Understanding Personalities By Moon Phases
The natal phases reflect facets within the personality and life structure of the individual. As part of life’s cycles, they will also reflect the dynamics of a phase experienced by the individual as the Moon progresses by secondary progression. Work with these phases, as secondary progressed developing phases create a very important ‘backdrop’ to outer planet transits and help to define how a person might deal with transits, by their own nature ( natal phase type) and by the moon’s progressed phase and the meaning of that phase.
For example, a person dealing with Transiting Pluto opposing his Sun and who is in a balsamic or dark phase in his progressed cycle will deal with the ramifications of the transit in a very different way to someone who experiences the same transit but is in a Full moon phase. Similarly, by their individual natures, each will address their issues differently.
The New Moon Personality
The Crescent Moon Personality
The First Quarter Moon Personality
The Gibbous Personality
The Full Moon Personality
The Disseminating Moon Personality
The Last Quarter Moon Personality
The Balsamic Moon Personality
The New Moon Personality
The angle between 0 degrees to 44 degrees with the Moon zodiacally ahead of the Sun encompasses the Conjunction, the Semisextile (30 degrees) and leads to the Semisquare (45-degree). The New Moon occurs immediately after the ‘Dark Phase’, and there is only a little visible evidence of the Moon’s presence. It is about to begin to ‘wax’ or ‘grow’ until the Full Moon, when it will ‘wane’ or decrease in apparent size.
The New Moon represents a clean start, like a new seed breaking the surface after a period in the darkness. It heralds a time when there is a movement towards the future and has a particular sort of sensitivity. Imagine this tentative seed – it may survive, it may be at the mercy of the elements. This is reflected in the nature of the individual born at that time. It signifies vitality and the urge to survive but also a certain vulnerability.
New Moon people tend to experience the world in a very subjective manner. There is always a personal approach to their attitude on life and there is little confusion in their outer and inner expression when both Luminaries are in the same sign. Their awareness or consciousness of self is easily reflected into the world, and the world can seem to present many challenges. This person meets those challenges in an attempt to grow and survive. A keyword might be ‘enthusiasm’. The Yin signs,( for the same sign New Moon) will tend towards subjectivity and inner growth while the Yang signs tend towards worldly achievement. The person is optimistic, trusting, and is almost incapable of seeing negativity in life, so great is his eagerness to experience himself and his life. He is born with an innately positive outlook and carries it through despite setbacks, bouncing back from difficulties to rise again to the challenge.
This first phase consists of the urge to experience life, to grow and initiate, gather momentum and can envisage or imagine fulfillment. Following on from the ‘Dark Phase’, which, symbolically, is one of incubation and fertility, the personality is no longer embryonic but filled with vitality but also with a certain sensitivity and fragility as it ‘breaks out’ into the world. These people seem to know that they must survive the best they can and the person has a psychic awareness that it must meet many challenges. They are markedly independent and meets those challenges as part of their life expectations. Often, though, the person takes on far more than he should – he forgets that he is ‘new’ and therefore ‘naïve’ and will tend to rush headlong into life, trusting to luck. He often finds it!
The New Moon personality shines with eagerness. One might expect an impulsive nature, depending on the sign, and even the introverted signs will still have a keen interest in life and its challenges. The person might be particularly emotional and responsive to others but by nature is innately self-involved. He investigates life as though the world is a new land to be explored and great discoveries are to be made to which he can append his name. Because of his subjective nature there could be some impatience regarding the place or needs of others and a tendency to ‘ride roughshod’ in the urge to make inroads in life. This is not deliberate but simple enthusiasm running away on its own energy.
A New Moon in Yin signs personality would operate from an unconscious dimension, be highly subjective, and tend to be unaware of their effect on others. A New Moon in Yang signs would be more objective and assertive to the extent that they are capable of dominance without ‘caring’ about their effect on others! In all cases, there is often little restraint or premeditation as the urge to experience life is highly spontaneous.
