The Taurus horoscope 2017 predicts that this year the work opportunities expand. 2017 is a year to take care of that body – and love it more!
The 2017 forecast for Taurus also shows that with transiting Uranus in your solar 12th house there appears to be some type of behind the scenes activity going on or events that you don’t want others to know about. You may be secretly doing things that are very unusual and behind the scenes. You may be planning some type of life that will give you more freedom in your life in the future. You may be flexing your independence while out of the public eye, spreading your wings in private, while continuing to play a role you think the world expects of you–sort of like leading a double life.
Taurus Horoscopes 2017:
Taurus 2017 Overview
Taurus Love Horoscope 2017
Taurus Money 2017
Taurus Career 2017
Taurus Health 2017
Taurus Travel & Education 2017
Taurus Monthly Horoscope 2017
Best Dates For Taurus in 2017
Taurus 2017 Horoscope: Overview
Taurus, in 2017 you could become involved in some new venture that will or may give you more independence, but in the mean time you may want to keep these things under wraps. Whatever is going on in private, you will want to keep private.
The 2017 yearly predictions for Taurus warn to be careful not to waste any opportunities by sitting around and doing nothing. If you don’t know what you want to do, do something, anything constructive. Take a class, join an educational or social club. You are slow to get started on a realistic path, but once headed in the right direction, you can go far.
Steady as a rock … or a Bull. As a Taurus zodiac sign, you’re grounded, and you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Speaking of grounded, it’s next to impossible to get you to budge once you’ve made your decision or set your goal. Stubborn and tenacious, as a Taurus star sign you approach life with steadiness and stability. Taurus, you are a patient soul, you’re capable of tremendous devotion and dedication. You’re not all work and no play since you’re quite the sensualist who appreciates and indulges in the finer things in life like art, fine foods or opera. Sometimes, though, your appreciation turns from self-indulgence to over-indulgence as you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Just be sure to share some of those fruits and not keep them all to yourself.
Those Taurus born around the beginning of May should be enjoying enhanced intuition and a desire to explore spirituality and the occult thanks to your Sun making a wonderful angle to Neptune. This is a wonderful transit under which to join a psychic group, learn or even explore your creativity. This transit is also best experienced as part of a group or class as you will find you get far more from it if you participate with like-minded others.
Taurus Love Horoscope 2017
The Taurus love horoscope for 2017 shows that Neptune shows up in your sector of friendship, which could spell confusion within your friendships. When things seem to get tangled, you’ll have to hold your ground, while simultaneously being diplomatic and smooth. The best time for friends is mid-February through mid-March, and then again in December, when friends bring laughter and good times to you.
Thanks to Neptune’s illusory glow, chums will surprise you with some off-the-wall revelations. Face it, your friends will be making some radical – and often imprudent – changes over the course of the year. Will you be the voice of reason?
You have to learn how to be tolerant the things other people think is important. With transiting Saturn in your 8th house, your mate, spouse or significant other may not be feeling very sexual now or because of how you have treated him/her or because of certain events or circumstances that have come into the marriage. Thus getting sex may not be as easily available as in the past. Some wells dry up which to some extent you may have made happen, either intentionally or unintentionally. Let’s hope it is only a temporary thing.
The Taurus love horoscope also shows that with Uranus in 12th house some Taurus people could be having an affair, which they do not want anyone to know about. This affair could be very unusual in some way.
Taurus Horoscope 2017 For Finance
The 2017 Taurus horoscope for money indicates that Saturn continues to wield his influence in your shared resources and salary sector and could also stir up any insecurities around money. 2017 is a year for serious, long term financial planning, to set goals and also to repay debts if you have any.
Taurus, in 2017, you will have the confidence and determination to face and sort through any financial obstacles. You’ll be only too aware now of where the money goes and as a result, be less likely to spend it on frivolous things. Saving for the long term will become a priority. You’re setting limits on your spending – and sticking to it.
With Saturn in your 8th house you can become a tough negotiator and sticking out for that it is you want. You won’t be railroaded. A business like attitude when dealing with financial institutions and re-negotiating loans could see you in a much better position than you’ve been for some time.
What are you earning about the power that money gives you? Remember – money is the symbol for energy nothing more. Time to ditch those negative connotations be there ‘Money is the root of all evil’ – or worse, determine your value based on how much money you have or earn. If you have plenty of money do you think you would be less of a person if you lost it all? Conversely, do you think you or what you do doesn’t matter much because you don’t earn as much as a CEO? Saturn in here will continue to have you looking at themes around money and what you believe it buys you as he continues to work his way through this house in your chart.
