Astrology and Horoscopes

Horoscope 2022

2022 Horoscope – Is 2022 Your Year To Shine?

The horoscope 2022 shows that this year, it’s all about change – in a big way! Get ready for exciting, beneficial changes in your relationships to others, whether at work or at home, and in your luck. The planets are demanding a bit of caution, though, so be sure to look before you leap.

You might see a lot of expansion on new frontiers, such as fuel technology and green science, thanks to Jupiter changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius. Get ready to launch into the future – it’s waiting for you!

The 2022 horoscope also shows that you’ll also notice a bit of conflict between traditions and newer ideas. An on-and-off Saturn-Uranus opposition brings this tug-of-war front and center! How can you integrate the new without completely abandoning the old?

Very often we go through life wearing blinders like a horse, but those who take off those blinders and prepare for a rocky road can thrive in 2022.

Click on your sign to get your Horoscope 2022 Preview:

Aries Horoscope 2022

Expanding the Horizons of Partnership
This year, your focus will be on partnerships. If you open a business, it will be with a partner. If you’re working for a major company, most of your assignments will be done in company with someone else. If you’re a creative type, many of your paintings, songs, magazine articles, or whatever your specialty is will be done in conjunction with another person. If you’re in a long-term, committed love relationship, you and your mate will be deeply involved in building a better life. And if you’re NOT in a long-term, committed love relationship, take our word for it: you soon will be. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, read your 2022 Horoscope!

Taurus Horoscope 2022

Living in Harmony with the Earth
You’ve been hoping for a major career break for the past several years. Finally, it seems, New Year’s Day of 2009 just might bring the long-sought appearance of the good fortune you’ve been awaiting. This may bring career success and the resulting monetary gain, but it might also imply that this will be the year when the grassroots environmental movement actually attracts a lot of followers and begins to make serious progress, and you could be in the thick of it all. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, get your 2022 Horoscope!

Gemini Horoscope 2022

Looking up to the Higher Planes
You’re known for having a sharp mind, a keen intellect, and a fantastic imagination, and it will be fertile, prolific, and colorful for most of the year. Venus and Neptune, both planets of the arts, are in Aquarius, trining your Sun Sign at the beginning of the year. You might create your masterpieces in the time-honored way, but for at least some of the time, you might choose to work on a computer. In fact, if you’re not careful, your friends and family might have a difficult time enticing you to leave that computer. If you’re in the throes of inspiration, keep at it, but if you’ve run out of energy, don’t force the issue. Go with them. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, read your 2022 Horoscope!

Cancer Horoscope 2022

Seeing Yourself in Others
You’re almost always focused more on others than on yourself. Cancer is the nurturing sign, and you all too often sacrifice too many of your own desires for the sake of fulfilling those of others. However, this year you might be tempted to overdo it. People for whom you care very much could be needier than they usually are, and you’ll want to assist in alleviating their troubles. There will be those, however, who will sense opportunity in your good nature and could start coming to you far more often than they should, which will place you on the horns of a dilemma. You know that these people are using you, but you also feel they really are in need. The best tactic to take, therefore, is not to solve their problems for them but to show them how to do it themselves. To find out more, read your 2022 Horoscope!

Leo Horoscope 2022

Living to Learn While Learning to Live
Your usually bold outlook may be tempered at the start of the year by sad stories in the news or friends who have unfortunate personal problems. Your empathy may be charged up, and you may feel you want to become more involved with helping others. There may be a time when you’re tempted to reach into your pocketbook and solve the problem with money. Although there may be a few situations where that’s helpful, for the most part, it may not be as constructive as you’d like. Use your artistic talents and past experience to help guide others through hard times. In the broader spectrum of world affairs, you may have to hold back a little, contributing just enough without sacrificing the needs of you or your loved ones. To find out more, read your 2022 Horoscope!