In viewing the luminaries as Inner Parents, we might find that the parents are seen as a ‘pair’ – united in their relationship, or one parent may be seen to dominate and the other be in an inaccessible relationship with theperson whose chart it is. Much will depend of course on the aspects to the New Moon.
New Moon people are ‘self starters’ – they take up challenges and even create them for themselves. They are goal oriented often without any particular end in view, but simply because they enjoy tackling new things. So they are starters but not always finishers! They need the discipline of time – just as the new seed must be given time to thrive and grow, so often early life is littered with challenges and projects gone wrong, or unfinished. Later in life these people become very productive as their progressed cycle coincides with the cycle of Saturn and they will experience a Progressed Lunation around the same time as Saturn returns to its birth position.
The division between the conscious world and the inner, unconscious world is thin – so they are often perceived to be ‘together’ or ‘centred’ by others. They freely express the elemental nature of the sign containing the conjunction. Those with the Moon in the sign ahead of the Sun will differ in expression. Because we are looking at a phase rather than an exact conjunction it often happens that the Moon is in the next sign, (but less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun.) In this case, the Moon will be in a different element, and one would look at the quality and element of the luminaries to determine which luminary might ‘lead’ in expression. Yang Fire and Air lead over Yin Earth and Water so if the Moon is Yang and the Sun Yin then the emotional body takes precedence over the rational body and the person is more ‘reactive’ – stimulated and activated by the emotions. If the Sun is Yang and the Moon Yin, action takes precedence over feeling and the emotions can tend to be disregarded in the urge for action.
The Crescent Moon Personality and Phase
The Moon is 45 degrees to 89 degrees ahead of the Sun. This encompasses the Sextile, Quintile and leads towards the Square. The unfolding phase begun with the New Moon is gathering impetus now, the Moon is waxing larger in size so this person is very aware of the future, even more keen to experience it, has some insight into what the future might hold, including its pitfalls.
The New Moon personality often doesn’t have a clue about potential problems, but the Crescent personality has an innate sense of the positives and negatives and so is no less keen but more cautious, weighing things up before taking the initiative. But he can lack clarity because of this and there is often both eagerness and resistance, an urge to both move forward and at the same time stay comfortable in the safety zone of what is familiar.
There is some insecurity embedded in this person, a tentative approach, yet a curiosity and need to explore life which is very strong and motivating. The metaphorical seed we saw emerge from the dark earth now has its first leaves and has survived the first storms and danger, allegorically committing the perils to memory, if plants could be imagined to have memories! The psyche does! The keywords here might be ‘anticipation and hesitation’.
These people seem aware that there are challenges and tensions to be overcome. For this reason, people born at this phase can have a problem defining goals and direction in life, ‘in case things go wrong’. But once having established some direction, they will make a clean break and move ahead full steam! Then they surprise everyone with the thrust and purpose after first appearing tentative. We see this in those who break with tradition, with parental expectation, and often with the country of birth! They trust implicitly in their own capacity for survival and have a naiveté and thrust that is quite charming, much less ‘gung-ho’ than their New Moon cousins but no less enthusiastic.
These people seem sometimes to have a ‘burr under the saddle’ – they are somewhat driven in their need to achieve in life. Depending on the Yin and Yang of the signs involved in the Crescent personality, they will tend to be a little variable, but once a decision is made will move forward. This phase includes the quintile and sextile aspects, both of which are practical ‘working’ and ‘creative’ so the personality cannot remain static but forges ahead with goals in view, completing them, even though they may lose interest along the way.
In anticipation of a long journey ahead, in order to achieve future growth, the personality phase is akin to a child leaving home for the big world of adulthood. Often in order to be successful he needs to make a permanent break. This is not always physical, but a break with the morality, educational bias, traditions and habits. Familiarity makes it hard to leave security, but by his nature he is driven to do so. They may at times appear to hover on the brink of decision-making and action, and need encouragement to explore but rarely do they become stuck for too long! They often maintain a youthful demeanour and even when old, might exhibit a candour and innocence that is extremely charming.
