Astrology and Horoscopes

Aries Horoscope 2021

The Aries horoscope 2021 shows that as one of the Cardinal signs, there’s a lot of planetary action continuing to affect your Sun sign in 2021 with Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars all making a strong impact, but Jupiter’s current position is definitely a turn for the better.

The Cardinal signs are the movers and shakers of the zodiac and the way you handle what the universe is dishing up between 2018 and 2023 is generational and will, to an extent, set the precedent for what follows further down the line…

THE CARDINAL GRAND CROSS in April/May and Nov/Dec when Uranus/Pluto are closest will manifest important events which trigger yet another moment of choice as the mass consciousness shifts from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age.

Both Venus and Mars will be in long transits this year.

The Aries 2021 horoscope foretells that Venus has been in Capricorn since November 5th 2020 and will stay there until March 6th 2021 which is good news for you Aries as the potential abundance of Venus will be gracing your area of career and general life direction making it easier to connect with bosses, officials, parents, teachers and others in positions to assist you on the long and winding road through life or help you climb the ladder of success.

Mars, your ruling planet, entered your opposite sign Libra, on December 8th 2020 and will stay there until July 25th 2021. This is an extraordinarily long transit dynamically activating close personal or professional relationships. Because of certain associations or work collaborations you could be extra busy and will probably get more done over this period. The 2021 Aries star sign predictions foretell that there will tend to be a lot more hustle and bustle in this area and more demand on your ability to make decisions and initiate actions off your own bat. The indications are you can be active in a team – a dynamic duo, or one-to-one for work or pleasure.

Much physical energy may go into cooperative action, and in the love department, you and someone may be hitting it off big style. The 2021 forecast for Aries suggest that you could be feeling competitive and definitely not in the mood to hang around and wait for others to make up their minds. So it’s time to take the bull by the horns. Equally, you may be in relationship with someone who is putting you on your back foot with their actions. Inevitably, Mars brings conflict in its wake so, whatever kind of relationship it is, should be aired and addressed as they arise which should take the edge of the Mars tendency to be self-centred, impatient, forge ahead too hastily and put someone’s back up in the process. If you can listen to things from eachother’s point of view and compromise when necessary, then all will be well. You certainly will be able to achieve more as a team than on your own.

Jupiter will be in Cancer until July 16, 2021 when it enters Leo, there to stay til the end of the year.

So, until mid-July, Jupiter remains in your home area inclining your life to expand through location, property, family connections and will also tend to underpin a sense of belonging and inner balance. Maybe you will move or have access to somewhere you prefer. The 2021 yearly predictions for the Aries shows that changes are happening which expand the home-base or family or visitors are increasing and opening you up to fresh experiences of various kinds. Or maybe there is more contact with long-distance locations or a different culture.

In general, your comfort zone, family or community relationships should improve. The astrology Aries 2021 foretells that your base of operations may move into new areas, and you could do well with a property exchange. Or you could be connecting with fresh influences near home or from home which are educational but also the world of others in your vicinity could expand as they learn from you and your experiences.

All natives of the sign Aries and Aries rising will feel the energy of Jupiter in 2021 although the nature of the influence will change from July onwards.

Jupiter enters Leo – a fellow fire sign – on July 16th.

Jupiter, planet of potential abundance and expansion will positively influence your Sun sign. This is start of a 12 month period when you may be appreciated more for yourself, and you may find ways to be more creatively self-expressive or enterprising. Zodiac 2021 predictions for Aries zodiac sign suggest that there will be more call upon you to perform, compete, or flex your creative muscles. This transit and could help bring romance into your life, or experience conditions for a more entertaining, sporty or ‘on show’ sort of environment – or both! Your understanding may grow through contact with children or animals or you have more access to activities where your inner child can come out to play.

Also this is a time when money can be made from speculative ventures or making use of talents which tend to be enhanced at this time. The Aries horoscope 2021 predictions also foretells that you may be rubbing shoulders with others who are competitive, artistic, and you may get more access to a socially playful or performance orientated environment or lifestyle. You should feel confidence growing over these months if you tap into your personal power more.

All Ariens will feel the Jupiter influence strongly at some point this year but from mid-July onwards is more favourable for natives born up to April 14th.

Saturn will continue in Scorpio until Xmas Eve. For you Aries, Saturn is now in your Solar 8th house. The 8th house is a gear-change zone which usually means clearing the decks in one area to make space for new green shoots in another area. This may involve property, finances, relationships or bad habits. The horoscope 2021 for Aries foretells that you’ll become more aware over this time frame of who/what you can really trust and what the bottom line is. In the process, you may have to let go of a previous set-up, expectation or contract so that you can get more fulfilment from life. Ditching or modifying a prior arrangement in favour of one which is financially or emotionally more comfortable can happen but it will be gradual and you may still have to live within the parameters of the previous conditions for a while. Or maybe there’s a removal of a certain resource or support system or lifestyle and you are rigidly fearful because you see this as a loss, which it may be – in the short-term.

