Astrology and Horoscopes

What’s Your Sign’s Decorating Style?

Whether your prefer the minimalist look or a home full of mementos, decorating according to your Sun sign’s natural style will help you truly feel at home. Read on and discover the key ingredient to making your abode reflect your true nature.

Aries: Function.
Storage must be efficient and easy to access. You simply don’t have the patience to fuss with time-consuming details. To match your endless energy, decorate with bold bright colors.

Taurus: Comfort.
Splurge on big-ticket items, like the couch and bed. Quality counts, and natural fibers create a relaxing environment for you. Earthy tones and soft neutrals are ideal. Donate what you no longer use to keep things fresh.

Gemini: Communication.
Upgrade technology and gadgets to be as streamlined and multi-functional as possible. Consider wall mounts for TV-computer screens, and splurge on speedy internet connectivity.

Cancer: Family.
Fill an entire wall or hallway with framed photos of your extended family, as well as mementos that symbolize the past. You’re sentimental at heart, and meaningful pieces mean much more to you than the latest trends.

Leo: Luxury.
Always buy the best you can afford. You’re partial to a label or two, and will be proud of being able to include a couture piece in your collection. Warm colors are ideal.

Virgo: Function.
Your desire for order means efficiency and streamlined storage systems. You’ll make the most of every corner of your space, but won’t hang on to anything unless it remains functional. De-cluttering is your middle name and you set the bar on how much can be done with very little.

Libra: Decor.
Aesthetics matter, so pretty things that reflect your style are key. Avoid bargains and hand-me-downs. Your home is like an art space, which only you can curate. Delicate, light and airy is best. Metallic and glass surfaces are ideal.

: Private.
You like home to be an escape of sorts, so dark colors and quiet spaces work best. You’re intensely private, and prefer to keep personal mementos to a minimum. You need to periodically de-clutter because of your tendency to hold on to things.

decorating-style-zodiacSagittarius: Malleable.
Ideally, your home is moveable to satisfy your inner gypsy. Failing that, decorate with objects or artifacts from your adventures, or proudly display your qualifications. Make your home as low maintenance as possible. That way, there’s less to worry about whilst you’re on the road!

Capricorn: Historic.
Tradition and structure are key for you. Anchor your space with select pieces that reflect your history. Family heirlooms or vintage styles are ideal. Practicality is your middle name, so consider reusing existing pieces before spending on something new.

Aquarius: Eclectic.
You’re known for your eccentric edge, so ignore design rules and decorate to suit your eclectic tastes. Mix prints with patterns, spots with stripes — create a style that’s truly unique.

Pisces: Healing.
As a Water sign, your washroom and shower are vastly important to you, so this part of your home is sure to be luxurious. You thrive in a living space that’s comfortable, preferably with soft finishes. Easy-to-use items are key, as you tend to be relatively low tech.

Last updated on July 9, 2016 at 11:39 pm. Word Count: 534