Advancing, without needing to justify their actions, or becoming overwhelmed by fear of progress, is a challenge that this personality must meet head on if they are to get the best out of life. They often seem to need to explain or seek ‘permission’ to act assertively, yet have a strength that is quite surprising when they let it show! They often need time to assimilate and assess challenge, to determine direction and may appear to vacillate. They live in anticipation, learn through experience so that as they mature, they become bolder and more assertive. They are born with enormous potential but need time to activate it. They will rise to the challenge, only to retreat when blocked. Often the ability to retreat is useful because they re-gather their resources and come out fighting after ‘regrouping’.
The First Quarter Moon Personality
From 90 degrees to 134 degrees. This begins with the Square and includes the Trine. So this personality varies from the ‘hard aspect’ type to the ‘soft aspect’ type. It is necessary to bear this in mind and modify interpretation by the actual ‘aspect’ of the phase. However, personalities born at this phase will maintain a similar ‘style’ of expression – the urge for growth through change and simply go about it a different way.
How they go about achieving change will depend to a large extent on the sign involvement because at the square, archetypal ‘issues’ can be highly challenging. For example the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Cancer might experience tension about autonomy and family patterning. The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Libra might experience tension between family and intimacy. The Sun in Libra and the Moon in Capricorn might be born expecting to experience dilemmas involving intimacy and status. With the square, change is achieved forceful and deliberate and willful. So this personality is entrenched with the desire for growth but tends to do so at the expense of inner peace – aware of relationship dilemmas and might unconsciously force issues in order to break free of what he perceives to be limiting factors.
The phase embodies ambition but sometimes at a cost. The metaphorical seed has not only broken the surface but is developing its leaves and reaching for the sunshine – but it is exposed to the wind and rain, frost and heat, and so experiences a critical phase – will it live, will it die – does it have to complete for its place in the sun with others of its kind? This personality might even experience a form of rejection by family, or least feel that he doesn’t ‘fit’ and this can be emotionally difficult to handle, yet it leaves him free to explore his own world and crisis in one form or another can be the catalysis for this.
The tension that is inherent within the personality is often reflected in the tensions within the parental relationship, which is often seen by the person as an inharmonious one. So he often has to deal with feelings of ‘taking sides’ – not only with parental relationships but also in other relationships in life. He may find himself in situations where he has to make choices between opposing forces. He may become independent at an early age. His internal dilemma is most often that achievement comes at the expense of emotions and full expression of emotion leaves him feeling that he has lost control. This is a ‘bridge’ between conscious Sun and unconscious Moon, where objectivity and subjectivity clash so that the personality can express in unpredictable and reactive behavioural patterns.
Action, instinct, crisis, reaction, the setting of purposeful goals, the building of framework and forward momentum, independence of thought and action can create a ruthlessness about this personality that is strongly rooted in parental conditioning and the risk that he carries and fulfilsthe parental ‘issues’. As the person comes to terms with his own drives an enormous sense of purpose and clarity of direction is established. Thus we find the potential high achiever. This is a personality that has a sense of self but has to struggle to adapt to the society in which it lives. Some of the struggles and crisis this personality experiences is in finding a niche in life.
Since this phase incorporates the opening or waxing trine, and we can assume that better understanding comes at the trine, or at least, better acceptance and less stress, the person born later in the phase deals with issues more calmly and resolutely, healing more quickly and accepting of those things he cannot change. Thus, it may be easier to deal with stress for those born at the trine. Sun and the Moon are in the same element family so the energy flows easily and there is an intensification of self-development. The paradox in this entire phase is that while one experiences crisis and stress in the desire for change, another will makes his transitions with ease. But the desire and urge is no less intense. With the trine, there is acceptance of conflict and easier handling of challenges.
The Gibbous Personality
135 degrees to 179 degrees, this includes the Quincunx and leads to the Opposition. This is a phase when conscious attention is paid to personal growth, at the same time as it embodies relationships with others.
