Astrology and Horoscopes

Pisces Rabbit Personality

The Rabbit Pisces has the ability to handle large amounts of people with skill and ease, in series or en masse, but this you do not particularly enjoy, being at heart a solitary creature.

Your Rabbit-triggered desire to bring life to your concepts and emotions will bleed over into your professional life if you do provide yourself with an artistic outlet, and in fact it would be better for you to merge the two interests as soon as possible.

Rabbit PiscesYour mental hygiene demands that you unburden yourself of all the psychic effluvium that collects at the bottom of your Piscean mind on a regular basis, and art is certainly cheaper than extended therapy.

Your capacity for involuntary empathy can give you a near inexhaustible source of inspiration and background material, if you can turn your own introspection process off for a moment or two every day and simply listen to the teeming swirl of life that surrounds you.

Last updated on November 23, 2014 at 4:17 pm. Word Count: 158