Astrology and Horoscopes

The Outer Planets As Singletons

When we come to the outer planets as singletons, we find what Richard Idemon used to call the “true bizarros and weirdoes.” Also, among those with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto singletons we find highly creative people; many are geniuses in their fields along the line of their outer planet singleton. It is as though they have become direct pipelines from the gods to mankind. There is always something unique and special about these individuals and their expression. They are extraordinary.

In many instances, unfortunately, people are encouraged to repress the energies symbolized by the outer planets. Between family “tapes” and social “programming” only the strong, determined or totally “out to lunch” survive and flourish. First, the family may think the person is weird. Then he or she develops the idea, “There is something wrong with me!” Second, if the family accepts the person (maybe because they are all a bit odd, like the Munsters), when he goes to school, the peer group and teachers think his is peculiar.

It is a very critical issue whether or not the person received support early on in life from the family. It is a matter of how much support the person received or did not receive for the expression of his uniqueness.

A child with an outer planet singleton may become the “identified patient” in the dynamics of the family psychology or the family “dysfunctionality.” Families love to have that person as the “least common denominator.”

The rest of them can then think, “Well, we are just fine! It is only little George who is strange, who has problems!” Maybe little George has a Neptune singleton in his first house, on the Ascendant. He sees things no one else does. He knows family secrets he could not possibly know because no one in the family ever talks about that. He starts using drugs and alcohol even before Junior High in an attempt to suppress his strange perceptions.

Our social “tapes” tell us: “Do not show Uranus, Neptune or Pluto! Do not be different! Conform! (i.e. stay within Saturn’s boundaries).” So, for those with one or more outer planet singletons in their charts, it may be a good idea to spend some time in psychotherapy in order to learn to accept and appreciate their individual uniqueness. There is always, especially in youth, the feeling, “I have difficulty fitting in!” It is difficult to accept oneself, or to come to terms with the feeling of being set apart as essentially different.

Remember that little speech Linda Tripp gave in which she tried to justify “snitching” on her friend Monica? She said, “I am just like you!” Most of us instinctively felt, “Oh, no, you are not!” With her three outer planets as singletons, she is very different from Mrs. Joe Sixpack, average American.

There is a tendency to try to sweep the outer planet singletons under the rug and lock them in the closet. The energies represented by them can be very upsetting and unsettling. There is a strong urge to seek for the transpersonal, transcendental, magical and mystical. There is an ongoing search for all that is beyond the self, the personal and the individual.

There is tremendous creative/destructive potential, too, with these energies. They represent the capacity for genius or madness. If these outer planet singletons are aspected by personal planets, especially Moon and Venus, relationships may be doomed by a propensity to project magical qualities on the loved one or on love itself. We go off looking for Prince Charming, the Fairy Princess, the all-knowing and all wise guru or the great hero.

Last updated on December 15, 2014 at 1:03 pm. Word Count: 603