This personality is fully aware of his potentials and keen to understand and develop them. He does not seek to do so in a crisis ridden way but is more patient and accumulative. He acquires skills and understands the need for deliberation in achieving in life. He is blessed with an intuitive faculty that is not impulsive, but balanced between personal subjective goals and awareness of how other might help him achieve them. It is less driven than the phases that have gone before.
The person is keenly aware of social norms and expectations, takes what is of value to him and easily rejects the rest. He does so with an intuitive understanding that by accumulating material, knowledge and information he will gain later life. He is more a ‘gatherer’ than a hunter is with a direct approach, a progressive and optimistic outlook and a willingness the use whatever skills and material comes to hand to achieve.
The tale of the plant is now fully into survival – this phase is an accumulative stage and one in which our plant begins to show its potential – is it a petunia or is it an apple tree? It knows, and begins to take on its future form – feeding and growing at a rapid rate – its roots are firmly in the ground from where it draws its sustenance. So it is with the gibbous personality. They know who they are and have firm idea of what they want!
He is aware that adjustments have to be made between personal desires and the needs of others and so is generally able to compromise. However, in doing so, he does not lose sight of his personal direction, but is clear on what he wants within the framework of his culture, society and its demands, and the political norms and creative opportunities presented to him. . He has the most developed ability to be consistent and persevere.
So he may appear placid, but is resilient well grounded and resolute. He may not be entirely willing to compromise his own desires but if it suits his long term purpose will see the politics of appearing to do so. He can be truculent if he can see no advantage. He is clear on who he is and what he wants. This phase brings objectivity as the predominant attitude and the person is less dependent on instincts for survival and more on ‘playing’ the system to find the means.
He is capable of and does, plan ahead and arrange for his own survival. Part of the life pattern for this personality, especially when young is to discover that life has a ‘pecking order.’ He is determined on his own growth and so might tend to ‘usurp’ those who stand in his way. However, he learns intuitively to avoid those who would threaten him and to cultivate those who will enable him to find his own niche. We might say this personality has all the makings of a political animal – in touch with society and other people yet still able to use that framework to further his own goals.
He has a strong sense of identity but often relies on other people to reflect the sense of ‘I’. Feedback from others is very important and needs to be confirmed in childhood. If aspects to the luminaries are encouraging, this person is able to put himself across in an affable and sociable way. If not, he can be beset with a desire to grow that pays scant attention to the lawful means by which he can obtain his needs. He is able to write the rules to suit himself.
He has a capacity to analyse future directions and past indiscretions and get them firmly in perspective, so he learns by his mistakes.. This is he who ‘marches to a different drum’ at times but is well aware that he is doing so and can use it to further his aims! The urge to reform and improve is strong. Thus we find the person out in the world, extroverted rather than introverted, not tentative but forward seeking, gathering and accumulating all that might come in useful further down the track! The person is often a store of knowledge and experience ranging from trivia to profound understanding.
The Full Moon Personality
180 to 224 degrees, the personality reaches the externalised world of others. We see this phase most clearly. The Moon is at its ‘largest’ about to begin its waning stage. Relationships with others and with the world at large loom largely in this person’s life experience.
They are born in anticipation that to be who they are, largely depends on other people in their lives so there is a paradox in balancing the ‘me’ with the ‘you’. They are capable of alternating between riding rough-shod over the needs of others, or of being so aware of the others needs that they neglect their own.
What has happened to our tree? It now stands tall and exposed. It dares the wind to blow it over, the sun to burn it, water to flood it – and when these things happen it survives because it has the strength to withstand the elements. It purpose now is not so much self preservation as preservation of its species, and so it sets fruit and seeds – and the first seeds are immature and need time to develop. Some will some won’t. Those that are fertile stay, those that are not fall to the ground. So there is a sense of life and death, fertility and barrenness that. reflected in the personality, can pull in one direction or the other.
Polarisation occurs so often this personality seems pulled in two directions. They can act in a manner that is best described as ‘extremist’. Balance and constancy requires a constant shift in perspectives on life and the person has to find a way to stay on the ‘middle road’. This creates many extremes in their lives. Because the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other there is no obstacle to illumination and the person is innately aware of both his ego and his ‘soul’ and torn between the needs of each.
