The Gemini horoscope 2021 shows that Venus will be in Capricorn from November 5th 2020 – March 6th 2021 which may be good news for you Gemini as the potential abundance of Venus will be in a long transit through your joint financial area. You should do your best to make hay while the sun shines with finances or property matters and there is a fair cosmic wind blowing in your direction. You could do well in negotiations and get yourself a bargain during this transit.
Zodiac 2021 predictions for Gemini zodiac sign suggest that someone could contribute useful advice or resources, or simply pick up the tab for you just when you need it. Make sure you realize this is a finite period in which you can do better if you play your cards right and do not expect things to stay the same forever. Overall you should feel more supported, emotionally or with other types of much needed resource or moral support. You should feel a deeper connection in a close relationship, and for some, this can be a sizzley time in your love-life.
Mars entered Libra on December 8th 2020 to stay until July 25th 2021. The Gemini horoscope 2021 predictions also foretells that this is an extraordinarily long transit positively activating your area of children, creative enterprises, and romance. You’ll probably get more opportunity to be centre stage or be on the receiving end of admiring glances, or just shine in your own special way. Or you’ll be more in the mood to take risks and encourage others to do the same during the time Mars is in this creative, competitive and enterprising area of your solar chart.
Growth will tend to come more through finances, property or other material ways. Definitely the time to capitalize upon your assets, be they material or in the form of inborn talents. This vibration can attract useful resources and you discover more about their worth in your life. The 2021 Gemini astrology advises you to take advantage of Jupiter here until mid 2021 to underpin whatever might help you expand mentally or physically into new territories as it could result in better finances or more desirable resources. By casting your nets wider, you should do better in this area.
Jupiter enters Leo on July 16th beginning a cycle of developing yourself through communications, education or creative self-expression. In person or over the wires, you can benefit through networking, exchanging information and improving your communication style through any media and people skills. This is right up your street Gemini. If you are ready to seize fresh opportunities and learn new things, you begin to see a range of happier options unfolding before you as Jupiterian expansiveness influences you into a more outgoing, positive frame of mind but Saturn will keep you realistic about what’s doable in practical terms. The 2021 forecast for Gemini predicts that there could be more comings and goings within the locality, or social life could become a busy hub of mental activity and a learning resource as well. You can develop people skills, learn a new language or jargon, visit unfamiliar places or mix with a culture or a mind-set different to what you are used to. New pathways will be carved into your mental landscape. And this is a good period for connecting with creative thinking and expressing yourself freely through different media maybe channelling your thoughts and intuitions and getting the bigger picture as your mental map expands.
All natives of the sign Gemini will feel the Jupiter influence but it will be more favourable after mid-July.
The Gemini star sign 2021 predictions also foretell that Saturn is now in mutual reception with Pluto which intensifies but also harmonizes their forces to a degree. Saturn in Scorpio indicates extreme caution and slow progress in the banking sector worldwide and the power mongers exerting tighter control not only over money but over other basic resources, governments and playing on the sympathies of the population. At the same time there is likely to be previously hidden facts brought to light which, after the muddy waters have cleared, regenerate those areas concerned.
The horoscope 2021 for Gemini foretells that for you Gemini, from Oct 6th 2012 Saturn began to manifest a tougher work schedule, or for some, more need to take health and fitness more seriously – yours or others. This is the ‘stitch in time saves nine’ position of Saturn. Generally it means harder work and more service to others on a regular basis and keeping things ticking over with maintenance and repairs. You will take work-methods, co-workers medicos therapists or service-providers more seriously now. Any of these may feel annoying or frustrate because it will be through them that you meet the tests of Saturn. A great time for learning practical skills and applying yourself in useful ways so as to get useful results. Geminians born 5th June onwards or with from 15 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.
Uranus is in a positive and opportunistic angle to your Sun sign and will happily be transiting it’s own house until 2019. It’s a sociable area related to collaborations, group gatherings and the collective mind – locally or over the wires. So it‘s likely you‘ll be hanging out with a different class of people with advanced knowledge or new circle of associates or mates with common interests. The Gemini 2021 predictions suggest that fresh, even, ground-breaking influences may inspire you to think along very interesting and unusual lines. This is a very progressive part of your Solar chart and it could mean that hopes and dreams left on the shelf a long time ago will start to be mobilized.
This is also an innovative, alternative vibration which means you could discover approaches which are not mainstream, techno or just unfamiliar. This vibration also favours anything innovative through IT, sustainable energy, or other areas which put you at the leading edge. The 2021 Gemini astrology predictions shows that a previous structure may be replaced through new contacts and you’ll have to adapt to a sometimes surprising but interesting environment which accelerates the speed at which things happen – probably in short bursts.
Early Geminians will feel this vibration most strongly, born from 29thMay-7th June or with between 8-17 degrees rising.
For many years Neptune has been making its influence felt in the area of how you escape from the usual box. This is where you may have been most illogical or starry-eyed about exotic foreigners, education or a faraway place. Neptune has completed its transit of this area.
In Neptune’s new manifestation, it may mean you have to lay aside your own desires and make yourself available in a more selfless or nurturing way because it serves or promotes the good of others. But it’s not all sacrifice because this transit will be great for those involved in things like medicine, boating, hospitality, healing, spirituality, charities, catering and anything which serves a higher purpose or a common good. The 2021 forecast for Gemini show that this vibration will also support you artistic Geminians and may spur you to greater achievements through flights of imagination. But sometimes you’ll realize you didn’t think things through clearly and you missed important details. And, when it comes to acclaim and a true valuing of your contribution, with Neptune here, it can sometimes mean you become ‘invisible’ and you may feel overlooked or unappreciated or perhaps misconstrued by others.
Geminians born 24th-29th May or with 3-8 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most in 2021.
The life-changing force of Pluto, now in Capricorn, means regeneration from deep levels over the next decade. There will be a letting go of the old scenarios which could relate to property, money or other resources you share or have shared with another. The 2021 Gemini horoscope predicts that the old order is crumbling and the decks are clearing for a new dawn in material ways or with deep heart connections. You will be learning how to pick up the most valuable pieces from the past and move them into the future, rising, phoenix-like from the ashes.
Some of you may feel more drawn to the mystical, hidden, spiritual side of life. Some will become more interested in psychology. And for others, this transit will mean an inheritance of some kind or when you can ‘cash in’ on assets or previous savings. It can also mean power struggles or turbulence related to assets, inheritance and your own true allegiances. Pluto’s position is a little demanding at times on the emotional level but by doing inner work and letting go of an old order, you can be reborn and, along with Uranus, make progress with something you’ve wanted to achieve for a very long time. The Gemini horoscope 2021 predicts that Geminians born 31st May – 5th June or with 10-14 degrees rising.
Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 5:36 pm. Word Count: 1479