Astrology and Horoscopes

Aquarius Horoscope 2021

The Aquarius horoscope 2021 shows that Venus will be in Capricorn from November 5th 2020 – March 6th 2021. Feelings may be kept under wraps or relationships tend to be within a private little bubble. There could be more going on emotionally than you are ready to admit to others. You have always been good at separating yourself from your feelings and putting your focus into the external world, a ‘worthy cause’ may be one of the ways Venus is showing herself in this part of your solar chart.

The 2021 forecast for Aquarius suggest that your intellect is your dominant function, so you may reason that the way a certain relationship is going is all for the best, or fated to be this way or in your best interests – or whatever. What it amounts to is a time when you cannot reach out freely in relationships and there may be something unresolved within your own psychology that needs attention before you do. However, if you have your intention firmly fixed on the highest good in a selfless way, your rewards will be great. A wonderful time for escaping to a beautiful place and to immerse yourself in nurturing activities which feel your soul.

Mars entered Libra, on December 8th 2020 to stay until July 25th 2021. An extraordinarily long transit in a very positive angle to your Sun sign. A great opportunity for you float ideas across a wider stage. To test your theories through debate, to stress-test your beliefs against reality. The astrology Aquarius 2021 foretells that you will be aroused by Mars to defend your opinions robustly as you identify more strongly with your ideas at this time.

However, we are much more than what we think and believe. So, over this long period you should aim to use the Mars energy to also learn a great deal. To open your mind to new concepts and get a broader perspective on a field of interest or to feel the spirit within and spread your wings into new territories, fresh experiences which open your eyes to different dimensions of experience. Zodiac 2021 predictions for Aquarius zodiac sign suggest that maybe you aren’t sure what to get involved in, just plunge into something different and the universe has a better chance of manifesting the appropriate experiences. This position of Mars activates higher education, legal activities travel and foreign connections and any of these areas may become more emphasized.

Jupiter is in your area of health & work and there will be opportunities to improve things related to the job set-up, techniques or health matters – your own or another’s. The indications are that you will get the chance to learn new methods of coping on a daily basis over these periods. The Aquarius star sign 2021 predictions also foretell that employers or colleagues will tend to be more appreciative of your abilities and your contribution and work can become more fulfilling.

It’s likely that through using new techniques, the influence of service providers or different therapies that your territory physical or mental, will broaden.

Jupiter’s beneficial vibration could help your well being as you learn what does and does not work for you.. The downside is that you take on too much work or overstep the mark.

Jupiter will be opening the way to growth through close personal or professional alliances. Because of one-to-one interactions your horizons will broaden and you will learn much through them. Others will be interested in your take on things but, equally you will probably be intrigued by theirs. The horoscope 2021 for Aquarius foretells that partners, colleagues, clients, employees, employers could get you thinking more expansively but equally, you will be stretching their understanding into new areas. Those from a different background or with an expertise could catapult you out of your familiar mental box, link you to distant places or get you travelling more.

You’ll be entertaining new possibilities as you get a broader perspective. The expansive, benevolent influence of Jupiter will boost all working or love relationships as it will facilitate a feeling of mental rapport with another. If mental rapport seals the deal for you, then some of you could take the plunge and enter into a marriage or some kind of fuller commitment to another.

Aquarians born through the whole sign will feel Jupiter’s vibration in 2021.

From 6th Oct 2012 Saturn began a 2 and a half year transit of Scorpio at the top of your Solar chart.

Slowly, this will help you redefine your place in the world, your image and life direction. The Aquarius 2021 predictions suggest that you will be restructuring your outer and inner world in gradual stages over this long period. This is an opportunity to show the world what you can do, but, in the process you will have to take on more responsibilities and steadily push through obstacles to achieve your goals. This is the time of the harvest, of reaping what you have sown in the past. If you are old enough, look back about 29/30 yrs or 14/15yrs or 7/8 yrs to get the gist of what is unfolding now by recalling where you were then, decisions you made and what happened subsequently. Can be quite an eye-opener! Of course you are older and wiser now and you’ll have been through the cycle before so you know what to expect and can prepare accordingly.

You’ll also know that this is a time when perseverance is necessary related to profession and standing in the world. Aquarians born from Feb 3rd or with from 15 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

Uranus your ruling planet is now be working from Aries until 2019 and gradually will be changing the way you think and even the language or jargon you use. It will bestow wonderful opportunities to open your mind to new concepts, and through daily encounters expand your thinking and learn a great deal you didn’t know before. Certain knowledge may feel like quite a revelation at times. The 2021 Aquarius astrology predictions shows that everyday matters may have more of an edge to them and you may take up the study of something weird like astrology or filamentology or something on the leading edge in the sciences. This energy also favours, anything innovative in the field of IT or sustainable energy, or other areas where you hook-up with a group of others who share particular interests or experiences. Aquarians born 27th Jan-5th Feb or with between 8-17 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

The new position of Neptune means that slowly your values are changing and that a sacrifice may have to be made for something or someone worthwhile to you. Aquarius astrology 2021 also shows that on a mundane level you should be doubly careful with your finances and property matters and avoid being too idealistic when making decisions in the area of basic material security. Aquarians born 23rd-28th January or with 3-8 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

The life-changing force of Pluto, now in Capricorn, means regeneration from deep levels involving letting go of ingrained patterns and scenarios from the past. Updating outmoded behaviour or an old way of being clears the decks for a gradual re-birthing into new conditions and a fresh perspective. Emotionally, there will be a subtle gear-shift deep within you as the old order is crumbling and the way clears for a reinvention of yourself.

The Aquarius horoscope 2021 predicts that Aquarians born 30th Jan-3rd Feb or with between 10-14 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 8:39 pm. Word Count: 1264