With transiting Saturn in your solar 8th house, you will be dealing with even more Plutonian energy. Your mate, partner or significant other may be financially strained at this time. Their salary or means of making money may have taken a hit and you may have had to be the sole provider for a while. Because of this you may have had to adjust your attitude about who earns what and who carries the heavier load of financial responsibility. It’s okay if you have had to carry your partner for a while through some financial slim times. He/she would do the same for you or perhaps already has or is doing so presently. So all is fair in the long run.
The 2017 forecast for Taurus also points out that you need to learn how to come to terms with other people’s values or what is important to them. Just because you don’t think something is important doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the other person.
Taurus Horoscope 2017 For Career
The Taurus star sign predictions for career foretell that your work and your wellbeing are now about to receive their biggest boost in 12 years as Jupiter is into your 6th house and unpacks for a 9 month stay.
Jupiter in your 6th sector should boost your confidence levels at work and this in turn should result in increased money coming your way. Jupiter in your 6th promises you’ll enjoy the work you’re doing but once again, he doesn’t let you off doing the work. The thing about most successful people is that they almost always worked hard before that ‘lucky’ break came along. The hard work meant they were ready to take opportunity of it when it happened. Jupiter in your 6th doesn’t let you cut corners, but he does remind you work can and is, supposed to be fun!
The Taurus 2017 horoscope predictions also indicates that travel for work is highlighted in 2017 as is the opportunity to attend a course or seminar to upskill yourself. Your work should expand and the kind of work you do will take a change for the better with you living to work – and enjoying what you do. If you have felt you are stuck in a wage-slave rut or just on a path that’s going nowhere, Jupiter can open up the avenues to something bigger and better.
Of course, I always have to remind you that Jupiter is not your fairy godmother in drag and that to tap into his ‘lucky’ vibe you do actually have to show up and do some work. In the case of Jupiter in your work sector this means updating that CV and actually applying for that better job or ensuring that your present boss knows you are ambitious and ready for that promotion.
One thing about Jupiter in your 6th house is that he takes a more logical approach to goals as opposed to just flying by the seat of his pants. So, chances are you will put a strategy in place before embarking on your next step up the ladder.
2017 Taurus Zodiac for travel and education
The astrology for 2017 shows that the presence of powerful Pluto in your travel sector this year indicates that whatever traveling you do in 2017 may well change your life. With that in mind, plan any travel carefully.
The horoscope also shows that with transiting Pluto continuing to transit your solar 9th house of higher education, any type of schooling should work out well and help your financial future. You may be considering going back to finish up where you left off. Education will spell success if you keep your mind focused and stay the course.
Taurus, you may experience a major transformation of some sort with religion or you could change your religion or church. If it isn’t religion, then perhaps it could involve higher education.
Some Taurus could become judges, paralegals or lawyers in 2017.
Taurus, this year don’t argue politics or religion with anyone. Respect other people’s opinions and be careful of those who would harm you or lie about you or talk about you behind your back. Don’t break the law and you won’t have to show up in court. Arguing with the judge will only make your case worse. Sometimes even when we know we are right and we know that those with the power are wrong, we need to know when to concede or give up or toss in towel, otherwise we do ourselves more harm than good.
In 2017, you may seek government aid to help with schooling expenses and it may bring a lot of frustration, but stick with it. Don’t give up.
The Taurus horoscope also shows that in 2017 you could have business or legal business with the Supreme courts or high courts. Learn how to navigate through legal waters. Learn the jargon and the laws, so a lot of research
Going to court won’t be fun this year, make sure you have a good lawyer.
Taurus, keep your eye on the prize. 2017 is a time in your life to strive for a secure future and education will the the ticket to get there.
2017 Health Horoscope For The Bull
The yearly health horoscope for Taurus shows that the year 2017 starts out with Jupiter, the Planet of Philosophy, in your sector of health and fitness, till octobre 2017. In the first 9 months, your energy level will keep you going and will give you an extra push. With Jupiter into your sector of health and you’ll feel fully satisfied with your workouts.
If you have taken your health for granted, been burning the candle at both ends, taken on too much or just neglected your diet or body, in 2017 Jupiter allows you the opportunity to make up for this. Jupiter in here especially favours any kind of exercise that can be done outdoors so think walking, hiking, jogging, climbing, archery, horse riding.
Jupiter in here could also see many of you getting a pet and again, this could also lead you towards a healthier lifestyle if you have to walk the dog! But begin with the basics – fat, thin, old, young – worship that body because it’s the only one you have and unless you take care of it you cannot experience all the other good things in life!
Taurus, you are feeling energetic and positive, but take care not to overdo it. Doing something in excess will eventually catch up with you. The only downside to Jupiter in your 6th is he is the planet who just doesn’t know how to say ‘No’. This can present a problem if as part of your wellbeing goals, weight loss forms part of your vision as Jupiter expands – and that includes your waistline. You may end up telling yourself that it won’t hurt to come off your diet for just one day and you’ll go back right on it tomorrow and hit the gym. Expect tomorrow never comes or you climb back onto the wagon for a couple of days only to fall back off it again. If you are serious about sticking to your wellbeing goals signing up with a personal trainer or having an activity partner to keep you on your program may help.
