Astrology and Horoscopes

Libra On Eight House Cusp

Libra On Eight House Cusp

Libra On Eight House Cusp

Libra in 8th house:

You likely seek power and/or influence through your partnerships, which are often strategic in nature. You are so determined to protect yourself from being controlled or emotionally manipulated by others, you put up very strong emotional defenses and do your best to keep others at arms length.

However, because you often wait for or expect your partners to provide you financially, materially, and/or physically, you end up placing yourself in the exact position you’re trying to avoid – that of being controlled by your partners because you depend on what they provide you (i.e.- they give you money, food, shelter, and/or sex).

For this reason alone, it is likely that you strive to partner with individuals that you can control, manipulate, or hold some sort of power over mentally, emotionally, or spiritually in order to balance out their control over your financial-material-physical resource needs.

Last updated on March 17, 2015 at 9:42 pm. Word Count: 153