Review The Ultimate Astrologer – Nicholas Campion
Nicholas Campion is a well-respected astrologer who has written several other astrology titles – Mundane Astrology: the astrology of nations and organisations (with Michael Baigent and Charles Harvey), The Book of World Horoscopes, The New Astrology: the art and science of the stars (with Steve Eddy), and Zodiac: enhance your life through astrology.
He is also an award winning, internationally authority on astrology as well as past President of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and the Astrological Lodge of London.
The author has taught astrology around the world since 1980 and helped to devise the first ever BA course in astrology in the western world.
His articles have appeared in a variety of newspapers and magazines. Nicholas Campion is also on the web at
The Ultimate Astrologer is divided into 17 Chapters covering everything from the planets to becoming a professional astrologer. Also included are the necessary tables for calculating a birth chart so that you don’t need to go and buy extra books if you want to have a go at working out your own birth chart.
The tables provided are aimed for the reader in the UK and USA and include the tables of houses, ephemeris (from 1960 – 2010 and daylight savings times.
From the beginner to the more experienced astrologer, this title has something to offer readers with a wide variety of knowledge. The chapters start off with the basics, such as the meaning of the planets, zodiac signs and houses. It was good to see Chiron included with the other planets/points, since it is a relative newcomer to the astrological scene.
There is a comprehensive chapter devoted to calculating a birth chart as well.
For the more experienced reader there are several chapters introducing prediction, relationship charts, horary, electional and financial astrology as well as several other branches of specialised topics that come under astrology
Overall, this is a worthwhile investment for the student of astrology that includes nearly everything you need to draw up a birth chart. While you are exploring astrology this is a perfect book because it will save you from having to buy an ephemeris, book of tables and daylight savings book – in a sense The Ultimate Astrologer pays for itself. That in itself is an achievement!
I would recommend this title for the beginner/intermediate astrology student.
Last updated on February 18, 2017 at 12:22 pm. Word Count: 393