The constant pull between objective world experience and subjective inner experience is at worst tormenting and at best a permanent dilemma for Full Moon personalities. One moment they find themselves secure and sure of their personal material or intellectual direction and the next they are plunged into emotional and relationships turmoil. The two poles are clearly separate. Ideally this promises the well rounded, mature personality, capable of innate sense of the profane and sacred parts of himself but the mere dynamic of the opposition means he is in a constant state of flux – walking an elemental tightrope. Rarely will the balance occur for the satisfaction of the person.
This is the ‘full on’ personality. Like its New Moon partner, it is highly motivated but has the ‘follow through’ to achieve, so is often impatient to ‘end’ and get on to the next goal. Highly creative, obviously expressive, capable of being self destructive, with hair trigger emotions, these personalities are seen, want to be seen, are driven to seek approval from others in one way or another, and this desire for approval is projected into the world of relationships.
Following the Gibbous phase where feedback is a necessary resource for growth, for the Full Moon personality, such confirmation is a commodity that has to come in a constant stream as self-esteem can swing to extremes. He can be supremely confident in his approach to life, only to swing into periods of self-doubt. So his life patterns tend to leap from one extreme to another. He is his own best friend or worst enemy, and will project this into relationships so if you are loved by or love a Full Moon do not expect this to be an easy ride, because the lines between love and hate are thin!
Motivation is high, yet can be pulled back by emotional forces. Social norms and primitive instincts vie for attention and the person is often torn between the need to conform to the requirements of relationships and social life and the inner urge for freedom and anarchy! There is a keen sense of purpose and the need to express life ‘full on’. Maturity enables the person to fulfil the innate promise of personal self-development together with world achievement. He becomes able to use it to advantage, so often the volatile child turns into the high achiever in later years, but before doing so,will go through tumultuous experiences that teach him some hard lessons about co-operation.
The parental marriage may be experienced as opposing but interdependent dynamics. Mother and Father may be perceived as separate individuals each bound within the structure of the marriage yet desirous of freedom. This makes for a very noticeable personality as he emulates the distinctly separate parts of his psyche. He may embody parental ‘issues’ to the point of distraction and a loss of identity. This duality of opposites is shown clearly in the personality as he tries to ‘centre’ and ‘find’ himself. Just as he might polarise his energies, so he has the capacity to have the ‘best of both worlds’ if he understands his own dynamics.
There is a delightful inconsistency in the nature – a generosity and charm that is compelling and attractive to others. There can also be downright bloody-mindedness and obdurate refusal to conform. This is a personality that senses that life has to be lived fully in the here and now – they are innately impatient, driven, and as such there is the possibility of a very high level of achievement.
The Disseminating Moon Personality
225 degrees to 269 degrees ahead of the Sun. This is a phase of distribution, communication and illumination. The Disseminating Moon person has an inborn need to spread the word – to announce his presence and even boast of his prowess! He is well able to publicise ideas and is strongly motivated at a social level. Social structures and society at large benefits from this personality, and he benefits from it, but he is in danger of becoming swamped by his own enthusiasms.
He is vested with a desire to instigate social reform, but at times needs to stop and take into consideration that the world may not be ready for him! He is a visionary and his vision of the future leaves no room for limiting structures and traditions. He pushes the boundaries, and like his Gibbous cousin, can do so in an almost amoral way, but does so less for personal gain and more for the ’cause’. They may embody the motto – the End justifies the Means!
The tree now has fruit and seeds in abundance. It scatters the seeds that are ripe with a dancing abandonment for it’s purpose is well defined. It revels in the elements for it is in tune with them and realises their purpose. This is a joyous time of shedding those seeds that will ensure its life is meaningful and its species will survive! Dissemination means to scatter far and wide and our tree uses nature to do this.
