Astrology and Horoscopes

Libra Monkey Personality

The Monkey Libra should be sure to channel their industrious output of word-based art into something remunerative like advertising copywriting — it’s glib, it’s witty, it’s memorable, but that may not make it fine art. When it comes to you, be sure to write it down quickly, and always keep a pad and pencil near the bed for those midnight bursts of divine Libran inspiration.

Speaking of which, as long as you think their pants off beforehand, you can get almost anybody to come across with a little loving, but making actual contact between minds might take a little extra effort that you may not be up to.

Excess Monkey superficiality may be a boon at the office, but it can also typecast you among your social circle as merely just another pretty face if you keep your super fine mind too closely guarded.

Last updated on October 1, 2014 at 8:12 pm. Word Count: 144