Virgo Horoscope 2022

Spinning Straw into Gold
Have you been spooked by all the dire predictions about the world economy? Even you may be surprised at their effect on you. Determined to succeed in spite of it all, you’ll be motivated to work even harder than you usually do so as to avoid any unsettling setbacks due to circumstances beyond your control. This foreshadows a very successful year career-wise and the financial rewards that usually come with such accomplishments. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, get your 2022 Horoscope!

Libra Horoscope 2022

Having a Love Affair with the Planet
At the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2022, your sign will be on the Ascendant, which is a very powerful omen for you. This augurs to be a year of growth and learning on all levels. New challenges will approach you on all sides from your community, your family, and your friends. You might find things you’ve overlooked before suddenly intriguing. However, more and more your actual career may seem like a distraction. You might find details that never bothered you before are suddenly getting under your skin. Yet you can’t quit your job; the big picture demands that you stay with the status quo, even if you spend entire days wishing you were doing something else. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, get your 2022 Horoscope!

Scorpio Horoscope 2022

Two Sides of the Same Coin
In 2022, be prepared for surprises, the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Each surprise will be like the proverbial two-sided coin. You’ll be doing a lot of work in seclusion, but you’ll do it so well that everyone will know about it. You’ll make more money than you have in a long time, but you won’t be able to think of anything you want to spend it on. You just might find your dream home, but you’ll be either too busy or too tired to enjoy it. And in spite of the fact that you’ll be playing the role of the solitary workaholic, you’ll receive more social invitations than you ever dreamed of. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, see your 2022 Horoscope!

Sagittarius Horoscope 2022

Out of the Clouds and Down to Earth
In previous years, you may have taken a somewhat cavalier attitude toward money, which has often caused you to run out of funds three or four days before payday. Now, however, you’ve read about the hideous poverty plaguing many parts of the world, and even people in your own neighborhood have had to tighten their belts. The state of the economy might drive even you, the eternal optimist, into a state of panic, but there’s really no need for that. You’ll be far better off if you devise a plan of action that will prevent your money from going the way of the dinosaurs. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, Get your 2022 Horoscope!

Capricorn Horoscope 2022

Climbing a Mountain without a Safety Line
No matter how scary the stories in the newspapers might be, you’re not paying attention. You’ve always managed before, and you will this time as well. Successes will continue to come your way because you’re not afraid of hard work and you’re good at what you do. The problem might be that keeping up your professional and financial status in 2022 will take twice the time and energy that it has in previous years. This will create stress in mind and body and leave you less time to relax and spend time with family and friends; thus your health may suffer. These are rough times, and getting through them won’t be easy. But there’s no need to make it worse. To find out more, get your 2022 Horoscope!

Aquarius Horoscope 2022

Overcoming All Obstacles
Feeling blocked on all sides is not your normal state of mind, and you might feel completely overwhelmed. Usually, you’re ingenious enough to worm your way out of any tight spots in which you find yourself, but even your most inspired efforts don’t help you much now. Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and at the start of the year, Saturn will be retrograde. So throughout the year, you’re apt to be of two minds: Saturn tending toward being cautious and conservative, and Uranus preferring to find solutions to all difficulties in far-out ideas and methods. The best idea for you is to consult with other people – friends, colleagues, or perhaps some family members. To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, read your 2022 Horoscope!

Pisces Horoscope 2022

Working Toward a Better World
On the surface, it might seem as if your life in 2022 will be full of ups and downs. One moment, everything may seem to be going great, and the next, your whole life will go topsy-turvy. There will also be times when it seems that your life is in the pits, and then a miracle will happen. At least a few of your long-term wishes will finally come true, but being able to make the most of them will sometimes be difficult. Don’t let your Piscean insecurities click in. A positive state of mind is vital if you want to make things happen for yourself. Remember the old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” To find out more about your love life, your career, your finances, and more, get your 2022 Horoscope!

See also:

Horoscope 2018

Horoscope 2019

Horoscope 2020

Horoscope 2021

Horoscope 2022

Horoscope 2023

Horoscope 2024

Horoscope 2025

Last updated on January 1, 2017 at 3:14 am. Word Count: 1780