to doctor them more during this Neptune transit and pay closer attention to their physical health. They may or may not complain, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you need to be more aware of their health and physical fitness because they may be missing critical clues that there could be a problem. They may need to adjust their health routines and take better care of themselves and to be more thoughtful of you and others. They may be experiencing some strange malady or it just that they are going through a strange period in their life. Be compassionate and understanding with them, Libra, as you nurse them back to health or take care of their hurt feelings.
Be very watchful of your pets, Libra. They could become lost or stolen. Treacherous people abound. Be careful who you let watch over your pet. They may not be as watchful or as loving as you are. Look over their diet. They may be missing essential fatty acids or certain vitamins and minerals and they really need for them to stay healthy at this time. If you are a Libra that does not have a pet, Neptune in your 6th could bring you an experience with someone else’s pet. You might be asked to pet sit. You might find a stray at your back door or have to rescue an animal. Being kind to an animal at this time could be like giving care to an angel in disguise. There will be rewards or blessings attached to your act of kindness to an animal during this cycle, so don’t hesitate to be a good humanitarian if you should get the chance.
The 2017 Libra zodiac also indicate that it would be in your best interest to get new smoke detectors or more than the ones you have. Also check into meters that measure gas in the house.
Libra Monthly Horoscope 2017
Libra January 2017: If you’ve learned something new lately, now is the time to practice it. A special transformation is taking place within you. Like a caterpillar emerging into a butterfly, you are ready to spread your wings and fly. Create a sacred space that belongs just to you. Shut off the phone and meditate. The results will be amazing!
Libra February 2017: Your home, family, and best friends take top priority all month long. Their happiness will have a direct affect on you. The more you can help and support them, the happier you will be. You have many talents and among them is your ability to give unconditional love and support when it is needed. These people don’t need to ‘ask’ for your help, you will just ‘know’ when they need you. Your intuition is sharp and your sense of humor is too. You know in your heart that everything is going to be ok.
Libra March 2017: You may be feeling a little under the weather. You probably need a little tender loving care. Let someone you care for know your needs rather than being miserable and hoping that he or she will notice. Remember YOU are in charge of your life!
Libra April 2017: Love is important but it has to be the ‘right’ kind of love. You are a person that is very self-sufficient and if you allow someone to be in your personal life they have to treat you very well. The right people will treat you divinely; the wrong people will leave your life in a hurry. Think of this as your personal angels watching over you so that you don’t get your feelings hurt like you usually do. Someone from afar is thinking about you and wishes that things could be different. Be patient, there is always hope.
Libra May 2017: It is time to return a favor to a friend who has always been there for you. Be spontaneous and do something extra special when he/she least expects it. If this person is far away, a phone call, card, or letter will do. Just let this person know how much you care with a special “Thank You.”
Libra June 2017: Young married Libra’s may want to start having children. Older Libra’s just seem to want their own peaceful space. Love is important to the young and the young at heart. Balance both your need for love with loving yourself first. What you desire isn’t far away, when you take the time to meditate and pray. Focus on what you desire and balance your emotions as much as you can. Frustration will only cause delays. Find a positive way to release your stress from your life for good. Attitude is everything!
Libra July 2017: It’s at this time of year that people cheer and ask you to come out and play! Save all of that housework and yard-work for another month because NOW is your time to socialize! Relationships flow very nicely. Single Libra’s may meet someone very special in the most unusual of places. Love and Luck is with you but you have to know that you deserve it. Make travel plans now too.
Libra August 2017: Get involved in something that you believe in. Your imagination is active and your experiences can translate into something worthwhile in the future. Keep a journal and write your life story, it may be just a bit more interesting than you thought and may turn out to be a great biography that can be published. Where work is concerned, you may be taking on more than you can handle. Prepare for long hours. You will reap the rewards, but consider the personal cost. You deserve to take some time out to enjoy the rest of this summer season.
Libra September 2017: Many blessings are bestowed upon you. What you have been waiting for is now available for you. Your loving-light shines upon everyone you meet. People in important places want to help you bring your dreams into reality. Accept their acts of kindness. Your life takes a turn into the right direction. Hold out your hand and share your good fortune with others.
Libra October 2017: It’s full steam ahead with the Sun in your sign Libra until the 23rd. The 4th is the perfect time to host a great party or go to one that you are invited to. You will shine like a star! Everyone will want to know who you are and some special people will want to get to know you a lot better. It will be very easy for you to make some new great friends and maybe even a new love interest too. Financial situations are improving and you will continue to receive many great career opportunities all month long. Romance is passionate and highlighted for you beginning on the 10th, a day of great new beginnings for you!
Libra November 2017: Be conservative with your spending. Saving money now will allow you the peace of mind you are seeking. It’s time to get those finances under control for a more peaceful and secure future.
Libra December 2017: A very happy holiday and bright new year is destined for you, especially when you forgive and let go of the frustrating situations that have been in your life. “Easy come, easy go,” what is meant to be in your life for your highest good will happen. Situations you’ve been through that frustrated you are completely over. Relax! You can even lose some extra unwanted and unneeded pounds too. Now is the time to be grateful for all the wonderful people and things you already have in your life and look forward to an even better and brighter future ahead. Allow your spiritual beauty to shine through!
Overall, the Libra horoscope 2017 predicts that your self-confidence in yourself, in relationships and with your skills all determine how much expansion and in what areas this occurs during 2017. Explore your inner landscape and enter a ‘no limits’ world in this one!
Best Dates For Libra In 2017
![]() Best Dates For Love January 2 |
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer |
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio |
Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Last updated on January 18, 2024 at 6:36 pm. Word Count: 3955