Astrology and Horoscopes

Zodiac Birthstones - Astrology & Birthday Gemstones

Zodiac Birthstones – Astrology & Birthday Gemstones

Birthstones for the Zodiac Signs

Each Western zodiac sign has an associated birthstone, or starstone. Learn about the meaning of the birthstone for each sign of the zodiac.

Birth stones date back thousands of years when Incas, Montezumas and Egyptian Pharaohs believed in their spiritual powers. The first written record of birth stones is in Exodus, the Old Testament which states the Breastplate of Aaron, worn by Jewish High Priests, contained 12 stones corresponding to the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 months of the year.

The stones are believed to bring good fortune and are a reflection of the personality of the wearer. The official list of birth tones was created in 1912 with two revisions since that time.

Western astrology is based on the Sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born. A birthstone is associated with each zodiac sign.

Advocates of astrology believe that each birthstone has its own character and abilities, analogous to the unique properties of the gem stones themselves, such as color, hardness, and crystalline structure. Such advocates believe that wearing the stone of their zodiac sign helps them to accentuate the strengths and overcome the weaknesses associated with their zodiac sign.

Western astrology also associates other gem stones with some of the signs of the zodiac; these are also shown below for completeness. Birthstones are meant to bring you luck, fortune and influence. Which one are you and what does it mean?

Which birth stone is yours and how does it reflect on who you are? Find yours and discover how it can work for you.

Aries Birthstone: Bloodstones

bloodstoneBloodstone is the birthstone for people born under the Aries zodiac sign. Bloodstones are a green variety of chalcedony, that is cryptocrystalline quartz, that contain red speckles. Bloodstones are associated with rebuilding inner strength, determination, self esteem, and spiritual tenacity.

Other gem stones associated with Aries are diamonds and rubies.

If You Are Born In April

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend especially for those born in April. Bringing love, trust and competence and symbolising romance, power, magic and purity.

Taurus Birthstone: Sapphire

SapphireSapphire is the birthstone for people born under the Taurus zodiac sign. Sapphires are most commonly blue, but also occur in a number of different colors. Sapphires are associated with communication skills, mental discipline, and personal organization.

Other gem stones associated with Taurus are Emeralds and Diamonds.

If You Are Born In May

May births possess love, serenity and peace of mind like their stone the Emerald which brings calm, health and luck.

Gemini Birthstone: Agate

AgateAgate is the birthstone for people born under the Gemini zodiac sign. Agates are a banded variety of chalcedony, that is cryptocrystalline quartz, often with translucent bands. Green Moss Agate is associated with Mother Gaia, Fire Agates are associated with protection, and Blue Lace Agate is associated with strength.

Other gem stones associated with Gemini are Alexandrite and Amethyst.

If You Are Born In June

The Pearl is the stone of June portraying honesty, integrity, purity and dignity and bringing an increase in both wealth and luck.

Cancer Birthstone: Emerald

EmeraldEmerald is the birthstone for people born under the Cancer zodiac sign. Emeralds are the green variety of the mineral Beryl. Emeralds are associated with patience, loving, understanding, foresight, and with love and respect for all living things.

Other gem stones associated with Cancer are Pearls, Rubies, and Moonstones.

If You Are Born In July

For those lucky enough to be born in July their stone is the Ruby signifying love, passion, freedom and sincerity. Rubies are believed to guard against misfortune and promote health.

Leo Birthstone: Onyx

OnyxOnyx is the birthstone for people born under the Leo zodiac sign. Onyx is a black or white variety of chalcedony, which is cryptocrystalline quartz, usually with alternating bands. Onyx are associated with relaxation, comfort, being connected to Mother Gaia, and strength after illness or at difficult times.

Other gem stones associated with Leo are Rubies, Peridot, Jade and Sardonyx.

If You Are Born In August

Peridot conveys the pure aura of those born in August and protects from evil whilst bringing understanding and love.

Virgo Birthstone: Carnelian

CarnelianCarnelian is the birthstone for people born under the Virgo zodiac sign. Carnelians is a partially translucent orange variety of chalcedony, that is cryptocrystalline quartz, whose color varies from near yellow to near red. Carnelians are associated with luck, safety, motivation, and the confidence and courage to change direction in life.

