Astrology and Horoscopes

Sagittarius Horse Personality

No one can shout you down — the Horse Sagittarius is the loudest voice in the choir. Assertive and independent, you take no prisoners and ask for no mercy in return. Your straightforward Horsy ways can appear boorish to those who have just met you.

You live fast, and if you haven’t died young, then at least the recklessness and extravagance of your youth has died with your youth, and good riddance!

Horse SagittariusYou need to concentrate in order to stay the course, and it will take a lover of great strength to provide you with this paramount ability.

You will spend most of your life in fighting your curiously resistant juvenile addiction to junk food, but luckily your active lifestyle (a standard Sagittarius accessory) won’t allow it to leave too many marks upon your generally pleasing physique.

Last updated on November 1, 2014 at 6:51 pm. Word Count: 137