Astrology and Horoscopes

Snake Horoscope 2019

Chinese Zodiac Snake

2019 Chinese Horoscope Predictions For the Snake , Year of The Pig

Dear Snake, welcome to the Chinese New Year of the Pig 2019! According to Chinese astrology, the Chinese New Year 2019 will start on February 5, 2019.

2019 Snake Horoscopes

Snake Horoscope 2019 Overview

2019 Snake Love Horoscope

Snake Money Horoscope 2019

2019 Snake Career Horoscope

Snake 2019 Health Horoscope

Snake Monthly Horoscope 2019

The following are general characteristics of the Chinese Astrology 2019 for a Snake person. A more detailed investigation of a Snake person’s personalised yearly horoscope would obviously reveal more.

Snake Horoscope 2019 Overview

Most Snakes had a good year of the Dog 2018.

The Snake Horoscope 2019 shows that this can be a challenging year for the Snake. There is a clash between Snake and the Pig year (Tai-Tsui) and you have to be more alert than usual. And due to the fact that there are several unlucky stars brought to your zodiac, you might find yourself losing concentration and your temper, or even losing some small amount of money in the investment.

For some reasons the Pig has difficulties with the smart and wise Snakes and who love to observe and analyze before they go for anything.

Pigs act from belly and feeling even though that seems far more risky and adventurous it doesn’t really matter because they do not even care much about losses as long there was or is enough fun.

Snakes are way more sensitive and have to protect themselves because of their much more fragile structures.

In the year of the Pig 2019 things will be very simple, direct and with much less style and depth.

Also coming straight to the point is usually not the Snake’s recipe.

Overall that may describe the task for the forthcoming months in which Snakes better subscribe to pure simplicity and directness.

Anyway, the year will not be too bad with a fairly friendly and positive vibe so that some chances exist.

So your best strategy in the year of Pig 2019 is probably to keep a low profile and don’t make any major changes and decision. Beware of traitors plotting against you. Your stubbornness seems to get the better of you this year. You should try to be more flexible and practice and learn to listen and communicate with others. And although you will face all types of challenges this year, this will be a good opportunity for you to learn and grow, and prepare yourself for a better year next year.

Try to do volunteer or charity work to balance off the bad energy or make arrangements to go to the temples and pray for safety blessings from the negative effects of the said star. Avoid overly Yin places such as funerals and graveyards, and do spend a lot of your time in hot, sunny climates or go to weddings to reduce this problem. In general, just do your best to stay out of conflict, dispute and troubles and eventually, you will have better luck in the second half of the year. Your best months are March, September and November, be alert during the months of April, July and October.

2019 Snake Predictions For Love

Sorry to disappoint you, but the Snake love horoscope for 2019 shows that the year of Pig stirs up everything sensual about you, therefore, you won’t see a repeat of your Peach Blossom luck like last year. In fact, this is not a good year for marriage, for finding the love of your life, or even for taking an existing relationship to the next level. So be patient, enjoy yourself in the year of Pig and prepare yourself for a better year in 2020.

To enhance your luck in romance, female Snake can wear black, wavy accessories, and male Snake can wear white, oval accessories.

Snake Chinese Horoscope 2019 For Finance

Since this is year for you to stay low profile, you must plan ahead and be prepared for a year with ups and downs. In general, avoid big investment, and never act on impulsive decision. In fact, the Snake forecast 2019 for money shows that there might be a possibility for at least one financial loss in your finance; therefore, you need to be very cautious and conservative this year.

Slowly, your finance will get better, although it takes time and patience, but what you need to concern is your expense. You must learn to save up more instead of spending what you earn right away. Trust me, you will be happy that you did.

To enhance your luck in finance, place a crystal or a white object on the northwest side of your office/room.

Year Of The Pig 2019 Predictions For Career

The Snake 2019 horoscope for career shows that there will be conflicts and obstacles in your career path. There will be ups and downs and challenges. However, if you are looking for fame, you might have a shot on that. For those who work part-time, you might actually see some opportunities heading your ways, so make sure to seize one when you see one. In general, although you might get notice by your boss, you probably won’t see the promotion or raise you’ve hoped for. Be patient.

Snake 2019 Astrology for Health

Your health will be ok this year, no major concern, but you do need to pay attention to minor illness. Don’t ignore them; go see a doctor when you are not feeling well. However, frustration over a series of setbacks in your career or finance could increase your stress level, so you must learn to relax to release your stress. Meditation and Yoga are good approaches to ease your stress. And if you can, go to your doctor and have a checkup sometimes this year.

Snake 2019 Monthly Forecast

Snake January 2019
Busy busy busy, but at least you enjoy what you do.

Snake February 2019
A good month for traveling. Although there is profit in sight, take care of your health.

Snake March 2019
Your diligence will bring unexpected profit.

Snake April 2019
Don’t do anything impulsive, stay away from any conflict or dispute.

Snake May 2019
Be practical, otherwise, you might fail.

Snake June 2019
It’s a stable month in general, however, watch your health and don’t overwork

Snake July 2019
Stay away from investment and gambling.

Snake August 2019
Be modest and not ambitious, your boss will notice your hard work and contribution.

Snake September 2019
Save up and don’t throw away your money with risky investment.

Snake October 2019
This is an unstable month; beware of losing money or even lawsuit.

Snake November 2019
Finally, a great month for you, so hold on to any opportunity on your way and things will go your way.

Snake December 2019
Work hard and you will be rewarded.


New: Snake Horoscope 2020

Last updated on January 24, 2017 at 11:31 am. Word Count: 1114