Astrology and Horoscopes

September 2016 Monthly Horoscope

NEW! September 2017 Horoscope

Mercury Watch

September begins with Mercury moving retrograde (backwards), tangling lines of communication and messing up office equipment. Have patience because Lesser Epiphany Day comes on the 12th and that may bring the answer to the gnarly puzzle you’ve been cracking your head on. Be alert for insights to land on your head around that day, lighting the way to the end of Mercury retrograde on September 21st. Check out this for a bigger understanding of how Mercury Retrograde works and what you can do about it: This Year’s Mercury Retrogrades.


Each lunation (new or full moon) has a feeling-state that human beings will be prone to under it, a general mood.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 9º Virgo: Thursday, September 1, 2016

September’s New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, placed in Virgo and squared to Neptune and opposed Saturn. This generates a very tense mood, combining a discipline tinged with self-judgment and a relaxation saturated with laziness. It’s like a cosmic choice between overwork and complete dissolution and it has a strongly polarized feel to it, as if the choice is absolute. Figure out how to relax your perfectionist standards, without dropping them entirely. Seek the middle ground—work and dream, but do neither to excess.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in 24º Pisces: Friday, September 16, 2016

The Full Moon this month is also a lunar eclipse and it falls in a conjunction to Chiron and a square to Mars. This eclipse may bring up anger, targeted squarely on wounded places, in the emotional hurricane lunar eclipses are famous for. Stay in command of your feelings, especially if you were born during these dates, as you may feel this very personally: September 11-21, December 11-21, March 9-19, or June 10-20.

September’s Full Moon is sometimes called the Corn Moon for the abundance of corn ready for harvesting in this season.

Horoscope Overview for September, 2016

9/1/2016, New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo: Seek the balance between rigorous perfectionism and irresponsible laziness.

9/1/2016, Sun squares Saturn: Summer is ending and you can feel the workload piling on. There’s so much to get done by the end of the year!

9/2/2016, Sun opposes Neptune: Feeling more prone to slip off into your fantasyland then stick your nose to the grindstone of cold, hard reality?

9/2/2016, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter: “Go Big or Go Home” may be your mantra today. Some of your ideas are becoming larger than life.

9/5/2016, No exact aspects today, which can yield an eerie, disconnected feeling. On the other hand, you can create your own reality without planetary influence.

9/6/2016, Sun trines Pluto: How do you pursue positive self-transformation? Who have you been, and who do you see yourself becoming?

9/7/2016, Venus sextiles Saturn: You may feel comforted by old friends or your long term partner today. They are there for you through thick and thin.

9/9/2016, Jupiter enters Libra, there to stay until October 2017, bringing relationship luck and confidence. Open up to love.

9/10/2016, Mercury opposes Chiron: How have you been underestimating your intelligence lately? We can’t all be smart at everything.

9/10/2016, Saturn squares Neptune for the FINAL time: Don’t let fear and superstition grip you.

9/11/2016, Venus squares Pluto: Are you drawn to Bad Boys/Girls? Maybe they’re sexy, but will they take you down a road you ultimately want to be on?

9/12/2016, Mercury squares Mars: You may notice people communicating rather impulsively today. Try to choose words that have the least sting.

9/12/2016, Mercury retrograde conjuncts Sun: Today the solution to your puzzle may whack you on the side of the head.

9/13/2016, Sun squares Mars: People may be acting obnoxious and pushy today. Be careful driving—there may be more road rage than usual.

9/15/2016, Sun opposes Chiron: Childhood wounds are deep, but they heal. What steps can you take to help your inner child shine more brightly?

9/15/2016, Mars squares Chiron: Don’t underestimate your drive to succeed. You have what it takes, though it may not always feel that way.

9/16/2016, Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Mars brings anger in an emotional hurricane that may be very triggering. Curb your tongue.

9/17/2016, Mars trines Uranus: This Saturday, do something adventurous and unusual. Ever try sky diving? Or maybe just a hot air balloon ride.

9/18/2016, Venus opposes Uranus: Sometimes relationships can feel soughconfining! You may be itchy for your own personal space right now.

9/19/2016, Venus sextiles Mars: Romance is on the rise! It may be a weekday, but maybe you can go out for a quick date to the movies or dinner.

9/20/2016, Mercury trines Pluto: Passion and fervor creep into communications today, with good results. You can really connect with others.

9/21/2016, Mercury turns direct: Whew! That little rascally planet has finally turned around again.

9/22/2016, Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox: It’s the turn of the year. Begin pulling inward for the cold winter.

9/23/2016, Mercury trines Pluto: Your passion for a subject may deepen today. Investigate it, research it. What will you uncover?

9/23/2016, When Venus enters Scorpio it’s like Halloween comes early. Such a vamp, she likes to wear black (till Oct 17).

9/25/2016, Sun conjuncts Jupiter: Today you feel uplifted. Perhaps your faith in humanity has been restored. The silver lining outshines the cloud.

9/26/2016, Pluto turns direct: Have you been involved in a metamorphosis this year, lost in the dark? It’s almost over.

9/27/2016, Mars enters Capricorn, bringing ambition, goal orientation and drive to succeed (till Nov 8). This train is definitely going somewhere!

9/30/2016, New Moon in Libra: A sort of Blue Moon, this is the second New Moon inside the month, permeated with Libran sweetness.

Last updated on April 28, 2017 at 6:49 pm. Word Count: 923