The Libra horoscope 2020 shows that Mercury is in Pisces, for an extended stay from Feb 6th to April 14th 2020.
This will mean more conversation, correspondence, and ideas related to practicalities of day to day chores, maintenance, repairs and dealing with paperwork and other (sometimes niggley) details.
The first Solar eclipse of the year occurs on May 9th.
The focus is in Taurus, and signals new beginnings through sharing resources, joint financial interests relationship commitments.
The second Solar eclipse of the year occurs on November 3rd.
The focus is in Scorpio signalling new beginnings related to personal finances, property and basic resources.
Astrologically speaking, as one of the Cardinal signs, there’s a lot of planetary action continuing to affect your Sun sign in 2020 with Uranus, Pluto and after mid-year, Jupiter all making an impact – an easier picture than in the last 2 years. Saturn has transited into Scorpio and is now in mutual reception with Pluto which harmonizes their forces to a degree.
The Libra 2020 horoscope foretells that with Uranus in your opposite sign Aries til 2019 and Pluto at the top of your chart for more years than that, opportunities to carve out a new image for yourself will present themselves and that means your outer image may be up for a makeover, or the role you play in the world is changing and others will begin to see you differently. Even though it may not feel like it at the time, it’s your choice what shape that image may become but perhaps you do not choose the timing of the transitions and that’s the uncomfortable part. Progress is likely to come in short, surprising hops across the board of life.
Also, Venus and Mars will be in long transits beginning late in the year………
Venus will be in Capricorn from November 5th 2020 – March 6th 2020 bringing support through family, neighbourhood and your place on the map.
Mars enters Libra, on December 8th 2020 to stay until July 25th 2021. Mars will stay in your sign until July 2019. So a lot more hustle and bustle around you and for some a love relationship could really start to heat up. An extraordinarily long transit dynamically activating your energy and vitality. Looks like you are going to be very busy and somewhat in demand over this prolonged transit. Sometimes feeling it necessary to push yourself beyond your limits as the situation seems to demand this but just don’t make a habit of it and do not overdo things. The 2020 Libra star sign predictions foretell that you can make a great deal of progress during this phase and have quite an impact on others. You will be ready to step up to the plate, be more decisive to be a self-starter in some way. You will work hard now getting things more the way you want them to be on many levels.
Jupiter entered Gemini on June 11, 2019 where it will stay for approximately a year. It will move to Cancer on June 25th 2020 and stay until July 16, 2021 when it enters Leo.
Until June 2020 Jupiter will be working happily out of his own house – the ninth. The 2020 forecast for Libra suggest that there should be more opportunities for travel, foreign connections, wider communications through the spoken or written word, another language or academia.
Also education, so being the teacher or student or the disseminator of information, the advisor, or guide is more likely. A great vibration for broadcasting on to a grander stage, but also for getting involved in publishing, politics, the law or communications media. The 2020 yearly predictions for the Libra points out that your awareness and knowledge base will certainly grow during this expansive period.
From June 25th 2020 Jupiter is in your area of career and overall life direction, meaning more doors swinging open, but not all will be leading to the road you want to travel and you could be puzzling over which is the best way to go. It’s more likely you could be more appreciated or be learning new things professionally and you should feel more established in your field or with your direction as this is a time when you can identify more with what you do for a living. Romantic liaisons, travel, foreign links, higher education or connecting with those at a distance could be a part of the picture. The astrology Libra 2020 foretells that Virgos born until 10th Sept or up to 18 degrees Virgo rising should feel this vibration the most. All natives of Libra will benefit from the influence of Jupiter this year, the first half of the year is more favourable.
Saturn entered Scorpio on Oct 5, 2019. It starts 2020 at 9 Scorpio and ends the year at 20 Scorpio.
Saturn moved out of your sign on the 6th October 2019 marking the beginning of a more materialistic cycle during which, at times, you will meet challenges related to the material side of life. Disciplined effort will be needed to manage the piggy bank and to increase quality lines of supply whether that’s cash or vegetables. Gradually life becomes more comfortable. But consistency is key. So take those small steps towards better conditions now, which may mean overcoming a few obstacles, which will stand you in good stead further down the line. Zodiac 2020 predictions for Libra zodiac sign suggest that it’s also a good idea to build upon your assets and that goes for your inborn gifts as well. Librans born 25th Sept-14th October or with between 3-21 degrees Libra rising will feel this vibration most.
Uranus will be transiting your opposite sign for many years and during that time through partnerships and other close relationships, your life will be turned around and renewed in ways which surprise even you. The Uranian energy is ‘inconsistent’ which may mean close relationships follow suit. Or someone in your life long-term is undergoing change and because of their disruption, you can’t get a reliable rhythm going. The Libra horoscope 2020 predictions also foretells that you have to be flexible and open-minded as you adapt to changing conditions inwardly and outwardly. Like a a light switching on and off you may have to refocus your eyes to adapt to an at times, inspirational or at times, uncertain scenario. This is the spirit of revolution which facilitates your evolution and is part of a significant growth process even though it may be unpredictable at times.
This transit will trigger events which help you to throw off the shackles of the past and surrender to the next stage of growth. The behaviour of others you know may have you on the edge of your seat at times, but try to relax enough to align yourself and feel what the truth is in your gut. The 2020 Libra astrology shows that this can be an inspirational time when you entertain wild ideas in relationships but when the dust settles you are clear about what you don’t want and therefore DO want in a close relationship and this will ultimately lead to a more settled, liberated life once the transit to your Sun is over. The main thing to remember is stay calm, and don’t act too impulsively. Librans born approx 25th Sept – 6th Oct will or with between 3-13 degrees rising will feel this energy most this year.
Neptune has been making it’s influence felt in a performance orientated area for many years now. Sometimes the mists of Neptune distort reality manifesting as idolizing romantic partners or children or your inner child – just not seeing them for what they really are which can mean you have overemphasized certain aspects and completely ignored others.
Neptune left this area in early 2019. For you this may mean you will feel a pull to function from deeper, more self-aware levels. Some of you may become interested in Yoga, meditation and healing practices. Underlying this transit is a search for oneness of being and connectedness with all life. The 2020 Libra predictions show that some of you could have psychic experiences or strange encounters which are esoteric in some way. This long transit of many years may have you giving more freely of your services or working in more spiritual, healing ways whether on a grand scale or right in your own back yard. Early Librans (first 6 days), or with up to 6 degrees Libra rising will feel the effect of Neptune most potently in 2020.
Pluto, now in Capricorn, will help you dig deeper to decide who you really want to be in the world and will spark or renew your dedication to achieving certain outcomes in life. This strong drive growing within you pushes you forward with career related activities, and makes you keener to climb the ladder of success. But also a burning personal issue could make you keener to champion your moment. 2020 yearly Libra astrology predicts that with the planet of death/rebirth affecting public image, reputation, authority figures it could mean some of you are forced to make a major change or have it thrust upon you by outside forces which is good because it clears the decks.
Finding a fresh direction or another option means steering a new course and for a while there it may take some guts and tenacity but Pluto will give you what you need. The Libra horoscope 2020 predicts that Librans born 29th September-6th October or with 7-12 degrees of Libra rising will feel this energy most strongly over 2020.
Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 1:14 pm. Word Count: 1571