But this is the house of new beginnings, of re-working your mission statement, streamlining or physically re-cycling the old material into something completely different. Either way, you will slowly be transitioning into a fresh perspective. The Aries 2021 predictions suggest that at times, there may be more turmoil going on inside of you than others realize or appreciate. Maybe you have been realizing that chronic bad habits are difficult to break or a commitment is proving more challenging than you signed up for. One way or another, over this long transit your value structure will be challenged and re-shaped as a result.

A different way this can work is anything occult or connected to the ‘other side’ you take more seriously or work on yourself and your ability to renovate or renew your existence despite the obstacles and challenges. The 2021 Aries astrology predictions shows that during this period you will have to be patient and persevering as the cogs of the gears slowly shift into their new positions.

Ariens born from 4th April or with 15 degrees Aries rising will feel this energy the most in 2021.

Uranus continues in a hard aspect to Pluto over 2021 orbiting closest to each other in April/May and November/December near the time of the Solar eclipses, but the aspect is still close over the whole year affecting most strongly those born in the second decanate of the sign.

Aries, with Uranus in your Sun sign til 2019 and Pluto at the top of your chart for more years than that, it may be necessary to follow a different path to the one you have been used to.

The 2021 Aries horoscope predictions suggest that those of you born from the second 10 days of Aries will have a continuation of, or the start of changes which affect your sense of self and who you are in the wider world. You may feel a restless urge to express yourself in a freer or more independent manner. Spiritual or psychological insight could rock your world and your familiar way of being begins to alter.

You may find yourself more connected to a group of those with an interest or expertise in common. Technology of any kind, or anything related to the internet may be emphasized and in general, you could be connecting with kindred spirits as part of this process of self-identity transformation. The 2021 forecast for Aries show that this period could certainly hold some surprises which could either inspire you or awaken you suddenly but it is definitely designed to catapult you out of your familiar little box. So expect the unexpected and do your best to roll with the changes.

As this transformation takes place you may adopt a more rebellious stance in situations you would have accepted previously. This might take certain others aback who cannot understand your unwillingness to conform and there may be some finger pointing or intakes of breath from them along the way but this is part of the spirit of revolution of Uranus which, ultimately will facilitate change and transformation and is, with Pluto, part of a significant growth process in your consciousness.

Those children of the Ram born 28th March-7th April or with 8-17 degrees rising will feel this energy most potently in 2021.

The life-changing force of Pluto continues to be felt across your sign from Capricorn. The 2021 Aries horoscope predicts that you should listen to the most primitive part of your knowing (not thinking) and follow your gut instinct when deciding which is the best way to go regarding direction in life. Over 2021 there will be an increasing urge for you to get more control over relationships with professionals, officials, parents, or build a reputation which is more true to the real you and your evolving values.

Pluto influences you to feel things more intensely and brings out your demons at times. And you could meet some of these intense feelings through interaction with authority figures, those who seem to hold all the cards and are in control of things. But manifestations of Pluto will also force you to look within and ask some deeper questions about where you really want to be in the big world. With the planet of death/rebirth affecting general life direction, career, reputation, teachers or authority figures it could mean some of you are involved in power struggles or are forced to make a major changes in these areas. Ultimately good because it clears the decks for new beginnings. Pluto is about power and will either bestow the will-power you need to make your mark on the world or give you the insight to find out what your goals truly are. Pluto is also about regeneration and you will have the opportunity for great success even if you have to switch boats mid-stream. If this feels right and supports your deepest values then go for it.

The Aries astrology 2021 predictions suggest that finding a fresh direction or another option means steering a new course and, for a while, it may take some guts (which you have in abundance) and tenacity (which you will have to cultivate). Pluto will give you what you need – but not necessarily what you think you want.

Ariens born 30th March-4th April or with 10-14 degrees rising will feel this energy most over 2021.

Neptune is transiting early Pisces. Neptune works subtly but may mean you get pulled more into situations where you need healing or have to behave in a selfless, or supportive manner, with no thought of personal gain when helping others. 2021 yearly Aries astrology predicts that some of you may become interested in Yoga, meditation or healing practices. Underlying this transit you are preparing, understanding yourself more deeply and tending your inner world like a secret garden. Some of you could have psychic experiences or strange encounters as Neptune sensitizes your third eye, dreams may become more informative. This long transit of many years may have you working more from behind the scenes in minor or major ways. The Aries horoscope 2021 predicts that Ariens born 23rd-29th March or with 3-8 degrees rising, will feel the effect of Neptune most potently in 2021.

Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 5:24 pm. Word Count: 2128