Astrology and Horoscopes

Taurus Horoscope 2021

The Taurus horoscope 2021 shows that is time for a fresh start in the close relationship situation – personal or formal. Now you can improve on what share with someone close or put yourself in the right environment to meet someone new.


Taurus astrology 2021 also shows that Venus will be in Capricorn from November 5th 2020 – March 6th 2021 which is good news for you Taurus as the potential abundance of Venus will be warming up connections through travel, educational or intellectual pursuits. A close relationship could be with someone at a distance and travelling or visiting faraway places could be a beautiful, rewarding experience. Legal matters could go well during this Venus transit too. You will be more attracted to exotic or alien environments or a faraway culture over this time. You may have a close or special relationship with a teacher or student or someone you team up with who has specialist knowledge which is of value to you.

Mars will enter Libra on December 8th 2020 to stay until July 25th 2021. This is an extraordinarily long transit dynamically activating your area of work and health. This hints that you will be working harder but that you will have the energy to throw yourself into projects or health-related therapies which show practical results. This energy works best when you can develop your own theme or can play by your own rules. The 2021 Taurus predictions show that if you are working with/for others try to work alone as often as possible as Mars always likes to take his own decisions. This position of Mars also relates to health matters and you should be the one to initiate improvements in health or fitness for yourself or others. In matters of daily duties, Mars will enhance your stamina and drive but there may be conflicts with co-workers or service providers at times.

The Taurus 2021 horoscope predictions suggest that you will be a cycle of developing yourself through communications, education or creative self-expression. In person or over the wires, you can benefit through networking, exchanging information and improving your communication style through any media. If you are ready to seize fresh opportunities and learn new things, you begin to see a range of happier options unfolding before you as Jupiterian expansiveness influences you into a more outgoing, positive frame of mind but Mars will keep you realistic about what’s doable. There could be more comings and goings within the locality, more net activity, or a community could become a busy hub of mental activity and a learning resource. Appreciation of another’s point of view or or mixing in a culture different to what you are used to will be a key feature.

This is a great time for making new contacts or linking with siblings and soul brothers and sisters. New pathways will be carved into your mental landscape. The Taurus astrology 2021 predictions suggest a good period for exploring and getting a broader perspective or channelling your thoughts and intuitions as your mental map expands. All natives of the sign Taurus will feel the Jupiter influence but it will be more favourable before mid-July.

Jupiter moves into Leo on July 16th into your home area inclining expanding your life family relationships, property and location. It will also tend to underpin a renewed sense of emotional harmony. The 2021 Taurus horoscope predicts that maybe you will move or have access to somewhere different which opens up your horizons. Perhaps the family expands through a new arrival or the home-base is enlarged. Visitors may increase open you up to fresh experiences of various kinds. There could be more contact with long-distance locations or a different culture and that may be related to family or extended family.

In general, your comfort zone, family or community relationships should improve. The 2021 forecast for Taurus show that your base of operations may move into new areas, and you could do well with a property exchange. Or you could be connecting with fresh influences near home or at home which are educational. But also family or community could benefit as you share your knowledge and experiences.

All natives of the sign Taurus and Taurus rising will feel the energy of Jupiter in 2021 although the nature of the influence will change from July onwards.

From October 6th 2012, Saturn began a 2 and a half year transit of your opposite sign Scorpio.

The 2021 Taurus horoscopes suggest that you are completing a process which began around 14 years ago when you were redefining yourself and your world. Now, that sense of self is being tested and it will be a time of weighing in the balance which alliances are worth the greater effort now demanded from you.

So, this is a cycle of having to work harder at balancing your needs and requirements with those of others. Of understanding others in a new way and, along the road, you will feel very frustrated and limited by what you see as their unreasonable behaviour or narrow-mindedness. Compromise, collaboration or cultivating others will have to be done gradually and will probably be harder work. The 2021 Taurus astrology predictions predicts that hidden stresses in the fabric of a relationship are more likely to be exposed and in some cases you won’t be inclined to paper over the cracks anymore and decide to move on.

The 2021 yearly predictions for the Taurus warn that you may also feel a lack of anyone special in your life or feel lonely within a current partnership or close relationship. The underlying message here is to restructure close relationships and work along new lines, but first there is the invitation to confront your own flaws and weaknesses and scrutinize the way you habitually handle yourself in close relationships. Are you too controlling or too eager to please at the drop of a hat? What are the expectations between you, the agreements, the underlying moral obligations and ask yourself whether you and the relationship are still going in the same direction. Its Saturn’s job to ‘stress-test’ us wherever she goes in our chart and the fundamental test of this transit is to honour your responsibilities in close personal or professional relationships, but, in the process, understand yourself better.

If you are old enough look back 29/30 years or 14/15 years when the decisions you made then may have a bearing on what is happening now. Taureans born 5th May to the last day of the sign or from 15 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

For many years, Uranus will be transiting a more obscure, karmic area of your chart. Helping you to understand deeper motivations and maybe developing an interest in psychology, humanitarianism or reformist groups. The Uranian style of teaching you about your deeper motivations or an underlying problem may be to give you a short, sharp shock suddenly revealing something which had eluded you previously. Secrets or hidden motivations – your own or another’s may suddenly be exposed. The 2021 forecast for Taurus suggest that you may also have more involvement with specialized groups who work behind the scenes or within institutions or centres which could be connected to health, spirituality or art. This is an innovative, alternative vibration which means you could discover new approaches which are not mainstream related to any of these areas.

A previous way of being may suddenly be replaced by a new order and you may have to adapt to unfamiliar conditions.

This could be an inspiring time for you artistic children of the Bull and could also stimulate dreams, psychic or healing experiences. Taureans born 28th April – 7th May or with from 8-17 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

For many years Neptune has been making its influence felt in the area of career and worldly image. You may have had to lay ego on one side here and make yourself available in more selfless ways because it serves the interests of others and your own higher purpose. The 2021 Taurus star sign predictions foretell that you may have felt undervalued or overlooked or even misinterpreted by others at times. Some of you could have been more involved with boats, charities, the arts, hospitality industry, working with animals or the underprivileged.

Neptune has left this area after more than 15 years. Allowing more clarity about direction and increasing recognition of your standing in the community or within your profession.

In Neptune’s new incarnation friends may need you to be sensitive and supportive. You may feel more of a pull to become involved with a group which serves a community, in person or over the wires, or you collaborate with kindred spirits who have a special area of interest or expertise in common and your sense of duty to a special group or to friends and associates is activated. Zodiac 2021 predictions for Taurus zodiac sign suggest that Taureans born 23rd-28th April or with 3-8 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most over 2021.

Pluto in Capricorn, continues to have a positive but radical impact on your sign. The astrology Taurus 2021 foretells that for several years Pluto will continue to bring a deeper awareness and help you to find the thread of your own personal truth amid the myriad twists and turns of human mental constructs. Distilling the essence through intellectual seeking, travel, religions, philosophies, the law and that includes spiritual law.

There should be a growing understanding of different systems of thought, more tolerance for differing belief systems as your previous ideologies or presumptions get cut down to size. The rose-tinted specs fall away and you begin to see how something or someone you idolized is really like, warts and all. But because of this and other lessons your wisdom is growing and deepening. Someone you have an, intense emotional connection with could live at a distance or be linked to travel or just has a lot to teach you. Any of these could have a profound effect upon you.

The Taurus horoscope 2021 predicts that Taureans born 30th April – 4th May or with 10-14 degrees rising will feel this vibration the most in 2021.

Last updated on December 18, 2016 at 5:31 pm. Word Count: 1680