Such people are involved in communication, often teach, have concerns with the law, and structural norms of society and are extroverted by nature. They express themselves with ease around the trine, but can later experience difficulties as the closing square is approached, so his greatest lesson is not to take his talents for granted but to re-focus them in a collective way. His is the personality with social leadership potential, able to convey the needs of the group, to act in protecting, altering the thinking and attitudes of the collective. He can be somewhat dictatorial and demanding in being ‘always right’. He is born with an innate sense that all things change and are impermanent and on the move. He has a visionary bent and clarity of focus but also a sense of ‘timing’ and seems to need to ‘get a piece of life’ while the going is good! Those concepts that personally concern the individual are those that he uses to benefit the whole. So we find someone oriented towards causes, in helping professions, where his innate ability to communicate is expressed. This is the position of informing and educating those with whom there is contact. He is altruistic, but can have a garrulous and socially seeking edge. He may appear to act on impulse, but rarely does. His challenge is in prioritising for he can scatter his energies and spread himself thinly. He wants to be all things for all people.
As children these types are ‘old heads on young shoulders’. As teachers,lawgivers, and information disseminators they mature early. This personality can motivate others towards reform and they are often the spokesmen for society. Immobility and unquestioning acceptance, resting on one’s laurels is anathema for this personality. Life will seem pointless unless they have the means to broadcast, share and experiment and explore. For this reason, the person may engender belief systems simply for the sake of action. The need is for caution and for determining which facets of life have real significance rather than for him to become involved in trivial or mundane activities just for excitement.
The Last Quarter Moon Personality
270 degrees to 314 degrees behind the Sun. This closing or waning square is similar to that of the First Quarter but at a more social level. Those first tensions were felt in an active, subjective, personal and directional way but this waning square presents a different set of challenges, those of tension in social consciousness or ideological awareness. This person is fraught with the stress of testing beliefs and ideologies, his own, those of others and those of society. He questions the validity of everything. He tends to a very objective point of view, and is capable of being quite demanding in the search for resolution of the questions he raises. Those born at this phase are confronted with many tensions between personal ideologies and beliefs and the realities of systems and facts.
He is the spokesman for the collective but also risks biting off more than he can chew. His challenge is to determine how much of himself he is prepared to sacrifice for the collective demands. This collective can range from his immediate family – often parents and the wider family hierarchy, to the ‘tribal’ structure of the community.
He is torn between traditional values and futuristic trends. He can see the values in both and so often is caught in a dilemma of conscience. He keenly feels the urgings of groups and those with whom he associates and needs to fit with the structural norms and also incorporate his own ideals within those of the group. Thus, at a positive level he can achieve personal ambitions through the group, or change the group to suit his ends! Either way he is tied to the moral fibre of others.
Here are the philosophers of the world, who do not necessarily act to make reform happen, but push others into doing so, from a more ‘managerial’ stance. Such personality types require recognition from the ‘system’ and often work and live within strict boundaries and their dichotomy is that they wish that things were different. They often ask, ‘why am I here’, ‘what is my purpose in life’ So he can ‘fit in’ to a business world by day and an esoteric world by night! He is indeed more comfortable by night, if truth were told!
What of the tree? Its fruiting over, its seeds scattered there is time of rest in preparation for dormancy. The elements have scarred the branches, some branches are not fruitful, and so the tree is pruned by life. Withered branches fall as the wind races through them. The tree stands at the mercy again of the elements, not in the same way as it did at the opening square, but in a more mature way, as dead leaves begin to fall and all that is useless in preparation for the next season, is removed. Human intervention in the form of life, may even shape it so that it conforms to and stands in the same image as others of its kind.
Negatively, the person can be overcome by inertia or paralysed by fear of loss. He can be inflexible and so will experience loss as he has a natural tendency to set himself up for failure if he is not willing to embody new attitudes and change his behavioural patterns. He can swing between the secure and proven yet inwardly knows that he must change, or he will be left behind in the ever increasing pace of life. This person can tend to become pessimistic, if his philosophies are thwarted, trapped within the systems of life, and obligations, until he espouses philosophical awareness of the future. Career and other affiliations often are crisis ridden and often associations need to be abandoned, or refined in some way. This person is born with a sense of vocation. It often takes a long time to shake off the desire to conform in order to tap into his ‘calling’.
