The Leo horoscope 2021 shows that Venus is in Capricorn from November 5th 2020 – March 6th 2021 which is in your area of work and health. Working relationships feel more supportive or you team up with someone related to a health matter – your own or another’s. You could get quite chummy with someone you liaise with related to daily duties, repairs, maintenance or health and wellbeing. And you feel more inclined to be of assistance to another in these types of situations.
Mars entered Libra on December 8th 2020 to stay until July 25th 2021. An extraordinarily long transit dynamically activating your area of communications and education. Zodiac 2021 predictions for Leo zodiac sign suggest that you’ll probably be flitting hither and thither in person or over the wires and making new connections or re-visiting old ones. Also keeping your ear to the ground and paying attention to feed-back.
The Leo horoscope 2021 predictions also foretells that this is a great transit for study or teaching or developing your speaking, writing or artistic skills. You’ll be more inclined to be assertive and speak up when you want to get things off your chest and won’t be backwards in coming forwards with your ideas and opinions. The air can get a little blue at times as you cross swords with those with other opinions, but at least it helps to sharpen your mind and hone your own ideas. Be careful when travelling though as Mars here could encourage mishaps or hasty reactions. It also might mean problems with communications equipment or vehicles at times.
The 2021 Leo astrology shows that letting go and forgiving will help you grow and add to the pool of goodwill for us all no matter how insignificant or difficult it may feel at the time. So, tying up loose ends from the past would be a smart thing to do over this period. This is also a good time for developing things behind the scenes, imaginative or inner work, particularly in collaborations and projects which teach you new things.
But this is also the area where you can be your own worst enemy, shooting yourself in the foot because you fall back into old habits, emotional patterns or beliefs.
Jupiter enters your sign from the 16th July signalling the beginning of a real growth spurt in your life when your mind will be opening to fields of interest which teach you new things. The 2021 forecast for Leo predicts that travel, foreign cultures or higher education could be part of the picture. You’ll be entertaining new possibilities, looking to the distant horizons and thinking bigger. The expansive, benevolent influence of Jupiter will encourage a new understanding and could plunge you into unfamiliar scenarios where you learn a great deal. A good time to launch into new projects or a fresh enterprise. Also a time to look into legal matters in a major or minor way.
All natives of your sign will feel the influence of Jupiter over 2021, the second half of the year will be more favourable.
The Leo star sign 2021 predictions also foretell that until the end of the year, you will feel the challenging and limiting energies of Saturn in Scorpio, each time she connects with an important degree in your natal chart. Saturn is now in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn which tends to harmonize their forces.
You have begun a 2 and a half year cycle of having to work harder at family relationships and being more cautious when getting along with others in a community or neighbourhood. The horoscope 2021 for Leo foretells that anything you have just been tolerating regarding your domestic setup, place on the map or with family members will now need your attention especially as the past may emerge in the present. Maybe you feel a lack regarding these areas.
Otherwise, you may be stuck in the past, have baggage which is restricting or have other commitments which feel burdensome. Effort may be needed to manage things at home, as you build a new or improved place for yourself in the world. The up side is that you can feel hugely satisfied with what you achieve and how you have matured emotionally.
Leos born from 7th August or with from 15 degrees of Leo rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.
With Uranus slowly transiting through an expansive area of your Solar chart, expect your familiar way of thinking and interpreting the world to change, maybe in ways you never expected. The key to this transit is to keep an open mind no matter how weird it gets. The Leo 2021 predictions suggest that certain realizations could be a revelation to you and you are inspired by the implications. You may already have noticed that plans for the future or certain aspects of life have suddenly taken you off in a new direction.
A great time to study a stimulating new subject and you may find yourself more attracted to revolutionary or humanitarian movements. For some of you this transit will begin to help you achieve a long-cherished dream or ambition which has been on the back-burner of your life for a very long time. The 2021 Leo horoscope predictions suggest that you may connect with others of like-mind with a particular outlook or expertise in common. Travel, contact with faraway places, languages or fresh fields of intellectual interest could radically change your life.
Those born between 31st July-9thAugust or between 8-17 degrees of Leo Rising will feel this influence most this year.
The new position of Neptune can lead to deeper fulfilment in love relationships and finding your soul-mate. An extraordinary ‘bonding’ can occur between you and another. In subtle ways, there is an old chapter closing and a new one birthing. Also, you may get interested in a dimension of knowledge which is mystical, supernatural – even divine. Leo astrology 2021 also shows that you are fascinated with the hidden subtext in all phenomena or you want to learn more about your own deeper psychological drives and motivations. The passing of someone will change your outlook considerably or a connection with someone already in spirit brings insight.
In a more material sense there could be misunderstanding or blurred boundaries around someone else’s finances, joint resources, property, or another’s values or priorities. The 2021 Leo predictions show that you may feel obliged to sacrifice possession of a property a space, money, time, energy because of someone else. On a materialistic level the advice would be not to leave things to chance regarding property, money or inheritance. Be crystal clear about it and also be clear with yourself about moral obligations.
Leos born 26th-31st July or with 3-8 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most.
The life-changing force of Pluto, now in Capricorn until 2024 means regeneration from deep levels regarding employment, skills and health – yours or another’s. 2021 yearly Leo astrology predicts a good time to adopt practices which help Pluto regenerate your body. Over this long transit there will be a letting go of some old scenarios related to your daily work, the way you do your job or maybe it’s certain lifestyle choices which influence health. You may feel an urge to get control in these areas and there may be power struggles at times with co-workers, service providers or medical people.
This energy of rebirth may also affect your employment situation or daily routines, there could be some tension around this and you may want to transform your existing situation so that it mirrors more closely who you are and what you’d like to achieve through your work. Try to avoid riding roughshod over the feelings or opinions of those in your care or who provide a service for you or with co-workers. You may also make better use of your inborn talents, developing them into skills over this lengthy period. The Leo horoscope 2021 predicts that Leos born 2nd-6th August or with between 10-14 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most.
Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 5:46 pm. Word Count: 1336