Zodiac Guests – Entertaining By The Signs
You’re invited to a friend’s house for some good times and great food… right? Here’s what you can really expect, by the signs:
Aries – Bring your oversized couch potato T-shirt and settle down for three or four hours of non-stop sporting events on the boob tube. Hope you like Pringles!
Taurus – Taurus is sure to break out the finest china and silver… then ask you to bring the dim sum.
Gemini – Get ready for a rousing night of charades, twister and Trivial Pursuit… but (gulp!) where’s the #@*!% food?
Cancer – A lack of tasty goodies won’t be the problem here – this homebody has probably been cooking all week. But wait until you meet the relatives… all of them.
Leo – You were expecting a friendly, lowkey gathering? Little did you know that your Leo pals would be throwing a surprise party… for themselves!
Virgo – With careful, controlling Virgos, you might find yourself asking, “Does the fun ever start?”
Libra – You may have hit the jackpot here, because Libras make the best hosts! If you’re lucky enough to be invited over, why not ask to move in?
Scorpio – You were expecting a sex toy party complete with hands-on applications of whipped cream and cherries? Good.
Sagittarius – You bring the Malaysian meatball fritters, I’ll bring the pan-fried locusts. It’s always potluck night in the jungle room with your local Sagittarian.
Capricorn – Mmmmm… Caps always lay out quite a spread – but brace yourself for the cover charge and two drink minimum.
Aquarius – With nutty, kooky Aquarius you can always expect the unexpected. Like your host being a no-show, for instance.
Pisces – Pisces’ don’t throw parties – what if somebody came?
Last updated on October 9, 2015 at 9:19 pm. Word Count: 289