Other gem stones associated with Virgo are Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate and Blue Sapphires.

If You Are Born In September

September births are represented by the Blue Sapphire enhancing their truth and faith and bringing clarity, wisdom and happiness.

Libra Birthstone: Peridot

PeridotPeridot is the birthstone for people born under the Libra zodiac sign. Peridot is a lime green variety of olivine, which is a mixture of the minerals fayalite and forsterite. Peridot are associated with prosperity, happiness, fame, dignity, protection, and success.

Other gem stones associated with Libra are Lapis Lazuli, Sapphires and Opals.

If You Are Born In October

The October Opal indicates hope, happiness and truth and amplifies all emotions to extremes.

Scorpio Birthstone: Aquamarine

AquamarineAquamarine is the birthstone for people born under the Scorpio zodiac sign. Aquamarine is the blue-green variety of the mineral Beryl. Aquamarines are associated with courage, beauty, honesty, loyalty, happiness, and with releasing old emotional issues or anger.

Other gem stones associated with Scorpio are Emeralds, Golden topaz and Rubies.

If You Are Born In November

The November stone is recorded as the Yellow Topaz but many choose the Blue Topaz for aesthetic reasons. Topaz is said to bring health and fortune to the wearer whilst enhancing their natural creativity, loyalty and individuality.

Sagittarius Birthstone: Topaz

TopazTopaz is the birthstone for people born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Topaz may be colorless, yellow, orange, red, blue, or green. Topaz is associated with strength, wisdom, courage, and clear communication, particularly when speaking.

Other gem stones associated with Sagittarius are Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Onyx.

If You Are Born In December

Turquoise, the embodiment of truth, is the birth stone of December. It is deemed to encourage wisdom, serenity, self expression, creativity and spiritual grounding whilst opening honest communication.

Capricorn Birthstone: Ruby

RubyRuby is the birthstone for people born under the Capricorn zodiac sign. Rubies are the red variety of the mineral corundum, which is the second hardest natural mineral, second only to diamond. Rubies are associated with love, success, integrity, and passion.

Other gem stones associated with Capricorn are agate, garnet, and black onyx.

If You Are Born In January

For those born in January the gem is Garnet which signifies loyalty, happiness and enduring love. Wearing this stone is said to provide guidance, protection and purification.

Aquarius Birthstone: Garnet

GarnetGarnet is the birthstone for people born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. Garnets are normally red in color, although they exist in other colors. Garnets are associated with strength, perseverance, prosperity, and health, and with a healthy connection to the Earth.

Other gem stones associated with Aquarius are amethyst, moss agate, and opals.

If You Are Born In February

Amethyst is the birth stone for February representing royalty, sobriety and sincerity and gives the wearer peace, heightened intuition and protection.

Pisces Birthstone: Amethyst

AmethystAmethyst is the birthstone for people born under the Pisces zodiac sign. Amethysts are purple in color, coming in a wide variety of shades. Amethysts are associated with spirituality, wisdom, sobriety, and security.

Other gem stones associated with Pisces are aquamarine, bloodstone, jade, and sapphires.

If You Are Born In March

If you are born in March your stone is Aquamarine reflecting youth, fidelity, hope, safety and security. Aquamarine promotes health, wisdom and courage.

Birthstone Jewelry

Many people wear jewelry made from their birthstone believing it will bestow them with the powers of that gem stone. For example, people born under Scorpio might wear an aquamarine ring, or people born under Capricorn might wear a ruby brooch.

Birthstone Gifts

In more recent times, it has become a common practise to buy gifts for your loved ones that are made from their birthstones. For example, people might buy an emerald ring for someone born under Cancer, or a sapphire ring for someone born under Taurus.

So what if you don’t like or want to wear your natural birthstone?

All of these stones are powerful and will bring certain traits with them regardless of when you are born. Choose the stone that you feel best represents you and what you would like to wear. It is important that you feel positively influenced by your stone.

It is also believed that wearing each stone in its month increases how affective it is, so go ahead and collect the whole set, and benefit from the mystical powers of zodiac birth stones.

Last updated on August 11, 2017 at 1:00 am. Word Count: 1515