Taurus, the rest of the year 2017 may not be as intense, but stick with your health and fitness schedule – you know it is something that will always make you feel good.
Taurus Monthly Horoscope 2017
Taurus January 2017: Your personal career begins to pick up steam. Those of you in sales can earn some big commissions now. Contacts are positive and may come from unusual sources. Doing your best now, can lead to big profits in the near future. Don’t forget the romantic side of your life. You may be quite busy, but you can always make time for romance.
Taurus February 2017: Financial pressures begin to lift and all kinds of positive opportunities will come your way, so that you can positively supplement your income. If you feel good about certain investments, put more time, money, and energy into them. If you choose to take on a new career, or a second job, go for it! When you see your bank balance begin to grow, you will feel so much better. Your financial security is very important to you.
Taurus March 2017: Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur if you allow others to find out about your private life. Be careful whom you tell your private matters too. Maybe it would be much better to keep your situations to yourself for the time being. Someone may tell a private secret about you without meaning to hurt you and it could all end up in a terrible disagreement. Don’t get involved in a love triangle. Keep your reputation spotless.
Taurus April 2017: You have learned quite a bit from your life experiences. Now is the time to reach out and help other people understand what you know. Teaching, counseling, or just helping out a friend will help you understand your own life so much better. You have some special talents that are just waiting to come out of hiding. Do something different this month and try something new. Let your dreams lead you to where you want to be.
Taurus May 2017: The more you trust others; the more they will show you how trustworthy they can be. It’s OK to release your control and strictness over situations. You are more uncomfortable with your life when you feel you must have constant control. Let go!
Taurus June 2017: Your energy is high and lady luck is with you during the first half of June. After the 15th, you will have to work hard to prove yourself. Authority figures will be expecting more out of you than you may be able to produce. Your great ideas and extra efforts will pay off if you stay devoted and don’t let the pressure get to you. Think of the pressure as a challenge that you can easily conquer.
Taurus July 2017: Your energy is attractive and beautiful. You can draw to yourself exactly what you desire! This is a great month to enhance the areas of your life where you want to make some positive changes. The sky is the limit! It’s all up to you!
Taurus August 2017: You will get some creative ideas if you communicate with people that you don’t get to talk to often. The news you hear will be interesting and important with regards to a decision you must make about your future direction. Listen with both ears open, fight the urge to be stubborn and do things your own way, and take the advice of the people who want to help you succeed.
Taurus September 2017: You have a fantastic way of turning work into play. Those you associate with will want to know how you do it! Your health improves as your more positive attitude shines through. You can easily get a lot accomplished this month. Take some of your extra money and spend it on some toys that you have been wanting. Those special toys will fulfill your personal need to have some fun too.
Taurus Octomber 2017: The first part of this month is about getting your work finished properly. Around the 10th it’s time to start focusing more positively on your personal relationships. Delegate some work to others if possible and take some time off to spend with the one you love. Single Taurians should have no problem meeting someone new…romance is in the air and is highlighted as extra-special for you.
Taurus November 2017: Put your nose in a good book and study the topics you enjoy! Take it easy. Take care of your health problems as soon as they begin bothering you. You are changing for the better this month.
Taurus December 2017: This can be quite a romantic month for you…filled with love and joy. Take advantage of this wonderful time to bond more closely to the ones you love. Gifts need not be expensive, but come from your heart. Even handmade items are a good place to start. A piece of yourself given to someone fine, something to keep that will be remembered for all time. Love is truly the key to a Happy Holiday Season for you!
Best Dates For Taurus In 2017
![]() Best Dates For Love
January 12, June 20, October 5, October 26, November 13, 2017 |
January 28, February 14, August 27, October 22, November 3, 2017 |
May 12, July 18, November 11, December 1, December 23, 2017 |
![]() April 17, April 26, June 3 , 2017 |
Overall, the Taurus horoscope 2017 predicts wonderful progress in area of work and career. Work success can be yours if you dare to trust life even more in 2017, and that includes opening up to loving yourself more. Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself, Taurus. Make sure you plan realistically. And Taurus, don’t become involved in cults, groups or organizations that promise you the moon. Also, be careful who you make friends with. They may become enemies or deceptive. Take the rose-colored glasses off and see people for who they really are. They may be great people, but not who you thought they were. Taurus, just stay grounded in reality in all matters in your life and you will be okay in 2017.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer |
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio |
Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Last updated on May 7, 2017 at 3:12 pm. Word Count: 3520