Weight Loss and Astrology, Introduction
You’ll need your natal (birth) chart in front of you to make a lot of sense of the pages on Weight Loss and Astrology. You can get a free natal chart here. I recommend using the Koch house system rather than the Placidus system which is the default for many astrology programs.
There is much more to Astrology and Weight Loss than your Sun Sign. Often, you might need to concentrate more on your Moon Sign or another component of your chart when you are trying to lose weight.
First, an overall study of your chart would be helpful. An astrological chart consists of several basic parts: signs, planets, houses. You have 10 planets in 12 signs and 12 houses. Think of your chart as a road map for your life. It is the roadmap for the Best Possible You. It is also the roadmap for Everything That Can Possibly Go Wrong. By working with the information in our charts about ourselves, we can live our lives much more healthily and happily.
There needs to be a balance of the various parts of your chart. Suppose that one part of your chart screams “Mothering, nurturing, homebody” (as mine does) and another part of your chart screams “Get on Stage, show off, get attention” (as mine does). If you ignore either voice, you are asking for trouble. You have to learn how to do both, how to feed the energies of both parts of yourself. Sometimes weight gain can be a simple expression of an out-of-balance life, and a simple astrological reading can be a key to helping you see where your life is out of balance. Once balance is restored, the weight may just come off naturally.
Secondly, I personally feel that several key components of your chart are helpful to look at when looking at unwanted weight. We will look at those components individually. However, before we do, let me give a brief astrological crash course. If you are unfamiliar with astrology, you’ll want to refer back to this page as you read other pages in this group.
Most people who are astrological novices know only of the 12 signs. They may or may not know the basic characteristics of each sign. In astrology, we also use 10 planets (the Sun, Moon and the planets except for Earth) and 12 houses. There are resonances or correlations between these three. As a gross oversimplification, I could say that there are 12 basic flavors in astrology and three main expressions of each flavor. Just as there are many different ways to experience chocolate, there are several different ways to experience Scorpio in a chart. You don’t have to be a Scorpio for Scorpio energy to be prominent in your chart. In fact, it can be that a sign other than your Sun sign will be the most dominant in your chart.
In short, here are the flavors:
Aries/Mars/1st house
Taurus/Venus/2nd house
Gemini/Mercury/3rd house
Cancer/Moon/4th house
Leo/Sun/5th house
Virgo/Mercury/6th house
Libra/Venus/7th house
Scorpio/Pluto/8th house
Sagittarius/Jupiter/9th house
Capricorn/Saturn/10th house
Aquarius/Uranus/11th house
Pisces/Neptune/12 house
In long:
To get the Aries “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Aries, Aries on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the first house, or a strongly placed Mars.
To get the Taurus “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Taurus, Taurus on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the second house, or a strongly placed Venus.
To get the Gemini “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Gemini, Gemini on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 3rd house, or a strongly placed Mercury.
To get the Cancer “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Cancer, Cancer on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 4th house, or a strongly placed Moon.
To get the Leo “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Leo, Leo on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 5th house, or a strongly placed Sun.
To get the Virgo “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Virgo, Virgo on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 6th house, or a strongly placed Mercury.
To get the Libra “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Libra, Libra on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 7th house, or a strongly placed Venus.
To get the Scorpio “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Scorpio, Scorpio on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 8th house, or a strongly placed Pluto.
To get the Sagittarius “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Sagittarius, Sagittarius on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 9th house, or a strongly placed Jupiter.
To get the Capricorn “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Capricorn, Capricorn on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 10th house, or a strongly placed Saturn.
To get the Aquarius “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Aquarius, Aquarius on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 11th house, or a strongly placed Uranus.
To get the Pisces “flavor” in a chart, you can have one or more planets in Pisces, Pisces on one of the four angles (Ascendant–especially the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir), planets in the 12th house, or a strongly placed Neptune.
Remember, this is a gross simplification of astrology, but it should suffice (along with other the other introductory astrology pages from the Astrology menu and given in the links below) to help you understand enough astrology to understand the Weight Loss and Astrology series. In the next page, I will begin to discuss particular markers in our charts which may help us understand ourselves and to help us with weight loss.
Last updated on October 1, 2014 at 12:57 am. Word Count: 1096