The parental marriage might have seen one parent completely dominating or dictating to the other. Thus the person is imbued with the need to suppress either his emotional inner self, or gives sway to inner life and has difficulty living in the here and now. This is a tense position and like its counterpart the first square, leads to a personality under stress. Inner conflicts, insecurities and struggles are often not articulated. Stress at an inner level builds up and the risk of outbursts and reactionary and revolutionary behaviour is at odds with the seemingly calm outer appearance.
The Balsamic Moon Personality
315 to 359 degrees. The cycle is ending. This is the phase of transition and preparation for transformation. This personality experiences life in the knowledge and anticipation of radical change, but knows instinctively that this will only come after some sacrificial or ritual death. Society and hierarchies, people with power sit uneasily with them. Yet they do not rebel. They are the introverts who take everything life dishes out deep into the psyche for analysis and transformation.
They are often hesitant to make long term commitment in worldly activities as though prompted that ‘there just isn’t enough time’ to waste. So they are best equipped to make commitment in less achievement oriented fields and more in ‘backstage’ ways where, they can question, query, hypothesise, postulate and investigate future potentials. They are the prophets, and the ‘sensitives’ with an intuitive understanding and clairvoyant view of the future.
They experience hard lessons in life by being forced to let go of, discard and deal with loss at different levels both within and without. Yet they are the best equipped to do so and move on, for they have an inbuilt sense of the transformative impermanence of life, relationships and their own selves. They are often involved in short term projects, appear sociable, yet are keenly separate, not ever feeling entirely comfortable with groups associations, yet driven to join for the comfort that affiliation brings.
Their sense of ‘not belonging’ is keenly felt so they seek others of like mind – those who live life at an internal level and have a strong ‘persona’ which protects the real inner Self. Solitude is common. The Balsamic Moon person has much to offer in wisdom and experience if he can overcome his pessimism. There is an untapped depth to their experience and understanding, fertility that is futuristic and can be transformative if applied to the benefit of others. Their beliefs and knowledge seem to come from a collective source and the intuitive, even psychic function is strong. They lean toward religious philosophy, although often denying it. They believe in ‘luck’, both good and bad, destiny and Karma.
Profound and instinctive, they are equipped to experience the animal levels of being as well as the highest level of abstracted elevation and so combine psyche and soma. They are often intuitive healers, their bodies often sensitive to changes and they can be found in institutions, caring for the needy, often at the risk of their own health. Confidence levels are often outwardly low and they hesitate to express their intuitive nature openly, so the depth of psychic evolution is rarely discovered except when life thrusts them into dark phases.
The tree enters its period of dormancy, confident that in due time and the right season, it will ‘rise again’. Now its leaves fall and become the food for the future. It may look sad and dead in the winter of its life, but deep in the earth, fertile growth occurs. It seeds, shed earlier and beginning to warm and feed on the compost and the tree simply waits [patiently for the seasons to roll. So it is with the balsamic personality. They have embedded knowledge that everything occurs according to its season and are often content with that.
The Balsamic person often has to set aside his or her own subjective needs in order to fully feel a sense of oneness with the collective. They are ‘loners’. They may well be affable, willing workers, yet never are completely at ease, in the world of challenge. They seek enlightenment because of a well-developed sense of imperfection and potential for spiritual renewal. Self is a temple ready to receive enlightenment. and the search is an ongoing theme. Consequently they tread a spiritual path and desire to gain wisdom from the most mundane of tasks.
They seek transformation through service to others and sometimes martyrdom. They can often be seen to care for their health with an almost obsessive drive to perfect it, then go through periods of unprecedented neglect. They work in quiet ways, involved in ‘backroom’ research rather than upfront activation and while they have much knowledge, and insight, rarely expose themselves to criticism, or take risks with knowledge.
Linda Reid
Last updated on February 18, 2017 at 9:08 pm. Word Count: 6339