Neptune In Libra
Neptune in Libra
This transit through Libra dissolved the boundaries which structured relationships. It became more and more difficult to maintain the expected traditions. Society no longer agreed as to what was right and what was wrong. We began to blindly feel our way in relationships which seemed to be less permanent.
By the same token, we dimly saw new realities which related us to those far away and here to fore unrelated. Stereotypes were broken down. We seemed to be lost as well as freed from a past bondage.
If you have Neptune here you will feel no guide lines adequately support what you are looking for in any relationship. You tend to feel your way in and out of relationships sometimes not recognizing what you have been through. You are on uncharted seas looking for a sign post and guide lines to give you some direction.
Some of you may work wonders with your intuition. Others will feel hopelessly lost and impersonal in relating to an enormous world, realizing that your true love is also lost, Out of this many of you will discover an identity of your own. The first step in relating to others is knowing yourself. This position cuts you free to find yourself. It is a sink or swim situation.
Here are a few keynotes of Neptune in Libra. This should NOT be considered an exhaustive list.
NEPTUNE IN LIBRA: Idealizes and inflates expectations about relationships, love, fine arts. Spiritual blessings: instinct for blissful merging in relationships, spiritual love, enhanced color sense.
Please browse the links on the left side of this page for more information on Neptune in Signs.
Last updated on July 6, 2014 at 9:04 pm. Word Count: 276